Hangin' with the Girls 2: The Beach

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Author: "ezmanify" from DevianArt.

It was a sunny Saturday morning in Royal Woods, Michigan. In the Loud House, Lincoln cheerfully hummed a tune to himself as he rummaged through one of his drawers.

LINCOLN: (hums a bit) And where are they... (hums some more) Aha! There we are.

Lincoln then pulled his orange swim trunks out of the drawer. He then exited his room and proceeded towards the bathroom, continuing to hum. Once he entered, he shut the door and stepped into the bathtub. He drew the shower curtains, blocking himself from the readers' view. After a few seconds, he drew back the curtains and stepped out of the tub, now wearing his swim trunks instead of his blue jeans. He suddenly snapped his fingers as if remembering, and opened the cabinet over the sink. He skimmed the shelves for a few seconds.

LINCOLN: (to self) Hmm. No sunscreen. Guess Lori already packed that up. (notices the readers) Oh! You're probably wondering what's going on right now. Well, I gotta tell ya. Lori and I have some pretty big plans for today! You remember how about a week ago, Lori invited to me join her on a little trip to the mall along with her friends? (chuckles) That was certainly a much more fun experience than I had expected it to be. It was great getting to know Carol, Teri, Becky, and Dana better. They're really cool girls. So much so that I honestly don't mind the idea of hanging out with them again. Well, it turns out that they had planned to take a trip to the beach with Lori today. Lori talked to them a few days ago and guess what? They've invited me to join them! Oh, I can't wait! This is gonna be a lot of fun. I just need a few more things before I'm ready.

Lincoln opened the bathroom closet where the towels and sheets were kept. He pulled a beach towel with blue and green zig-zags all over it. He then exited the bathroom and headed back to his room. Sitting on his desk was a pair of sunglasses. Lincoln took them and put them on.

LINCOLN: There we go. All ready!

He then walked over to Lori and Leni's room and knocked on the door.

LINCOLN: Lori, I'm all set! Are you ready to go yet?

LORI: (From the room) Just a sec, Linc! I'm still getting ready!

Just then, the other sisters exited from their rooms upon hearing Lori's comment and gathered behind Lincoln out of curiosity.

LYNN: Ready for what? Why are you on your bathing suit.

LUNA: Yeah, what's the sitch?

LINCOLN: Oh, it's nothing, I'm just gonna go with Lori and some of her friends to the beach today is all.
LUNA: (grins) Well well. Aren't you the ladies' man? (nudges Lincoln) Lucky you.

LINCOLN: Wait? What?! No, no-no-no. I-i-it's nothing like that!

LUAN: Suuuure, it's not.

LINCOLN: It's not! Really!

LYNN: Oh yeah? Then why are you suddenly so interested in spending the day with a bunch of teenage girls you barely even know?

LINCOLN: I've gotten to know those girls well enough!

LENI: Wait, really? When did that happen?

LINCOLN: Well, you see, last weekend, that day you were all out...

And so, Lincoln proceeded to tell his sisters about the mall trip and how he got to spend time with Lori's friends. He talked about he spent with each one individually and learn about their own lives, and he mentioned how they strongly appreciated spending time with Lincoln because of how he was really friendly and helpful towards them and made them feel more uplifted about their own issues.

LINCOLN: (finishing up) And that's pretty much what happened.

LYNN: Wow... that was really not what I was expecting.

LENI: Poor Dana. I hope she finds a good boyfriend.

LUAN: I didn't know Carol Pingrey and Lori are friends now.

LINCOLN: Yep. That is why Lori invited me to go with them to the beach.

LUNA: Can we go with you, bro?

The others begged their brother to let them come with them as well. Suddenly, Lori appears behind them.

LORI: Sorry, guys, but this invitation is for Lincoln only.

SISTERS: (in unison) Awwwww. Dang it.

LILY: Awwww. Poo-poo.

LOLA: PLEASE! (drops upon knees, beggingly) Take me with you! How can you deny my beauty the luxury of the beach?!

LINCOLN: (sighs, then chuckles and pats Lola on the head) Tell you what. If I ever find out anything about the next get-together, I'll see if I can get them to let you come as well.

Lola squealed with excitement and hugged Lincoln tightly.

LORI: So, ready to go, Linc?

LINCOLN: You bet!

LORI: Well, then let's get going!

LENI: Have fun you guys!

LISA: Oh, and Lincoln? If you should ever get the chance, let Teri know that I'll be there to keep an eye on her sister.

LINCOLN: Will do, Lis.

