Chapter 18

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Y/n PoV-
I was happy. Zoe was out of the picture and me and Tom were back together again.
After the shoot me and Tom went back to his apartment.
Tom-     'I'm so glad we are talking again'
Y/n-      'Me too!'
Tom-     'So I'm thinking a takeaway'
Y/n-     'Ok but only if it's Chinese'
Tom-     'Oh yeh'
Y/n-      'Perfecttttt, I'm gonna go get comfy, can I borrow a shirt'
Tom-     'Sure love'
I went to get a t shirt from his wardrobe and saw a picture of him and his family then immediately thought about what they would think.
Y/n-     'TOMMMM'
Tom-     'YEH'
I came out his room.
Y/n-      'What about your parents, they hate me'
Tom-     'They don't....hate you'
Y/n-     'Yes they do, I made a horrible first impression'
Tom-      'Well what if I ask them to come for tea tomorrow we can both cook for them and you can make a new impression, I'm sure they'll love you if they get to know you properly'
Y/n-     'Ok if you say so'

Time skip to tommorow!

I was freaking out about meeting his parents again and I knew they hated me regardless of what Tom said.
Tom-    'So I'm thinking pasta. Maybe like carbonara and some garlic bread.
Y/n-    'Yeh sounds good'

We made the dinner and barely spoke because all I could think about was his parents to started to panic.
Y/n-   'Tom I don't think I can do this'
Tom-    'Hey hey hey, don't worry you can, they'll love you I know it'
I could feel tears in my eyes so I blinked a lot so they'd go.

Knock knock

Omg that was them. Tom came over and pulled me in tight for a hug.
Tom-   'It's gonna be okay'
He opened the door and his parents walked in.
Tom-   'Hey mum hi dad, I know you already met but she wasn't quite herself so this is y/n'
I smiled.
Y/n-   'Hi mr and mrs Holland I'm so sorry about the last time I don't know what came over me'
Nikki-    'Hello'
Dom-    'Yes Hello'
The welcome they gave me was far from nice I could tell they did not like me.

The rest of the evening went as planned and was pretty good. I knew they still weren't very keen on me but they put up a front.
After they left I hugged Tom for what felt like forever.
Tom-    'See that went well'
Y/n-    'Thankyou for everything you have been..... amazing'
Tom-     'Your the amazing one'
I pushed out of his hug and kissed him passionately.
I had butterflies.
Tom-    'Even if they didn't like you I wouldn't care'
hearing him say that reassured me and I felt safe in his arms.
Y/n-     'Arnt your quite the romantic'
Tom-    'I do try my best'
We laughed.
Tom-    'So I was thinking maybe for the holidays you would want to come to London with me.  Maybe?'
Y/n-    'Aw Tom I would love to come with you I still have a flat in london so I can go stay there'
Tom-   'Great'

In London!

When you got out the airport you got an Uber to your apartment and it dropped off Tom first(Harrison was still In New York for another couple days for modelling). It was pretty late and you kept nearly drifting off so couldn't wait to finally go to sleep in a bed.
When you got back your door was open slightly.
You walked in too tired too think and we to your room and turned on the light.
Then suddenly a lamp was coming towards you at full speed.
There was glass and blood everywhere and then you looked up.
It was my dad.
Dad-   'Hi sweetie, miss me'
Y/n-   'Why are you doing this..... get away from me!'
You were weak to weak to even shout. You felt around you and picked up a bit off glass, and dug it into his leg.
You tried to get up but couldn't. Time was running out and you needed to get out of there before something else happened.
You struggled then eventually got up and ran as fast and far as you could along the streets of London into an alley way. You got out your phone and started to ring Tom.
No answer.
You rang again and again still no answer.
You looked out the alley and saw your dad come out of the apartment you quickly brought your head back in and rang Tom again.
Finally he picked up.
(On the phone)
Tom-    Hello
Y/n-    Tom I need your help!
Tom-    Wait what's wrong your crying
Y/n-    I'm in trouble and I need you to come pick me up now please
Tom-    Yeh where are you
Y/n-     I am near my apartment next to  the Nando's
Tom-    Ok I'm coming

Toms PoV-
I felt my heart beating as I ran to my car and drove as quick as I could to where y/n was. I didn't know what to expect.
When I saw her I nearly had a heart attack she had cuts and blood all over her.
She saw me and smiled as much as her face could let her and ran over.

Y/n PoV-
When I saw his car pull I knew it would attract my dad so I ran as fast as I could to Toms car and was so relieved.
Tom-    'Y/n what happeded'
Y/n-    'You need to drive I'll tell you when we get back but please go.... quickly!'
Tom-    'Ok'
I sat there and did t speak still in shock I saw Tom looking at me in the wing mirror but did nothing.

When we reached his apartment we went in Tom was still looking at me but I was shaking still not understanding what happened.
We got to the apartment.
Tom-    'Y/n what happened
I rushed over and hugged him he pulled me tight so my head was against his chest. I was crying and I could feel every single cut.
As I finally got the courage I told him everything
Tom-      'Oh my god baby, I'm so so sorry, you don't deserve this at all'
Hearing him call me baby was magical and took my mind of it for a slight second.
Y/n-     'Thanks for saving me tonight if you didn't come I don't know what would have happened'
Tom-     'Dont even say that'
Y/n-       'I guess your my hero'

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