Hangin' with the Girls

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Author: "ezmanify" from DeviantArt.

It was a sunny Saturday afternoon in Royal Woods, Michigan. In the Loud House, 11-year old Lincoln was walking into the living room, holding one of his comic books.

LINCOLN: Aah. A sunny Saturday afternoon. There's no better time to be reading a brand new "Ace Savvy." (turns to the readers) Now I know what you're probably thinking: "Lincoln. It's Saturday. Isn't that usually the day when everybody's home and your family gets a little hectic? Reading comics in peace would be impossible!" Well, yes, that is true. EXCEPT on days when the majority of your sisters have plans of their own outside of the house! Yep. Almost all of my sisters are out for the day. Leni's out shopping with some friends, Luna's at an audition, Luan's performing at a birthday, Lynn's prepping up for her next game, Lucy has her poetry class, Lisa's at a science fair, and Mom and Dad took Lily and the twins to the park.

Lincoln then slipped out of his pants and shirt, before taking a seat in the armchair.

LINCOLN: Lori's the only one home besides me. And she usually just spends her time either texting and/or calling Bobby or one of her friends. So she'll be up in her room for the day as she prefers privacy. As do I. (grins widely as he looks down at his comic) And now to dive into Ace and Jack's next adventure against the Card Countess.

Lincoln opened his book up and began to read. But just as he had finished reading the first two pages, Lori suddenly came running downstairs, holding her purse and talk to someone on her cellphone.


Lincoln got out of the chair out of curiosity and walked over to Lori who was standing at the door.

LINCOLN: Lori? What's the hurry?

LORI: (to friend on phone, frantically) I know I know! Just hang on! I'm on my way! (hung up)

LINCOLN: Geez! Lori, what's the rush?

LORI: (noticed her brother) Oh! Sorry, Lincoln. I just remembered that I'm meeting with my friends at the mall today. And they're already there waiting for me!

LINCOLN: Ah, got it. Well, have a good time. (he then turned and starting heading back to his chair; whispering to readers) And thus more peace for me. (winks)

Lori then opened the front door. But before she stepped outside, she stopped and turned to look at Lincoln, who sat in the chair reading his comic. Lori thought to herself for a bit. She didn't feel comfortable leaving her little brother at home alone, and she knew that their mom didn't approve of her younger children being left alone without supervision. Suddenly, an idea came to Lori. She then closed the door and turned to Lincoln with a smile.

LORI: Lincoln. Put your clothes on. You're coming with me.

LINCOLN: Wait, what?

LORI: I can't leave you alone here. And besides, it'll be a perfect opportunity for you to meet my friends!

LINCOLN: I don't know, Lori. I was thinking I should stay here and read comics for a while.

LORI: Please, Linc. It'll be fun! My friends are really fun to hang out with, and I bet that they're gonna adore being with you. So what do you say?

Lincoln didn't know how to respond to this. He always liked to have time for himself, but he didn't want to disappoint Lori. And he thought he could get to know Lori's friends better. So he made his choice.

LINCOLN: Okay, Lori. I'll go with you.

LORI: Great! Let's go!

So Lincoln put his clothes back on, and he and Lori got into Vanzilla and they drove off to the Royal Woods Mall. They eventually arrived. Lori parked the van, and the two of them got out and went into the mall.

LORI: Come on, Linc, let's go! They could be anywhere.

LINCOLN: I'm coming I'm coming!

The two siblings walked around for about a minute before they heard a voice shouting Lori's name.

VOICE: Lori! Lori, over here!

The two turned around and saw Carol Pingrey, Becky, Dana, and Teri standing in the center of the lobby and waving to them.

LORI: There they are! Come on!

The Loud kids ran over to the group of girls.

LORI: Hey, girls! Sorry I'm late.

CAROL: It's fine.

Just then, Teri noticed Lori's guest.

TERI: Hey, Lori. Is that your little brother?

LORI: Oh, yeah! Guys, I think you know my brother, Lincoln.

Lincoln waved his hand shyly.

LORI: I was gonna come alone, but I didn't want to leave him home alone, so I thought he could come with us.

