We Need YOU

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I've been in DC for three weeks now. When I had to call Oni and tell her I had to stay, an extra week, she went off. I just let her go off cause I know she's going through a lot. I'm gonna take two months off when she have the babies. I'm super happy that we are having sextuplets but I'm also scared. The doctors told us that most of the time quads and higher usually there's one or two that don't survive.

When Solo told me that she was having quads I died laughing. It's crazy how we both are having multiples. The doc took my blood to tell me if it's just in my DNA. At the moment, I'm waiting to have a meeting with Obama about my schedule. This job was not suppose to take me away from my family.

"Agent Knowles, the President will see you now." Annie walked out to tell me.

"Thank you Annie. How's your mom doing by the way?" I asked. Annie is about 55 and her mom is 75 with Alzheimer's disease. I know that has to be hard for her to go through.

"She has her days. Thanks for all you have done to help make this an easy transition. The hospital bed just arrived yesterday. Her hospice care starts tomorrow." She stated getting a little teary eyed.

I walked over to her and hugged her cause she looks like she needs it. At the moment Obama can wait. She has been trying to hold it together and she hasn't really told anyone what's been going on with her. Her family hasn't help her with her mom since she was diagnosed three years ago. She has four sisters and five brothers. None of them has asked her what she needed.

The only reason I know is because I made her talk to me. I can read people very clearly and when I walked in here and didn't get a smile I knew something was wrong. As I held Annie I hear the door open. "Annie where is..." Obama stopped mid sentence when he saw her crying and me just holding her.

"It's gonna be alright and if you need anything you call me no matter what ok?" I said handing her a tissue.

"Thank you so much you are an angel in disguise. You have been a blessing to me and my mom. Now go have a nice day before the Governor bring a tornado to DC." She said finally giving me a smile. I kissed her on the forehead and walked in the office.

Obama was sitting behind the desk smiling at me. "I don't know what it is about you Beyoncé but you bring joy to everyone you come into contact with."

"Yea everyone but my pregnant soon to be ex-wife, if I don't get home." I chuckled.

He laughed and said, "That I understand and please tell Governor Maraj that I am sorry for keeping you this long. These threats were super serious as you can see. This is the last time you will have to be here weeks at a time. A lot of the stuff you will now be able to do from home. You will only have to be here four days out of a month."

When I say that I could jump for joy. I didn't want to be divorced before I even get a chance to say I do. "Thank you for that and I will tell her what you said."

"No thank you for all that you have done. I know that it hasn't been an easy job but you didn't complain and you got it done. I wish you could be my permanent detail but I understand you have a family that requires your protection more than I do. Have a great day Beyoncé." He said standing up to shake my hand.

"You have a great day to sir. Just a reminder I will have a temporary placement for two months after my wife gives birth."

"Ok just let Captain Benson know so, she can get it to Jesse and Annie."

"Will do sir. Have a blessed day." I walked out and went sprinting to my car. I got to the hotel, took a shower, packed my clothes and got on the jet to home. I can't wait to see my baby.

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