LORI: Come on, Lincoln!

She and Lincoln headed downstairs as the rest of the sisters waved good-bye. As they headed to the front door, Lori then turned to Lynn Sr. and Rita who were reading in the living room.

LORI: Mom? Dad? Lincoln and I are gonna head out now.

RITA: Alright, honey. You two have fun at the beach.

LINCOLN: We will, Mom!

Lincoln and Lori exited the house.

LYNN SR: (proudly) Ah, look at him, hon. Our Lincoln is growing up so fast, he's already hanging out with older women.

RITA: What?! Lynn!

LYNN SR: (laughs) I'm just kidding!

Outside of the house, Lori loaded the beach bag into the back of Vanzilla, before heading up to the front and getting into the driver's seat. Lincoln was already sitting in the passenger's seat. Lori then backed the van out of the driveway and proceeded to drive off in the direction of the beach.

LORI: So, you looking forward to today, little bro?

LINCOLN: You bet! I can't wait to see your friends again. And I always enjoy spending time at the beach.

After a few minutes of driving, they finally arrived. Lori managed to find a parking space, and the two of them exited Vanzilla.

LORI: (getting out beach bag) Come on. Let's see if we can find the girls.

She and Lincoln then strode along the beach, looking for their friends. There weren't too many other guests, but it was still difficult to find them. That is until they heard a voice calling to them.

TERI: (off-screen) Hey! Lincoln! Lori! Over here!

Lincoln and Lori turned around and saw Teri, Dana, Becky, and Carol waving at them from a short distance. They were already in their swimsuits and had an entire spot set up with beach towels laid out.

LINCOLN: There they are! Come on, sis, let's go!

The Loud siblings ran over to join the group.

CAROL: Glad you could make it, you guys!

LORI: And miss an entire day at the beach with the best friends a girl could ask for? Never.

BECKY: Looking good, Linc.

Lincoln began to blush due to seeing the girls in their swimsuits again.

LINCOLN: (stammering) Uh, y-yeah, t-t-t-t-t-thanks! Y-y-y-y-y-y-you too! Uh, but, um....bah...bah..bah...

LORI: (sighs and chuckles) Here we go again.

DANA: (giggles) It's so cute when he does that.

LINCOLN: (regaining composure) Y-You look nice!

BECKY: (chuckles) Still as honest I remember.

CAROL: You know, Lincoln, if this is making you uncomfortable, we can always just call this whole day off now—

LINCOLN: WHAT?! No no no no no! It's fine! Really! I can handle this! Look, I-I'm gonna change into my swim trunks right now!

And with that, he took his shirt off, leaving him with his trunks on.

LINCOLN: See? I'm in my own bathing suit now. Now we're all even.

The girls just giggled.

LORI: Almost all even. I'm gonna head to the bathroom and change there. I'll be right back.

Before she left, she reached into her beach bag and handed the sunscreen bottle to Lincoln.

LORI: Here, Linc. Put some sunscreen on.

She then walked over towards the bathroom, leaving Lincoln with the other four girls.

DANA: So, Linc, how are you doing?

LINCOLN: Well, it's been pretty normal. My family and I attended my sister Lucy's poetry show.

BECKY: I'll bet that was a lot of fun.

LINCOLN: (applying sunscreen to arms) It sure was. Plus, that was certainly a big accomplishment for Lucy. She's only eight years old, which makes her the youngest person to have performed at the Royal Woods Theatre. Granted, (moves on to legs) my older sister Luan got jealous because that was her dream. But she let Lucy have the opportunity since she was the one who taught her everything about expanding one's performing skills.

CAROL: Wait...which sister is which? Isn't one of them the one who plays music?

TERI: Actually, that one is Luna.

DANA: And Luan's the one who tells jokes. I remember her providing a little comedy at that party Lori threw. Both her and Luna attend high school with us.

CAROL: (groans) Sorry. It's just that...well, Lori has so many sisters. It seems almost impossible to keep track of which one is which.
LINCOLN: (now applying sunscreen to face) Well, I will admit, having that many kids in the family make it a bit difficult to keep track of one another. But when you live in a family as big as mine for as long as I have, you definitely grow used to it and manage to work with it.

CAROL: (chuckles) Well, I'll bet it's easy for your family to keep track of you, Lincoln. Given how, you know, you're... (nervously) the only boy?

LINCOLN: (Rubbing sunscreen on his chest) Hey now. Don't rub THAT in. (beat) But yes.