DANA: That's fine. We can always use the company of another person. (looks down at Lincoln and smiles) Especially a cute one.

And with that, Lincoln began to blush.

BECKY: (nudges Dana) Dana! Stop it! You're embarrassing him. (under breath) Even though you're not wrong.

DANA: (giggles) Sorry. I couldn't help it.

Lori smiled and tussled her brother's hair.

LORI: Cheer up, Linc. You'll have fun with us. (to the girls) Now then, shall we make haste?

TERI: You bet!

With that, the group of girls walked off together through the mall. Lincoln trailed behind them, still looking embarrassed. This time, it was due to being the only boy walking with a group of girls who were older than him. Carol noticed this and walked up to him.

CAROL: Kind of strange, isn't it? Spending your time with a group of people who you barely seem to know.

Lincoln looked at her in confusion.

CAROL: (smiles) Don't worry. I felt the same way you do when I first started hanging out with your sister and her friends.

LINCOLN: You're Carol Pingrey, right?


LINCOLN: I think I asked you once to take the place of my sister Lori for a family photo.

CAROL: (narrows eyes) Yes, you did...

LINCOLN: (nervously) S-sorry about what happened then! I kind of wanted Lori to upset over the idea of me replacing her and I figured the girl who beat her for Homecoming Queen would be the perfect candidate to make her change her mind.

CAROL: So you used me.

LINCOLN: (frantically) I'm sorry! I was just desperate for a good picture!

CAROL: (her expression softens and she chuckles) Don't worry about it. To be honest, I wasn't expecting Lori to react the way she did then. I just wasn't as aware of the fact that she had been jealous of me for quite a while. And it was only until after that whole selfie incident that I finally learned that. But to tell you the truth, I always thought she was better than me.

LINCOLN: Why did you believe that?

CAROL: Because she has a family who really cares for her.

Lincoln's eyes began to widen in shock as if realizing something was wrong.

LINCOLN: You mean...your family doesn't care about you?

Carol began to look away with an uncomfortable expression on her face

LINCOLN: Oh! I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like that, I just--

CAROL: (looks at him) No no! It-it's fine. Really. It's just...(sighs) my life hasn't always been easy for me. My parents got divorced when I was eight, and I was left with the choice of which one I could go with. I chose my mom as I figured she would probably need someone to help keep an eye on my little brother. (gave a slight chuckle) That was certainly a mistake. I mean, my mom's fine. I can work well with her. But my brother might be the worst person I know in my life. He is SO obnoxious. He's always sneaking into my room, messing with my things when I try to do my homework, or just pulls pranks on me, always laughing at my misfortune. He's the worst!

She then looked at Lincoln a bit more carefully.

CAROL: In fact, he does look very similar in terms of physical appearance to you...

Lincoln began to feel uneasy and started to wonder if Carol's brother was somebody he had met before...

CAROL: (smiles) But I can tell you're different from him in terms of personality. Anyways, aside from my brother, things had gone well for us. My mom has a good-paying job, and we do have a nice house. But growing up, I never really had any friends. I was always kind of the social outcast in school. When I first met your sister, I felt rather envious of her, as if she was always able to do things better than I could. So I tended to keep away from her and her friends. That's why I always felt glad whenever I beat her at something else, as it felt like I had finally accomplished something. During the first few years of high school, I still avoided Lori and formed my group of friends with some of the more "high-class, sophisticated" girls. The only issue was that, while we did meet with each other often outside of school, we never really had any true friendship. I guess they just found me as a lower-class weakling who was trying to show off to against a rival and to be fair, I can't blame them for that. But after Lori and I reconciled with that BFF selfie, I left those girls and began to hang out with Lori and her friends more. And I'll tell you, the time I've spent with them has finally made me like I've found a group of people with whom I truly belong.

LINCOLN: ...yeah, well...(shrugs and smiles) I know a thing or two about family and togetherness.

LORI (smiling): I see you two are starting to know each other.

