Chapter 10

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Y/n PoV-
I was heartbroken, I felt like my soul had been ripped out, I felt like I had no one.
Tom didn't have time for me and I felt like Tina wouldn't understand my situation.
I decided to go back to my hotel room, I assumed my dad would of got the idea that I wasn't coming back.
I was so nervous to walk in my room, I turned on the light and he wasn't there.
A smile came onto my face and I was happy that he wasn't here.
I went and flopped on my bed.
Tears became flooding out of my eyes, that's when it hit. I have no one.
I cried myself to sleep.

The next day!

I woke up and it was 9:37 am.
I needed to be at work in 23 minutes. I jumped out of my bed and ran to my wardrobe. Today was not my day at all, I felt like shit and couldn't be bothered so I grabbed joggers and a jumper

 Today was not my day at all, I felt like shit and couldn't be bothered so I grabbed joggers and a jumper

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I didn't even care what I looked like. I shoved my hair in a messy bun and ran to the studio, luckily are hotel was a 5 minute walk or so away from the studio.

I arrived at 9:52 am. Just in time.
Diane was in the middle of the room I rushed over to her and she assigned me with the cast again, but today I wasn't as pleased as I thought I'd be, because Tom was ignoring me and he is part of the cast.
Y/n-   'Robert your on now'
Robert-   'Okay'
I looked at the schedule and saw Tom was next on. I didn't really want to talk to him.
Y/n-   'Erm... t..Tom your on now'
He walked passed me not even saying anything, he half heartedly smiled at me but I just stared at him.
After the day finished I tried to leave as quickly as possible but stupidly I wasn't looking where I was going and I ran into someone.
Y/n-   'I'm so s.....' I looked up and saw his face the. I couldn't get my words out.
Harrison-    'Don't worry about it'
Y/n-   'Sorry. How have you been?'
Harrison-    'I'm good thanks, look there's no hard feelings' he hugged me.
Y/n-    'I feel like I havnt seen you in a while'
Harrison-   'I know it's weird, so how are you and Tom, I heard and I'm happy for yous'
Y/n-   'Well I don't know if Tom told you but he basically said he didn't care about my feelings'
Harrison-    'What, I'm dead surprised, he literally likes you so much I thought you would have been introduced to his family by now since there in New York'
Wait a second maybe that's why he didn't want to talk to me, he must be embarrassed by me.
Y/n-    'Wait, do you think that's why?'
I mean it made sense.
Harrison-    'I'm not sure I mean possibly'
That's it I had to find out.
Y/n-    'Look I've got to go but I'll catch you later' we hugged bye and I ran out of the studio to the subway so I could go to his flat, I saw him leaving while talking to Harrison so I knew he had to be there by the time I get there.

When I got to tom's I was nervous to knock on the door, because I hadn't figured out what to say yet. Would I be angry? Understanding? I had no clue. All I knew was that I wanted to know what was going on.
Finally I got the courage to knock.

Knock knock.

He opened the door. Then I froze and just did nothing.
Tom-   'Y/n, I didn't think I'd see you'
I walked in and stood there waiting for him to turn around from the door.
When he did words just started flowing from my house before I strung them together in my head.
Y/n-    'sooo.... you family are here-'
Tom-   'Y/n I-'
Y/n-    'No let me speak!'
I was angry, not sympathetic I was angry and I wanted answers.

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