Chapter 7

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Y/n PoV-
The next day

I woke up in my hotel room and looked to my side. I smiled. Harrison stayed over and I was thrilled.
Y/n-   'Hey sleepy, how are you'
Harrison-    'I've got to go, sorry I need to go in my run but I'll see you later' he kissed me on the forehead then left me in the bed.
I felt a bit hurt that he completely ignored my question and left.
I looked at the clock, 8:15, I went back to sleep.

1 hour 15 minutes later...

I woke up again and saw Harrison getting ready in the corner. I decided to pull myself out of bed and go decide what to wear from my closet.
I go for ripped jeans and cropped jumper

 Me and haz made are way to the studio and barely talked the whole journey which was odd but I guess he was tired from his run

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. Me and haz made are way to the studio and barely talked the whole journey which was odd but I guess he was tired from his run.
When we got there I was assigned to making sure the costumes were all prefect before they went on set, I was fine with this because I got to hang out with Tom for most of the day.
Tom-   'Your really good at styling you know'
Y/n-   'Really? I don't think so, I guess it comes from my love of photography'
Tom-   'Oh yeh, maybe'
Tom went on screen so I didn't talk to anyone for a while. He came back looking very tired. The director called for a break so Tom looked relieved.
Y/n-   'Coffee?'
Tom-   'Yesss, you know me well'
Me and Tom went to the little cafe in the studio again, I ordered a gingerbread latte and Tom got a cappuccino.
We sat down and drank are drinks still chatting about random stuff, it felt easy like I could talk for hours.
Then Harrison walked in and shot me a look, I looked down at the table ashamed, then I thought to myself why am I ashamed?
Tom-    'Haz mate, how you doing?'
Haz-    'Not bad, not bad' he looked at me and then Tom and then back to me.
Tom-   'Woah what's going on here'
He could tell something was wrong with me.
I looked at Harrison waiting for him to say something.
Harrison-   'Nothing mate'
Tom wasn't convinced he looked at me waiting for an answer.
I felt a lighted to tell him so I t kind of came out.
Y/n-    'Me and Harrison kissed and now we date.....'
Tom was shocked and deep down I could tell he was hurt.
Harrison looked to the ground, I froze I sat there not able to move. I could tell Tom was upset but didn't want to say.
Tom-   'Oh.... right'
No one spoke.
Tom-    'I should go back to work, see yous later'
Tom left and Harrison sat down in his seat.
Harrison-   'Wtf did you just do that for!'
Y/n-   'What do you mean, I had too and please don't speak to me like that'
Harrison-    'Whatever, I cba with this anymore'
I felt hurt he speaks to me like dirt and I have had enough.
Y/n-   'You know what Harrison neither can I, were over, I'm sick of being treated like this'
I stormed out of the room and went back to work.
I saw Tom and walked over to him but he walked away and avoided me for the rest of the day.
When I went home I felt so bad and it was 4:30pm so I decided to go over to Tom's apartment.
Knock knock
The door opened.
Y/n-   'Hi tom, I felt really bad after today so I  wanted to come over and apologise, can I come in?'
Tom-   'S..sure'
I walked in and sat down on the sofa.
Y/n-   'Look Tom we sh.. I should of told you about us and for that I am very sorry'
Tom-   'Y/n it's fine I understand why you wouldn't tell me I mean i think it's pretty clear that I liked you'
Y/n-    'Yeh it was, can we please go back to where we were'
Tom-    'Sure, come here' he gestured for me to come in for a hug so I did, it felt good, different. I didn't want to let go of him, ever.

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