Both Lincoln and Carol immediately turned and looked at Lori who stood smiling at them, while the rest of the group was already heading into a nearby Young Navel. The two kids giggled in slight embarrassment.

LORI: (chuckles with amusement) Come on, Carol! We're gonna miss today's sales!

CAROL: (excitedly) Yes! (runs over to join the group)

LINCOLN: (under breath to self) And thus, this is beginning to feel no different from the past mall trips I've had with my sisters.

LORI: Come on, Linc! You never know. They might have some new Ace Savvy clothes.

LINCOLN: (immediately changing his mind; running over to the two girls) Wait for me!

Lincoln joined Lori and Carol, and the three of them walked into Young Navel. Once they entered, Lori then walked off in one direction, while her brother and friend just stood there for a few seconds.

CAROL: (turns to Lincoln) Hey, Lincoln?


CAROL: (smiles) I'm glad we had that talk. It made me feel a lot more uplifted. You're a good kid.

Lincoln just smiled. Carol gave him a gentle rub on the head before walking off in another direction.

LINCOLN: She is definitely a lot better than how Lori used to make her out to be. (chuckles) Now then, where's the pajama section? I could use some new Ace Savvy sleepwear.

Lincoln walked off and eventually made it to the pajama section. Carefully, he skimmed the shelves for a minute or two, looking for something Ace Savvy-related. He was too distracted that he didn't notice where he was going and in the process of doing so, he accidentally bumped into somebody. Immediately, he quickly turned and found that he had walked into Teri.

LINCOLN: Oops! Uh, s-sorry about that!

TERI: (smiling) It's okay.

LINCOLN: You're... Teri, right?

TERI: Yep. That's me.

She offered her hand to him in a friendly manner. Lincoln shook it politely.

LINCOLN: Nice to meet you

TERI: Nice to OFFICIALLY meet you, Lincoln.

LINCOLN: Officially? What do you mean by that?

TERI: Well, for one thing, Lori has mentioned you to me and the girls a few times before.

Lincoln blushed a little bit upon hearing that comment.

TERI: And second, I have actually noticed you in my neighborhood plenty of times. You're always visiting the house across from mine. I think that's the McBride household, isn't it?

Lincoln then remembered how Teri lived across the street from Clyde's and how the first time he had seen her, he thought Bobby was cheating on Lori for her.

LINCOLN: (embarrassingly) Y-yeah. My best friend Clyde lives there.

TERI: Ah, I take it this is the "Clyde" your sister has mentioned a couple of times?

Lincoln began to blush even deeper.

TERI: (chuckles) Well, regardless of some of the things she has mentioned about him, he still seems like a nice kid. Pretty much in the same way your sister has described you. (examines Lincoln's face a bit more carefully) I think I know what's on your mind. Bobby told me about the incident involving his anniversary with Lori.

Upon hearing that, Lincoln began to look away in humiliation.

TERI: Woah, hey now. Don't worry about it. I understand. You were just looking out for your sister. (gives Lincoln a playful punch on the shoulder) No harm done. (winks)

LINCOLN: (slightly chuckles) Yeah, I guess not.

He then noticed that in one hand, Teri was holding a set of pajamas fit for a four-year-old. They were teal-colored with little giraffes on them.

LINCOLN: Ooh. Nice PJs.

TERI: Oh! Thanks. They're for my little sister.

LINCOLN: You've got a little sister?

TERI: Yep. Perhaps you've met her before. I brought her over to your house for a playdate once.

Lincoln began to examine Teri's appearance more carefully and then looked at the PJs again before he realized something.

LINCOLN: Wait... I know! You're Darcy Homandollar's sister!

TERI: So you do know Darcy!

LINCOLN Yeah! She visited our house once for a play date with my sister Lisa.

TERI: Oh yeah! She's the friend she always talks about! (scratches her head) To be honest, I was kind of worried about her.

Lincoln raised an eyebrow.

Teri (nervously): N-not because of you! It's because that was the first time Darcy's ever been at another people's house alone, and I don't feel comfortable leaving her somewhere she doesn't know. But from what she's told me about you and your siblings, she seemed to have fun.

