Chapter 11

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Tom's PoV-
Never once have I seen y/n so angry, I knew at this point how upset and angry I made her. I wanted to explain but I couldn't get a word in.
Y/n- 'So let me get this straight, you liked me when you first saw me and always wanted this then you actually do yet as soon as your family comes to New York you ignore me and make ME feel in the wrong. I even thought you were someone I could talk to about stuff I couldn't even tell Tina, but yet again I'm wrong and you don't give a shit about me and you never did!'
When I heard that coming out of her mouth I felt like crying, I could feel my eyes swelling up and started to cloud over with tears forming. I started blinking very fast trying to make the tears go away. I wanted to tell her everything but I knew my family would never understand they always compare any girls that I like to this one girl back home called Zoe, we used to go out and my mum and dad loved her and ever since her my mum and dad criticise any girls in front of them and eventually they leave me.
Tom- 'Y/n listen that's all true but it's not because I'm embarrassed' I already regretted myself 'it's be.....because your not Erm..... good enough for me, and your not even... f famous'
I saw her mood change from angry to sad, devastated. I knew that would push her over the edge and make her done with me.
It was for the best anyways.
One tear started flowing down the side of her cheek.
She tried to talk but nothing came out.

Y/n PoV-
I felt my soul getting destroyed. I couldn't believe Tom said that, I was heartbroken, I couldn't say anything. I was truly speechless, my mind was everywhere and couldn't figure anything out.
Finally I formed a sentence in my mouth.
Y/n- 'I... I thought you were different, I thought we had something but clearly you were just messing me about and didn't care for me one little bit'
I was fully crying at this point and I couldn't keep it in.
Tom- 'I'm sorry' he gestured to the door as if he was kicking me out.
I looked at the door then back at him, I saw in his eyes some sadness but I didn't even care if he was sad about what he said, especially after how mean he was to me.
I walked out the door and out of his apartment block. I crouched down on the floor, with my head in my hands and started crying silently to myself.

Back at the hotel.

I went back to the hotel not even scared about my dad, I figured he got the message as he hadn't been back since. I ran and sat on my bed just sobbing, I could barely see with the amount of tears in my eyes. All I could think of was the conversation with Tom, it was constantly repeating in my mind the ver and over and over again reminding me of my pain.
I continues crying all night, I even cried myself to sleep, I had never been hurt this badly before by a boy and it really did hurt unlike anything else.

The next day.

I woke up and instantly remembered about last night as I fell asleep in my clothes, I had had the worst sleep ever and now I had work to top it off, this meant is see Tom. I really wanted to call in sick but I knew Diane would never believe it as I was fine yesterday so it wouldn't be believable.
I decided to go VERY casual for my outfit

When I got to work I stayed near the back also I didn't bump into Tom

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When I got to work I stayed near the back also I didn't bump into Tom. I was pretty early so I didn't need to go to Diane for my job for another 15 mins.

15 mins later..

I walked up to Diane and she was telling our team their assigned jobs.
Diane- 'Jon your on backstage, Tina your also backstage, erm.... Jess you are with me, Dan you are on the cameras and y/n you are also in the cameras. Okay off you go and remember to be great'
Me and and Dan walked over to the cameras. Me and dan were pretty close friends, he too was an intern however I was a LOT more friendly with Tina.

Luckily I didn't see Tom at all today, I guess he was trying to stay out of my way like I was also doing, I didn't even want to look at him never mind bump into him or speak to him.
Y/n- 'Bye Tina, bye Dan, BYE EVERYONE'
people- 'Bye!'
I walked out the door and along the street to my hotel.
I went in my room and grabbed a can of coke from the mini fridge.

Knock knock......

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