Once he had finished with his chest, Lincoln squirted more sunscreen into his hand and began to reach for his back. This proved to be a bit more difficult on his own than when his mother or one of his sisters had done it for him on past beach trips.

TERI: (stifles a laugh) The Hardest part of the job, isn't it? Here, Linc. Let me help you with that.

Lincoln began to blush again.

LINCOLN: (embarrassingly) What?! N-no no-no! Teri, you don't have to do that. Really! I got this fine.

TERI: If by "got this fine," you mean "smearing sunscreen all over your back instead of rubbing it in," then yes. (takes the sunscreen bottle from Lincoln) Relax. (smirks, in a teasing tone) I don't bite.

Lincoln just turned away, blushing with humiliation as he allowed Teri to apply sunscreen to his back. His body immediately tensed up when her fingers touched his body, but then his muscles began to loosen once she began rubbing the sunscreen in.

LINCOLN: That's... actually quite relaxing. You're pretty gentle at this, Teri.

TERI: (chuckles) Yeah, well, when you spend the last four years of your life with someone as small and innocent as Darcy for your younger sibling, you become very accustomed to being gentle towards them.

LINCOLN: Y-yeah... (then he remembers Lisa) S-speaking of Darcy! My sister Lisa asked me to tell you that she would keep an eye on Darcy.

TERI: Well, tell Lisa that I'm very thankful to her.

LINCOLN: Will do (reacts when Teri touches him in a certain spot) Ooh! Easy there. I'm kind of ticklish.

TERI: (giggles) Sorry.

LORI: (off-screen) Well well well.

Lincoln and the girls suddenly turned to see Lori standing, now dressed in her bikini with a smirk on her face.

LORI: (smugly) I see you've already started having a little fun, Lincoln.


LORI: (laughs) I'm just kidding, little bro. So, who's ready for a day of some fun in the sun?

DANA: (remembering something) Oh! Just one more thing. (begins rummaging through her beach bag) There was a special sale earlier this week at the department store. So, once I was finished with my shift (takes something out of the bag), I thought I'd make a little purchase. (hands object to Lincoln) Here. They're for you, Lincoln.

Lincoln took the folded-up object from her and began to unfold them. His eyes began to realize with surprise when he discovered that what Dana had gotten him was a pair of Ace Savvy swim trunks.

DANA: So, what do you think? Do you like them?

Lincoln just stared for a few seconds. Then in a flash, Dana quickly found him wrapping his arms around her in a tight hug.

LINCOLN: I LOVE THEM! Thanks so much, Dana! But how did you know I like Ace Savvy?

DANA: Well, let's just say, your sister certainly talks a lot about you. Plus, after that talk we had last week and how you helped me out, I figured this was the least I could do.

LINCOLN: Thanks, Dana! I'm gonna use them right now!

He ran off towards the bathroom, to change his current trunks into the ones Dana had given to him.

LORI: (smiles) Good move, Dana.

DANA: Like I said, it's the least I could do. Plus, this is a special occasion for Lincoln, so I figured he deserved something special for it.

TERI: (giggles) The way he responded to those trunks you just gave him really reminded me of Darcy after I gave her the giraffe pajamas I got at the mall last trip. As soon as she saw them, she immediately grabbed onto my leg and hugged it for two minutes. She wouldn't even let go.

CAROL: Awwwwww. Teri, that is SO sweet.

TERI: Not as adorable as what happened that same evening. As you can imagine, Darcy was wearing those PJs to bed. As soon as I had tucked her in and was about to leave the room, I heard her whisper "Big sis?... Thank you for giving Rafo a family."

GIRLS: (in unison) Awwwwwwww!

At that moment, Lincoln came running back to rejoin the group. He had his new Ace Savvy swim trunks on.

LINCOLN: Alrighty, girls! I'm all set!

DANA: You look so handsome, Linc!

Lincoln just blushed.

BECKY: Okay! Who's ready to hit the water?

DANA: Wait! Hold on. (undoes her ponytail and lets her hair fall down) Now I'm ready.

CAROL: I'll race ya!

LORI: Oho, it is on!

LINCOLN: (immediately running) Not if I beat you first!

The four girls raced after him towards the shore. One by one, each of them made it into the ocean. Lincoln made it first, then Dana, followed by Teri, Becky, Lori, and Carol.

LINCOLN: Ha! I win!

BECKY: (breathing heavily) Not fair! H-how did you do it?

LINCOLN: Well, when you have an athletic sister as I do, you learn to have more stamina.