LINCOLN: Well, it is true life in my household can get pretty crazy. And there might have been a few hiccups that day. But yeah. At the end of the day, Darcy and Lisa had a good time.

TERI: (smiles) That's good to know. Oh, by the way, Lincoln? I wanted to say thank you.

LINCOLN: (confused) For what?

TERI: The day after the playdate, Darcy and I had a little talk. She told me about how she was being bullied by some of the older kids at school because of how she always carries around her stuffed giraffe, Rafo. And she told me about how she talked to you about it and how you told her that she shouldn't let anyone else judge her for her own interests. She also mentioned that you helped her out when she got into a fight with Lisa. So, thanks.

LINCOLN: Wow! (smiles) Well, I'm glad I helped her with that. She's really nice actually.

TERI: That's Darcy for ya. (giggles)

Lincoln: What is it?

TERI: Nothing. I just thought you would look cute in one of these pajamas.

Lincoln began to blush again.

TERI: I'm just messin' with ya. Actually, you'd probably look cute in lavender PJs with rabbits on them.

LINCOLN: Let me guess. Darcy mentioned Bun Bun to you.

TERI: You bet. Honestly, I think it's pretty cute that you still sleep with a stuffed toy.

LINCOLN: (chuckles) I guess you could say that Bun Bun is to me what Rafo is to your sister.

TERI: Oh, trust me, you have no idea how much Darcy loves that giraffe. Ever since I got him as a present for her birthday, she always takes him with her just about everywhere she goes. And normally, whenever she wants to play with me, she'll use Rafo in a playful manner to get my attention. Usually, she'll do so by starting a tickle fight. I always win those.

LINCOLN: Awwww. That is so adorable!

Teri just smiled. Then her expression started to grow a little sad.

LINCOLN: What's wrong?

TERI: Oh, nothing. Just a little concerned about Darcy is all.

LINCOLN: Why? Is something wrong with her?

TERI: No, nothing's wrong with her. It's just that...remember how I just said I felt concerned about her visiting your place on account of how she's never been another person's house before? Well, part of that is because, while Darcy is undeniably the sweetest, friendliest little girl anyone will ever meet, she's also pretty shy. So before she started spending time with Lisa, she's never really had any friends. Except for one.

LINCOLN: ...You?

Teri gave a small smile and nodded.

TERI: I guess when I first learned she was gonna be born, I felt that I was going to gain a new responsibility in my life. To look after my own younger sibling as best as I could. And ever since her birth, I've always been there for her. I've taught her some of her earliest education, I've played with her, I've comforted her whenever she felt sad, and I've tucked her in the night. Our relationship hasn't always been perfect. We have had our moments of friction with one another, but despite that, we both formed a very strong sisterly bond.

LINCOLN: I know how that is.

TERI: In many respects, Darcy sees me as being like a second mother to her. I think that maybe why she always brings Rafo with her to school. She probably sees him as a sign of our love for each other, and thus having him with her makes her feel as if I'm still with her whenever we're apart. I guess maybe I'm concerned about her because in a few months, high school's gonna be over for me, and then, later on, I'll be heading to college. But Darcy's only four years and she still doesn't have that many friends. So I feel like I'll be abandoning that responsibility I have towards her way too soon.

Lincoln thought for a second about what Teri just said. He thought of what he would do if he was in her place. He always thought he could always count on his sisters being there for him, but then he realized he wouldn't be with his family forever. His older sisters were going to leave sooner or later, and he would have to do the same someday.

LINCOLN: ...I guess I can relate.

Teri looked at him in confusion.

LINCOLN: It's probably no secret that I'm the only boy in my family with eleven girls. And on top of that, I'm the middle child. Thus, I have a big responsibility to serve as the older sibling to my five younger sisters. In the same way that you have to Darcy. And the same that Lori has had for me and all of my sisters for 17 years. And just like you, she'll be leaving for college. And as a result, her responsibility as the eldest sibling will be passed on to Leni. And after her, that responsibility is going to continue for me and each of my sisters until eventually, each of us will have gone our own separate ways. For a long time, I've always believed that my family would be together forever. But I realize now that no matter what, we're all gonna end up apart at some point and there's nothing I can do about that.

