Better Judgement

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     So I have been going through it this past week. After I gave Onika the business I went to take a nap. When I got up it was a note on the table saying she loved me. Like that was it so I called her and she told me I was petty for the way I went about this. I told her I know and that I'm sorry. She told me sorry doesn't cut it. She hung up and haven't talked to me since. She's blocked me on everything and she hasn't been home. I know she's at her mom's house but I'm not about to go over there so I can get my ass whooped. I was just sitting her wallowing in my self pity when Kelly and Solo walked through the door.

"Get out." I said but the started laughing like I was playing.

"Bitch we ain't going no where. You wanna sit here and cry because you fucked up." Solo said.

"You know what I did fuck up! I fucked up when I caught feelings instead of just doing my job!"

"That's bullshit and you know it!" Kelly yelled at me.

"No the fuck it's not. Everyone wanna yell at me because I did some petty shit. Y'all didn't see the fucking behind the scenes. I got my ass chewed the fuck out by letting her in that room. I had to fucking lie to keep them from yanking my security clearance. It wasn't just about the bullshit she said to me!"

"What are you saying B? She help them save agents." Solo stated confused.

"They didn't give a fuck about that as sad as that sounds. It was about protocol and I broke it. My Captain saw straight through my bullshit. To save my ass, and my relationship, I had to take the job with Obama. So shoot me for being human and having feelings of my own." I said pissed of and walking away.

"Damn we did know..." Kelly started.

"No you don't know because nobody would ask. All y'all saw was her crying and hurting but nobody asked what I felt inside. Why because I don't cry all the time it's my fault? Do you know they were talking about deploying me again for breaking the chain of command?" They looked at me shocked.

"Why didn't you tell her that?" Solo asked.

"SHE DIDN'T GIVE ME THE FUCKING CHANCE!" I yelled pissed off. "But I was wrong for wanting her to hurt like I was hurting? All she had to do was listen but she wanted to play big boss and almost cost me my lively hood. I've been a Marine for 8 years it will not take no more of my time. Not even God himself can make me go back. Now like I said before, get out." I said walking to my room.

    At this point I was angry and hurt because it seems like every since we made this relationship official it's been a roller coaster. I looked through my mail and opened the lab results. Shaking my head because it came back negative. Jay is not my son even though you couldn't tell him that now. I took a picture of the results and sent them to Onika with a sad face. I got dressed and walked in my living room to see Kelly was still here.

"What part of get out don't you understand?" I asked annoyed with her. She's my best friend. She should know me better than anyone.

"I'm sorry for how I turned on you like that. I just saw how happy you were with her and it been a while since you've been like that. I feel like both of y'all have valid reason why you're mad but you're not talking about it. When you came home after that day in Walmart what did y'all say to each other."

"Nothing I beat the pussy out the frame that night and the next day." I said nonchalantly.

"Okay now it's time for y'all to talk. Get your ass to your mother's house cause that's where she's at right now."

"I don't have time for my mother to go off on me."

"Solo went there to talk to them in advance so come on."

      We left and went to my mother's house. I saw Onika car in the driveway so I know she's here. I took a deep breath and walked in the house. As I was walking to the kitchen I heard Onika and the kids talking in the living room.

"Mommy you no yike Dada?" Alyssa asked.

"I love Dada." Onika replied.

"No don't. I see you do this." Alyssa said rolling her eyes. "Nana pop pop me when I did. She say it bad."

"Sometimes I be playing with Dada but I still like Dada ok?"

"Otay. My weal Mommy wit angels. That mean she die yike fish in woom."

"I know but she keeping and eye on you and Dada." After I stood there for a few mins I walked in.

"Dada!" The kids yelled as the ran to me.

"Hey babies how are y'all doing?" I asked.

"Gweat!" They said happily.

"That's good. Can y'all go in the kitchen or outside so Mommy and I can talk?"

"Otay." They said and walked away. She tried to get up and walking out the living room but I wasn't having it.

"Sit down Onika."

"I don't wanna hear it Beyoncé." She said trying to walk away. I picked her up and we went to the basement since it's more soundproof.

"We're gonna talk this out cause this is crazy."

"Now you wanna y'all this out. I was trying to get you to talk to me for two weeks but you ignored me!" She said getting mad. Fuck this is not gonna work cause she looks sexy as fuck when she's mad.

"You almost got me fucking deployed!" I yelled. She stopped and looked at me confused.


"You wasn't suppose to be in that room. When you tried to pull rank I was suppose to say something but my feeling overshadowed my better judgement. They didn't care that you helped I broke chain of command."

"Because I don't have that clearance to be able to talk to terrorist." She said softly.

"Yeah. They made me take the job with the White House. My Captain said it will be the only way I could save my ass and relationship. She told me she can see how much I love you but that has no factor when it comes to my job."

"I'm so sorry. I guess I didn't wanna seem like I was some scared little bitch. I'm sorry baby I swear I will never do something like that again." She said holding my face in her hands. I picked her up and started kissing her deeply.

"I love you so much Oni. We gotta do better cause the kids are noticing. It's too early in our relationship to be going through these problems."

"I love you too and you're right daddy and I apologize for everything."

"I apologize too my baby." I said as she started rubbing on my dick. "Don't do this if you not gonna finish it." I said feeling myself getting hard.

"Oh you talking about this?" She said as she dropped to her knees engulfing me into her warm wet mouth. I lost all sense of reason right now. It didn't even matter that we're in my mom's basement. Her head game is beyond superb.

"Shit baby I'm about to cum!" I said holding her head. She swallowed all my kids and got up. She kissed me and I just wanted to fuck her right here but we can because she's a screamer. Just as we were about to walk upstairs Solo ran down.

"Come now Jayden got hit by a car!" Our hearts dropped as we ran upstairs.

(A/N: Y'all tore Bey a new one! I was like damn they don't even have all the facts. Anyways is Jayden gonna be alright? Is Beyoncé gonna reveal the results? What's going to happen next? Don't forget to Vote Vote Vote and Comment Plz.)

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