LORI: (gasping for breath) You still...parkouring....with Lynn on Saturday mornings?

LINCOLN: Oh, you have no idea. And as you can see all that parkour certainly paid off.

CAROL: (grins slyly) Well then, I guess the winner wants a first-place prize now? Very well then. You get the...VICTORY SPLASH!

And with that, with one quick movement of her arm, she scooped up a large amount of water and splashed it all over Lincoln.

LINCOLN: (laughing and spitting out water) Oh, so THAT'S how we're gonna play, eh? Well then, take THIS!

He sent a scoop of water flying towards Carol. But she moved out of the way and Teri got soaked instead.


Becky started to laugh.

TERI: You amused, Beck? Alright. Your turn.

Teri proceeded to splash Becky, who in response tried to splash her back but instead ended up hitting Dana. Lincoln laughed before beginning to splash Lori who then started splashing Carol. For the next couple of minutes, the group spent their time laughing and splashing each other. At one point, Dana let out a scream when she felt herself getting splashed from behind. She turned around and saw that Lincoln was now standing behind her and grinning.

BECKY: Sneak attack. Nice move.

LINCOLN: (grins) When combatting in the water, you need to use the water to your advantage. You gotta move with it. Become part of it. Keep yourself quiet as you move underneath within its flow, and you may be able to pull off a good surprise on your pre--

He was cut off by surprise as Lori suddenly popped up from underneath him and he found himself upon her shoulders. She then tossed Lincoln off and he landed in the water with a splash!

LINCOLN: (pops head out and spits out water) Like that.

The girls burst out laughing.

LINCOLN: Oh yeah? You think that's funny. Well, I'll bet I can make a larger splash than that one!

LORI: (smirks) Prove it.

LINCOLN: (noticing some large rocks nearby) Alrighty. I will.

He then swam over to the rocks and climbed to the top of one of them. He walked over to the edge, ready to leap into the water.

LINCOLN: And here we go!

But before Lincoln could jump, he heard the sound of the lifeguard blowing his whistle.

LIFEGUARD: (from a distance) No jumping from the rocks!

LINCOLN: Dang it.

Lincoln was just about to climb back down, but then he noticed something. He squatted down to get a closer look.

LINCOLN: Huh. This is pretty interesting. (waves to the girls) Hey guys! Come over here! You gotta check this out!

The girls approached and climbed onto the rock to see what Lincoln was talking about. It was a couple of tide pools near the water.

TERI: What are those?

LORI: I think they're called tide pools.

CAROL: They're kinda pretty actually.

DANA: Hey, is that a starfish?

LINCOLN: Well, according to Lisa, the real name is "sea star," but what's the difference?

DANA: (smiles) Well, whatever the name is, I think it's a pretty neat creature.

She dipped her hand into one of the tidepools and stroked her finger along the back of the pink-skinned sea star.

DANA: Ooh! Bit rough though.

CAROL: Oh! (points at something else) And what about those things next to it?

Lincoln turned in the direction at which she was pointing and looked closely at a small bunch of rounded objects clustered together.

LINCOLN: Hmmm... too soft-looking to be barnacles... I think those are tide pool sponges.

LORI: Alright, Mr. Marine Biology Expert. Where exactly have you been learning all this stuff?

LINCOLN: Eh. Lisa taught me a few things when she was helping me with an assignment about ocean life.

CAROL: Huh. Sponges living next to starfishes.... Why does that seem familiar?....

Becky leaned forward and dipped her own hand into the tide pool, running it through the water. She giggled as fronds of kelp and tiny fish tickled against her fingers.

BECKY: This is just too cool.

LORI: I will agree that it is beautiful. Just watch out for those sea urchins and anemones.

Teri reached into the tide pool and pulled out a hermit crab, giggling as it crawled across the palm of her hand.

TERI: Darcy would love to have seen all of this.

Lincoln and the girls looked at the other many creatures that were in the tide pools. There were more starfishes and sponges, tiny fishes, hermit crabs, and even some seashells. Lincoln decided to pick some as a souvenir for his other sisters.

LINCOLN: (picking out shells and placing them in his pockets) ...And one for Lisa, and one for Lily.

The girls let out sighs at relaxation. After a while, Teri sprang to her feet.

TERI: Well, I think that's enough resting for me. I've still got some energy left. What do you say we head back to the spot and get my volleyball? Anybody up for a little round?

BECKY: (grins) You're on!

The group climbed down from the rocks and headed back to their spot on the beach. Teri took her ball out of her beach bag.