Teri's expression began to grow sadder upon hearing this, feeling more concerned about her own little sister.

LINCOLN: BUT, my experiences throughout my life with each of my sisters has helped me to realize something important. Even though we won't always be together, we still will be there for each other because deep down, our love for each other remains (puts hand over heart) in here. And as long your own love for her continues, Darcy will be alright.

TERI: (smiles; a few tears grow in her eyes) Thanks, Lincoln.

Becky approached them.

BECKY: Guys, let's hurry. We're gonna head to... (she notices Teri's eyes are in tears and quickly becomes concerned) What's wrong, Teri?

TERI: N-nothing. (wipes out her tears) Just having a talk with Lincoln. (sniffles) I-I need a little time for myself right now. I'll meet you and the others in a bit.

She then walked off, leaving Lincoln and a concerned-looking Becky standing alone.

BECKY: What was that all about?

LINCOLN: I guess she just needed someone to have a little heart-to-heart chat with. Kind of like another girl I know once did.

Becky then turned and looked at Lincoln. The two of them smiled before giving each other a hug.

BECKY: Good to see you again, Lincoln.

LINCOLN: Good to see you again too, Becky. How have you been?

BECKY: Not much. I've been hanging out with my friends and watched the latest episode of ARGGH! Speaking of which, did you see how he captured the ghost of Travis Malamar?

LINCOLN: The one where he uses a vacuum cleaner to capture his spirit?

BECKY: That's the one.

LINCOLN: Yeah, I saw it. Though I probably would have enjoyed it a lot more if my mom hadn't turned the volume up super loud.

BECKY: What?

LINCOLN: It's a long story.

BECKY: Hmm. Well, we still got some time before heading to the Food Court for lunch. Maybe you could tell me about it...Or perhaps...


BECKY: Well, while I was shopping, I found a few bathing suits that looked nice. But I'm not exactly sure if they would look good on me. And I can't find your sister or the others anywhere, so...perhaps, you could judge them for me?

LINCOLN: But...you don't mean by...

His face turned bright red.

LINCOLN: I-I think I'm gonna look for Lori so-

BECKY: Please? For little old me? (flutters her eyelids)

LINCOLN: (rubs his neck uneasily for a few seconds and then gives a sigh of defeat) Alright, fine.

BECKY: Yay! Thanks, Lincoln!

She then took his hand excitedly and walked him to the back of the store.

BECKY: (pointing at a bench) Just wait right there. I'll be out in a few seconds.

Lincoln sat down on the bench, as Becky went into a dressing room with four bags and closed the door.

LINCOLN: M-maybe this won't be so bad. It's just a swimsuit. I can handle this.

And just a few seconds later, Becky stepped out of the dressing room, wearing a high-neck covered in thick, dark green, horizontal stripes.

BECKY: Soooo, how do I look?

Lincoln just stared at her, eyes wide and jaw dropped. Sweat poured from his forehead as he stammered to come up with the right thing to say.

LINCOLN: I...well...it...uh...ba...ba...ba...

BECKY: (giggles) I'll take that as a "yes, you should get it."

LINCOLN: Ba...ba...baaaaa - i-it matches your shirt! And it works well off your hair color.

BECKY: Thanks! Glad you think that.

LINCOLN: It's a pleasure-

BECKY: Cause there are three other swimsuits I wanna try out.

Lincoln's face turned bright red again.

CAROL: Hey guys!

Becky and Lincoln turned to see Carol, Dana, and Teri walking towards them.

CAROL: We were just looking for you.

DANA: Ooh. Nice swimsuit, Becky.

BECKY: Thanks. Glad you like it. I also picked out three more for you guys.

DANA: You did?

BECKY: Yep. And guess what? Lincoln has volunteered to be our judge for them.

All Lincoln could do upon hearing that was stammer gibberish. Carol examined him for a second, and then came up with an idea.

CAROL: You know? I always wanted to try out some swimsuits myself. What do you guys say?

