Chapter 15

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Y/n PoV-
My body froze, I was unable to move, I couldn't believe what I just heard.
They were engaged!
Y/n-     'You and Tom were engaged!'
I was furious, not at her it at Tom for not telling me! How dare he!
Zoe-     'Oh my god did you I know, I am soooo sorry, I thought he would have told you'
Y/n-    'Is just in shock to be honest, I'm meant to be meeting his parents but I don't know if I can anymore, not after this'
Zoe-     'Oh this is all my fault I'm so sorry!'
Y/n-     'No, honestly it's not you'd fault, in more annoyed that Tom hasn't told me'

Tom's PoV-
We were about to go in and I didn't want to face y/n because I couldn't imagine what Zoe had told her.

I opened the door, and I looked at y/n, she was angry, I wanted to know so badly what had been said, however I didn't want to make a scene in front of my parents.

Tom-    'So Mam, dad this is y/n'
Y/n-    'Hi mr and mrs Holland, it's so nice to meet you'
I could see her shoot me a terrifying look. I didn't know what to do, so I just smiled like an idiot.
Nikki-    'Hi'
Dom-    'Hello there'
They weren't very welcoming, they said or thing and just stood there, not even smiling. I knew this would happen, but not this bad.
Y/n-    'So how long are you in New York for?'
Harry-    'Oh we are here for a week, not long!'
Y/n-    'Oh that's nice, so are going to see all the sights'
Harry-     'Yeh, we cant wait'
Nikki-    'So anyway, Tom how come you and y/n got together so soon?'
Tom-    'We get along well, and we enjoy each overs company'
Y/n-    'So anyway I'm gonna go to the toilet I'll not be long'
I walked out the living room, and went to the toilet contemplating wether to leave and go home.
I decided to stay, but if I was I'd have to get something to take the edge off of things.
I saw some vodka in the cupboard.
I got out a cup and filled it to the top.
I drank it all, my mouth was in fire, I'd never had this much at once before.
I stumbled into the living room again and basically fell onto the chair.
Y/n-     'You know what I r...really want to k....know!'
Tom-     'How long were you and Zoe engaged for, I...i mean I'm dying to know when you would have told me this!'
I could tell by the ways his face screwed up that he was annoyed. Very annoyed.
Tom-   'W....wha.....what do you you mea....mean'
He looked scared.
Y/n-    'Well you two were engaged according to Zoe, so for how long?'
Tom-       'A year and a half'
Nikki-    'Look maybe you should go y/n'
Y/n-     'Why should i go'
Nikki-    'Because you're clearly drunk, and I don't want you near my son'
Tom-    'What, mam!'
Y/n-     'Oh what ever, I don't give a fuck anymore'
I couldn't properly walk, so I tried to get out the apartment.

I got outside and it was freezing. I called an Uber and went Back to the hotel.
I flopped onto the bed and went straight to sleep.

Tom's PoV-
This night went horribly wrong, nothing went right.
When y/n left I was so upset, and I wanted to follow after her but I knew my mam would hate me for it.
Tom-    'Mam what that hell'
Nikki-      'WHAT she's not good enough for you'
Tom-      'Yes she is, if anything I'm not good enough for her. And she is perfect in every way because u love her, with all my heart, so don't you dare try and take her away from me'
It wasn't going to happen again, I wasn't going to drift away from her again, I couldn't not now.

Tom-    'You should all go home now anyways, I'm not in the mood I just want to go to sleep'
Dom-    'Okay fine, be moody'
They all left, but Zoe hanged back.
Zoe-    'You know we could still work, I see it'
Tom-    'No!'
Zoe-    'I know you still like me, why do you think I saved your from that girl'
Tom-    'What do you mean, and that girl has a name and it's y/n'
Zoe-     'Well it was me who told her about are engagement, to try and win you back'
Tom-       'Get out.... NOW! How dare you, you had no right, we have no chance of getting back together so don't ever talk to me again'

I. Was. Furious.

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