What happens when you get thrown into your dream job overnight?
Your a girl living in Princeton with a dream of working in a film studio so When your boss says your going to New York to help shoot with marvel you would be crazy to say...
Tom's PoV- After y/n fell asleep on me I felt pretty good like we connected more but knowing her she probably didn't notice. Yet again. When I made breakfast and brought it out and I saw Harrison jump away from y/n which was pretty suspicious but i pretended not to see. Y/n left the room to go see Tina. Tom- 'So... how's things going with you and y/n?' Harrison- 'Wh..what do you mean?' His face went red. Tom- 'Well I mean yus we're pretty close last night and then just no-' Harrison- 'Listen nothing happened!'
Harrison's PoV- I knew Tom knew something but I tried to change the subject as best as I could. Harrison- 'So anyway what about Tina and you, yous looked pretty close last night doing shots' Tom- 'Well we are just friends and I was trying to clear my head tbh, I got pretty wrecked last night' I felt bad because I knew he liked her, but I like her too. She's cool and fun. I left toms and went for a run like normal but all I could think of was y/n. And that kiss.
Y/n PoV- I left Tina to sleep and went back to the living room, to see Harrison had left and Tom was sitting there by himself on his phone. Y/n- 'Hey, where's haz' Tom- ' oh he went for his morning run' Y/n- 'Oh cool, so what do you normally do before work here?' Tom- 'Well I normally don't get up this early but we can watch some tv, or play a game' Y/n- 'Oooo let's watch tv. Can we watch friends I love that programme' Tom- 'Sure it's funny' We watched friends and I kept glancing over at y/n. She looked amazing even though she just woke up. We laughed through 3 episodes of friends. Tom- 'So should we get dressed now for work' She came over and jumped on the sofa next to me and playfully grabbed the remote. Y/n- 'Nooooooo we have time' She pressed play then i tickled her arm and managed to get the remote back.
Then somehow we started tickling each-over like we'd known each-over forever. It was fun.
10 minutes later
We finally got changed and y/n was wearing cargo trousers and a crop top
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and she looked amazing. Y/n- 'what, is my outfit bad' Not realising at the time I was staring, no wonder she questioned me. Tom- 'No..no you look beautiful love' Y/n- 'Aw thanks tommy!' Hearing her say those words made me want her even more.
Y/n PoV- Harrison came back literally 10 mins before we needed to leave and for some reason he looked better sweaty. We all left to go to work and I couldn't wait to go. I liked what I do but I would love to work here permanently instead of the newspapers. Diane- 'Okay, Tina you are working with the camera crew today. Jon you are with me. Y/n your backstage......' When she said that I was disappointed I really wanted to work with the cameras, but I guess not.
I went backstage where the cast was before they go and the the film clip, I saw Harrison in the corner with a clipboard, so I went over to him to talk about this morning before we start in 5 mins. Harrison- 'Hey y/n, what u doing today' Y/n- 'I am backstage so I guess we are working together today' Harrison- 'So... about this morni-' Y/n- 'Listen if you didn't like it it's fun-..' Just then he put his fingers over my lips so I would stop talking. Harrison- 'Shhhh! I liked it. That's what I was going to tell you I f you had let me speak before haha' That moment I felt like screaming. I was so happy. Then he leaned closer to me, and kissed my lips gently, slowly getting more and more passionate. I pulled away conscious that there were others around, but we both smiled. Y/n- 'Sooo.. if we both want this we need to be secret, no one can know because Tom likes me and I don't want him getting hurt' Harrison- 'Ahahah yes I want this, so yeh in secret'