TERI: Indeed!

DANA: Absolutely!


TERI: Pleeeease, Lincoln?

And with that, her, Dana, and Carol started staring at Lincoln with puppy eyes and quivering bottom lips.

LINCOLN: (stammering) I-just-but-can-GAH! Alright! Alright! I'll judge the suits!

The three girls giggled. Becky then handed each of them a bag, and they each went into a dressing room.

LINCOLN: (turning to the readers; embarrassingly) Puppy eyes. The strongest weapon for anyone who is younger than 8, is female and in high school, or small and covered in fur.

A few seconds passed and then each of the girls came out of their room with their new suit on. Carol wore a dark purple plunge suit, Dana wore a lavender bikini, and Teri wore a bright red, lace-up one-piece. Lincoln's face was basically red as a tomato at that point. Just then, Lori came to the scene.

LORI: Guys! I've been looking for you for a while! What are you doing?

BECKY: We were just trying out some swimsuits, and Lincoln is helping us.

LORI: Really?

Lori noticed Lincoln's deep blush.

LORI: (smugly) Ohh, so you're really enjoying coming here, right Linc?


LORI: (laughs) Just messing with ya, little bro! (to her friends) Okay, guys, let's head to the Food Court.

CAROL: But wait! We can't make our purchases yet! At least, not without the judge's approval.

All of the girls turned to Lincoln.

BECKY: Well, Linc?

LINCOLN: (takes a deep breath) You want my honest opinion? Here it goes... I think each of you looks beautiful in that particular suit.

GIRLS: Awww! Thanks, Lincoln!

The four girls proceed to kiss Lincoln on the cheeks. And with that, he fainted upon the floor.

LORI: (faintly) Hey...come on, wake up... wake up.

Lincoln slowly opened his eyes to find all five girls standing in a circle around him, looking down upon him, smiling and giggling. He then looked around and noticed that he was no longer at Young Navel, but instead laying on a bench near the Food Court.

LORI: (teasingly) Have a nice nap, casanova?

LINCOLN: (moans) How long was I out for?

BECKY: Just a couple of minutes. After you fainted, we purchased the swimsuits and then we carried you here to the Food Court.

DANA: Normally, we always go to the same restaurant. But seeing as how you're the guest of honor, we decided to let you choose today's spot for lunch.

LINCOLN: Really? Th-thanks.

LORI: So go ahead, Linc. Which place should we eat at?

Lincoln carefully looked around the Food Court until he noticed a Burpin' Burger.

LINCOLN: (bluntly) Burpin' Burger.

TERI: (grins) Excellent choice. So, whose turn is it to purchase lunch this time?

BECKY: Uh, Dana did so last trip so...it's Lori's turn.

LORI: Fair enough. I take it we all pretty much want the same thing?

Everybody sans Carol nodded.

CAROL: Is it okay if I come with you to the checkout to look at the menu? This is actually my first time eating at Burpin' Burgers.

LORI: WHAT?! Okay, you are SO coming with me!

She immediately grabbed Carol's arm and the two of them walked to the restaurant. Just then, Becky's cellphone began to ring.

BECKY: Oh! Sorry, guys. I gotta take this call. Be right back.

She walked off in another direction while answering her phone. Teri then noticed a nearby gift-wrapping station.

TERI: I'm gonna head over there for a few minutes. I want to get Darcy's new pajamas wrapped up.

She walked off towards the station, leaving Lincoln sitting alone with Dana.

LINCOLN: So you've been friends with Lori since always?

DANA: Actually, I met your sister from her boyfriend Bobby. He and I used to work together at a department store.

LINCOLN: Oh yeah. He did mention you to me once. Dana, right?

DANA: That's right.

LINCOLN: (in an embarrassed tone) Listen, if Bobby at all ever mentioned to you a little fiasco involving...possible cheating, I apologize for making that assumption.

DANA: (in a kind tone) Yes, he did mention that incident to me. And it's alright. I can understand why you made that mistake. I just think it's sweet knowing that you were acting out of concern for your sister.

