Drinks, Drugs and Vows

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Tried to make it as long as possible to make up for the lack of updates. Enjoy and I didn't proofread🤪🤪

The previous night...

Authors POV

After seeing the news all the ladies wanted to do was have fun since they haven't had a night out in eight months. They drank and danced until they got tired of being at the bar. Onika suggested that they leave and go do something else since the night was still young. In all actuality it was five am the next day. They drove all around town stopping at certain places.

  They had major bottles in the car. They were drinking and acting a fool all they while eating gummies that was laced with THC. Solo brought them from a classmate. She was told they had tequila in them which is true but it was more THC then tequila.

  At about seven am they stopped at a bar and got tattoos of the kids birthdays and names. While driving past a sign that said get married for $70. "Babe look, let's go get married." Onika yelled pointing to the sign.

"Oh Solo let's go too." Ashley said with the same amount of excitement. They all looked at each other then shrugged their shoulders. They walked in got all the necessary paperwork done and got married.

At about eight thirty they went to the mall to buy wedding rings before they went to pick up their marriage license. Forty mins later they had their marriage license and rings so they returned to the hotel to consummate their marriage. With the full gallon Ziploc bag of gummies now empty.

At two o'clock in the after they they finally fell asleep high, satisfied and married.



  This has to be a sick joke right because I have to still be dreaming. We all looked at our hands wondering what the fuck did we do last night and why all four of us was naked. I looked at my phone to see that it was not last night that we went out but the night before last.

"What the fuck?! It's been almost two fucking days!" I yelled. Everyone grabbed their phone and yelled. This can't be possible. Our mothers didn't call us or anything so that's not surprising. I grabbed my boxer briefs and sports bra slipping them on. I began pacing the floor because this can't be possible unless we were drugged.

I tried to remember so hard what we did. I remember us seeing the news then we started drinking and dancing. After that we did what? "Can anybody remember what we did after drinking and dancing?" I asked.

Solo and Oni shook their head no. I looked at Ash to see if she had any idea. "Oh yea we left and went riding." Ash informed us. I thought about it for a while and remembered something else.

I started searching for what I think also had a part in this. "What are you searching for daddy?"

"This!" I said holding up the empty Ziploc bag. "What was this mixed with Solo?"


"Are you sure it was just tequila?"

"That's what he said." This and liquor was the only things we had that I could think of. I went in the closet and grabbed my investigation kit.

"What are you doing sis?" Solo questioned as she looked at me with her eyebrow raised.

"The only things I can remember us having is this and liquor. For the most part we popped our own bottles and we watched the bartender make our drinks. What we haven't seen is who made this candy."

  I started the process of extracting a sample from the bag using a cotton swab. I cut a piece of it off and dropped it in the tube. I added a solvent and shook to see if I would get a blue fluorescent color. Once I stopped shaking what did I see, pure THC.

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