TERI: Alright. Since I suggested this, I'll be captain of one of the teams.

LORI: Fair enough. But I get to be captain of the other team.

TERI: Sure. Okay then. For my team, I pick... Lincoln!

Lincoln smiled big upon hearing this.

LORI: (under breath) Dang it. (at normal volume) Alright. Then I pick... Becky!

TERI: And I choose... Dana!

CAROL: (smiles) Well, I guess that puts me on your team, Lori.
LINCOLN: (playfully) Prepare to bite the dust! Or... the sand.

LORI: Oh really? Because we're gonna bury you on the ground!

LINCOLN: (narrows eyes) You wanna make this game more difficult? How 'bout first team to make FIFTEEN points wins?

OTHER GIRLS: (in unison) Oooooooh.

TERI: The little guy enjoys a challenge, I see. (grins) I like it!

LORI: Then game on!

The group headed over to the volleyball net. Lori's team got on the left-hand side, while Teri's got on the right. Teri then tossed her ball up and hit it, sending it over to the other side of the net. Lori struck it back and then Dana hit over the net. Becky hit the ball and when it reached the other side, Lincoln gave it a powerful strike and sent it flying over and out of Carol's reach, earning his team the first point.

TERI: Nice move.

LINCOLN: Thanks.

The game continued on for a few minutes. Eventually, it had come to a close match with Lori's team having a score of 13 and Teri's having a score of 14. Lori was up to serve and ready to win.

LORI: (grins) This is it...

She tossed the ball in the air and struck it, sending it over the net. Lincoln barely missed the ball, but with one swift movement, Teri gave it a hard hit and sent it flying over both the net and Lori's team. Teri's team had reached the winning score!

TERI: Heck yeah!

Teri, Dana, and Lincoln high-fived each other.

LORI: Oh, dang it!

BECKY: Hey, come on, Lori. We did our best. And at least we had fun. (nudges Lori) That's what really counts.

LORI: (gives a small smile and chuckles) Yeah. I guess so.

Teri's team ran over to meet with Lori's.

LINCOLN: (offering out hand) Good game, guys.

LORI: (high-fives Lincoln) Good game.

The other girls shook hands and high-fived each other. Just then, Lincoln's stomach began to rumble.

LINCOLN: Oh. (chuckles embarrassingly) I guess all this energy has worked up my appetite.

LORI: Well then, I guess the leader of the losing team should buy lunch. I'll go get my wallet.

DANA: Actually, Lori, that won't be necessary.

LORI: What? Why not?
BECKY: (turns to Carol) Carol?

CAROL: (rubs arm embarrassingly) Um... (chuckles) I-I know this seems like a bit much. But I felt that this was just such a big occasion that I kind of went and made lunch for all of us.

LORI: What? Carol, you didn't need to do that.

CAROL: I-I-I know! But I just felt that this was a special event. I knew this was gonna be a big day for Lincoln. I wanted to make this special for him. And it's also my first time going to the beach with you guys too. I figured the least I could do was provide the food as a way of saying thanks for letting me hang out with you guys this past couple of months. It really has meant a lot to me.

LORI: (smiles and pats Carol on the shoulder) Well, if that's the way you feel, then thanks.

LINCOLN: Could we perhaps go and eat this lunch now?

LORI: (laughs) Okay okay, let's go eat.

So Lincoln and the girls walked back to their spot. Once they got there, Dana and Becky laid out their beach towels together to form an area for them all to sit on while Carol carried a large picnic basket over. She then emptied its contents onto the towels. Inside were twelve wrapped-up sandwiches, a container holding some leftover chicken, a bag of carrot sticks, a few bags of chips, another container with slices of watermelon, and one containing some leftover chocolate cake. The other girls and Lincoln looked at Carol with raised eyebrows.

LORI: Carol...

CAROL: I-I-I know it's a bit much! But I was just so stressed out and I didn't know what type of sandwiches you would have wanted and there were still some leftovers from last night and I... (sighs) Yeah, I guess maybe this is too much.

LINCOLN: (grabbing a paper plate) Well, too much is still certainly better than nothing. What type of sandwiches did you pack?

CAROL: Half of them are PB&J's and the others are all grilled cheeses. Those are the only types I know how to make.

LINCOLN: That's good enough for me!

He grabbed one of the sandwiches and placed it onto his plate, then added a few carrot sticks and a bag of chips. The girls laughed a little bit before grabbing their own plates and began to help themselves. Once their plates full enough, they all sat down and began to have lunch.