LINCOLN: Well, that's what you do in a family. You look out for one another. I guess I just never realized that Bobby had so many jobs and thus had so many friends. (chuckles) Good ol' Bobby.

DANA: Speaking of Bobby, how is he? We really haven't kept in touch since he moved away to the big city.

LINCOLN: Well, I haven't really been keeping in touch with him too much either. I've mostly been communicating with his sister, Ronnie Anne. But according to her--(then notices how Dana is smiling at him) Hey now! Whatever Lori has told you and the others, it's not true! Ronnie Anne is NOT my girlfriend. We're just friends. Nothing more.

DANA: Whatever you say.

LINCOLN: Yeah... Anyways, she's been telling me he's doing great. He's running their family's bodega with their grandfather and she tells me it's successful. But she also says he really misses his co-workers, and especially Lori.

DANA: That does sound like Bobby. He always was the hardest working employee at the department store. He was also probably the kindest co-worker I knew.

LINCOLN: (eyes her suspiciously) I'm sorry but, do... did you use to have a crush on him?

DANA: (nervously) W-WHAT?! No! I-I mean... maybe?

Lincoln's eyes widened upon hearing this.

DANA: I-I-I mean! I know he's already with Lori, and I really respect that!... (blushes) but... yeah, he's really nice. He just has so many qualities that I find admirable. He's dedicated, responsible, selfless, hardworking, and cares deeply about others.

LINCOLN: (chuckles a bit) That's Bobby, alright.

DANA: (smiling) Yeah... I was even considering to ask him out on a date... (then her smile turns into a sad frown) but when I was about to ask him... he talked about her girlfriend, Lori...

LINCOLN: Uh oh...

DANA: Yeah. That's what I was thinking too when I first found out about them. I didn't show it to Bobby, but deep down, I felt so humiliated with myself. And yes, I did feel pretty jealous of Lori at first. But then Bobby offered me to join him and Lori for lunch one day, so I came. And I got the opportunity to know your sister better. (smiles) And since then, we've both been pretty close companions. Honestly, I'm glad that she and Bobby have one another.

LINCOLN: Yeah. Lori is pretty nice. (under breath) As long as she's not mad for something.

DANA: (overhears Lincoln) Yep. She has the temper of a volcano, huh?

LINCOLN: (realizing she heard him) Oh! You've gotten a taste of that attitude before?

DANA: Hey, just because it's something she might have used on you and your sisters a few times before doesn't mean it's limited to just her family.

LINCOLN: I guess not. You can't really blame Lori for it, though. When you live in a family as big as ours and you're the oldest child with the responsibility of looking after ten younger siblings, the stress can get to you pretty easily. In the same way, I kind of get having to be the only boy with ten sisters. But still, once we spend enough time with such a situation, we get used to it and find a way to work with it.

DANA: Well, I can understand that. Bobby's not the only employee at the department store who has more than one job.

LINCOLN: Wait... how many jobs do you have?

DANA: Oh, about...four?


DANA: M-my family doesn't really have that much money. At least, not since my dad got fired from his old job and got a new one. The only problem is that this one doesn't pay him as much as the previous one did. So I felt the least he deserved was a little support. So I registered for the job at the department store and got it, but it didn't pay me a whole lot. I kept searching for other opportunities, but a lot of them didn't pay much. I figured the best I could do was take enough jobs that would pay me enough money combined. Ever since then, my weeks have been pretty busy. Every Monday and Wednesday after school, I have a shift at the department store for two hours. On Tuesday and Thursday, I work as a waitress at Aloha Comrade for an hour, and I helped out here at Young Navel on Fridays for another hour. And on some Saturdays, I work with Teri at the pizzeria.

LINCOLN: Wow...I had no idea. I'll bet that must be tough.

DANA: Well, it certainly isn't easy. A lot of the time I spend at work tends to detract from my studies and assignments. And sometimes, I've stayed up pretty late at night in order to complete my homework. But between it all, I always remind myself why I'm doing this. Because I care about my family. And that helps instill confidence in myself. Besides, I'm grown pretty used to this life by now.

