Forgiving (Part I)

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Maybe this will calm y'all down! 😂😂😂😂😂


     It's been a rough two weeks. Yesterday was Jayden's birthday. It was rough that I couldn't hold my baby and kiss on her like I wanted to. I know I'm the one dragging this out but the feeling that I have cut me deep. I am no longer her bodyguard I work in the White House now. I know she thinks I'm fucking around but I'm really not. I love her too much to ever do that to her. I go to the same place every night and do the same routine which is where I'm at now. My phone rung and I wasn't about to answer it until I saw it was Kelly.

"What's up Kelz?"

"Where the hell are you?" She asked upset.

"At Walmart why?"

"Your normal one?"

"Yea why? I asked again.

"I'm on my way." She said and hung up. About 10 mins later I see her walking towards me. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Looking for my new girl of the week." I said looking through perfumes.

"I know damn well you not spraying that on you to make it seem like you fucking other bitches?"

"Maybe, maybe not." I said spraying perfume on me.

"Something is seriously wrong with you. Take your ass home and get over your ego. Your girl said she was sorry and gave you your space. What more do you want?"

"I don't know." I said truthfully. I really need to let this go.

"Take your ass home now. I heard how bad she was crying to Mama Tina. Also Solo said she'll be by in the morning to beat your ass."

"She can try. Shouldn't you be home with your pregnant wife?" I asked trying to figure out why she's here in my business.

"I tried that but since Chelle and Onika done became friends my wife is giving me the cold shoulder until you fix your fucking relationship. If I don't get any pussy in the morning because of you I'm gonna cut your dick off and feed it to you. FIX IT GISELLE!" She yelled walking out the store.

    I finished putting on my new girl of the week and left Walmart. When I got in the car I just drove around a little bit. Maybe I am holding on to this a bit longer than I'm suppose to. I finally settled on going home after two hours of walking around. I walked in my house and heard Onika in my living room.

"Where are you BB? I'm sorry about what I did. How long do my heart have to continue to shatter until you talk to me? What more can I say or do?" She was sitting on the couch crying her eyes out. That broke everything in me but my ego and that's the one running the party. I know I need to sit it to the side but I can't.

"What are you doing in here Onika?" I said nonchalantly walking past her.

"Where have you been? I've been worried sick?"

"I am not your concern so don't worry about me. If you must know though I was with this girl."

"WHAT DO I GOTTA DO HUH?! WHY CANT YOU FORGIVE ME?!" She yelled as the tears fell from her beautiful face. I wanted to be mean but I couldn't. Looking at her so broken shattered my heart more than what happened. I didn't want it to go this far but my stupid ego wouldn't give up.

"Come here baby." Was all I could say as I held my arms open. She ran into them as fast as she could. "You said all you needed to say a week ago but my ego wouldn't let me accept it then. I apologize my love for carrying this out so far." I said kissing the top of her head.

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