Lincoln began to smile in admiration. Then he placed his hand upon Dana's shoulder.

LINCOLN: Listen, Dana... I apologize for bringing this up, but, in regards to your former crush on Bobby? While it's true he chose my sister, that does not mean you don't have a chance at all. Sooner or later, you will be able to find the right boy for you. And do you know why? Because I can see that you have some of the most admirable qualities in any person I've met. You're selfless, caring, beautiful, and hardworking. And I'm sure any boy will consider himself lucky to have you as his girlfriend.

DANA: (smiles; a few tears form in her eyes) Awwww, Lincoln. That's mean a lot to me. You're so sweet. (wipes away her tears and pinches Lincoln's cheek) Thank you.

LINCOLN: (blushing) Y-you're welcome.

DANA: You know? I'm glad Lori brought you to our meeting. You really know how to listen to people. Lori and your other sisters are lucky to have you as a brother.

Lincoln was touched by Dana's words. He knew his sisters appreciate him, but it was nice that someone else noticed his actions.

LINCOLN: (smiles) Thanks.

At that point, the rest of the girls had returned. Lori held six lunch bags while Carol carried a tray holding six milkshakes.

LORI: Order up! What do you say we go find a table?

So the group sat down at a table in the middle of the Food Court. Lori then proceeded to hand each of them a bag and a shake.

LORI: Alrighty. That's six double bacon cheeseburgers; no pickles on Dana's, no onions on Becky's; six sides of fries, and six milkshakes. Chocolate for me, caramel for Carol, berry mix for Becky, cookies n' cream for Dana, butter pecan for Teri, and mint chocolate chip for Lincoln.

Lincoln and each of the girls took their respective drinks.

DANA: Wait. Before we eat, there's something I want to say. I know this isn't a formal occasion or anything, but I'd like to propose a toast. (raises her shake) To Lincoln. The kindest...

TERI: ...most helpful...

BECKY: ...honest...

CAROL: ...understanding...

LORI: ...and loyal boy in the world.

GIRLS: (raise their shakes) To Lincoln!

Lincoln just smiled and raised his own shake. The six then toasted their drinks and took a sip, before digging into their burgers. After lunch, the group had gathered outside of the mall to bid each other farewell.

LORI: Well, guys. It's been fun as always. We've had a great time, but I think it's time Lincoln and I headed home.

TERI: Yeah, I think Darcy is starting to wonder where I am.

DANA: It was fun knowing you, Lincoln.

CAROL: You really are a great boy.

LINCOLN: (smiles) Thanks. It was really fun getting to know you girls too. I hope to see you again sometime. Until then, you take care.

He offered his hand out as a way to bid farewell. But instead of just receiving a friendly shake, Teri wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly. One by one, Dana then Becky and finally Carol joined in. Lori smiled at the sight and took a quick photo of it with her phone before joining the group hug as well. All Lincoln could do was smile. Once the hug broke, he and Lori got into Vanzilla drove home. Lincoln waved from the window at the four girls waving back at him. When the Loud siblings returned, they entered the house into the living room and Lori turned to her brother.

LORI: (smiling) So I can see you certainly had a good time today.

LINCOLN: You bet! Your friends are great, Lori! They're really interesting and very nice girls. I really do hope that I get another chance to spend time with them someday.

LORI: (thinks for a bit) Hmmm... well, actually, we're planning on meeting together next weekend for a day at the beach. Are you interested in joining? I'll bet you'll have fun. Plus (smiles slyly) you'll get another chance to see them in their bathing suits again.


LORI: (chuckles) I'm just messing with ya. So what do you say? You wanna join us next week?

LINCOLN: (grins) You bet!

LORI: Great! I'll make sure to let them know.

As Lori headed upstairs to her room, Lincoln turned to face the readers with a smile.

LINCOLN: Well, this has certainly has been quite a day. Thanks to my sister Lori, not only did I have a lot of fun, but I've managed to make four very cool news friends! And I really look forward to seeing them again next weekend at the beach.

The End

The Loud House: Oneshots (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now