BECKY: (bites into chicken leg and chews; through mouthful) Hmmm... this is.... (swallows) pretty delicious!

DANA: (eating a sandwich) Mmm-hmm! (swallows) Carol, this is really good! Did you make all of this yourself?

CAROL: (blushes) Yeah, pretty much.

LINCOLN: Where did you learn to cook this good?

CAROL: (in an uneasy tone) From... my dad?

Lincoln's expression changed from one of interest to one of guilt. He remembered how Carol had told him about how her parents were divorced and felt that he had just brought up a bad subject to discuss.

LINCOLN: Oh, s-s-sorry. I-I didn't mean anything—

CAROL: No no! I-it's fine! Really! (takes a deep breath) B-before my parents split up, my dad was the resident cook of the family. He made our meals EVERY night. Once in a while, Mom would help him out, and usually, she was the one who made lunch. But really, Dad did a lot of the cooking. And as you can probably tell right now, a lot of the stuff he would cook was pretty tasty.

LINCOLN: (to Lori) Kind of reminds you of our own dad, huh Lori?

Both of the siblings laughed.

CAROL: Anyways, before my dad moved away, he left behind a lot of his recipes for my mom to cook. He knew that she and I and my brother liked his cooking, so he felt he should leave something behind for us to remember him by. And at first, that really paid off. Soon, Mom was making dinner for us, and the meals tasted just as great as when Dad made them. But then eventually, we began to stop having homemade meals and Mom began to bring us takeout pretty late in the evening as her job started demanding her to work overtime more often. And while we do enjoy takeout food, all of the waiting for food made my brother grow pretty impatient with each passing day. And considering how he usually behaves, that's never a good thing. Eventually one evening, I began to grow tired of hearing my brother complaining so I figured that maybe I could try cooking dinner that night. So I found my dad's spaghetti-and-meatballs recipe and gave it shot. It did take a little time to figure it out and there was a bit of a mess leftover, but in the end, it all paid off. My brother was certainly satisfied with the meal. Mom loved it too, and she was gratefully towards me for making it. So ever since then, I've been doing a lot of cooking in the Pingrey household.

LORI: Wow, You must be very busy at your house, Carol, aren't you?
CAROL: Well, I can certainly say that having to cook about five meals a day for a brother who only cares about annoying you isn't the easiest life in the world.

LORI: (chuckles) Yeah, well neither is being the oldest child in a family with eleven children.

LINCOLN: Or being the only boy in that family.

DANA: Or having at least four jobs outside of school every day.

LINCOLN: But as I might have mentioned before, once you spend enough with something...

DANA: You get used to it.

CAROL: Amen.

After that, the group continued to eat their lunch. After that, they decided to have some rest after the fun day they had.

LINCOLN: (sighs and pats stomach) I don't think I could eat another bite.

BECKY: (stretches arms) I don't think I can even move anymore right now. Not after both that meal, and that game of volleyball.

LINCOLN: Speaking of the game, you got a pretty arm in volleyball, Teri. Especially with the final round. You really spiked the ball for that one.

TERI: (chuckles) Thanks, Linc.

LINCOLN: You, uh, play the game pretty often? You on a volleyball team at school?

TERI: Nah, not really. But every once in a while on Saturdays, before my shift at the pizzeria, I sometimes go and get a workout at the local gym. Mostly, I do a little run on the treadmill and lift a few weights. I enjoy getting a little excitement and energy added to my life.

LINCOLN: Well, I can definitely say that your time at the gym has certainly paid off. You should definitely consider joining a volleyball team.

TERI: Thanks. Actually, you're not the first person to say something like that. My boyfriend and a few of my other friends have often suggested that I join some sort of sports team.

LORI: I have made the suggestion to you multiple times that you really should join us at golf camp. And after seeing the way you hit a volleyball, you certainly have the right skill for hitting with a golf stick. How come you never joined? You're the only member of the gang who hasn't done so! Aside from Dana.

DANA: Technically, I actually did try to join the golf team. But I had to drop out when I found I couldn't fit it into my schedule with all of my jobs.

TERI: Look, I told you, Lori. I really do appreciate the offers, but golf just really isn't my type of sport. It's a little too calm for me. No offense.

GIRLS: (in unison) None taken.

TERI: I just prefer sports that are a bit more energized. A bit riskier.

BECKY: If that's so, then why haven't you joined any of the other teams? I haven't seen you playing basketball or football since we first started high school.

Lincoln began to think about everything he just heard for a few seconds until he figured it out.

LINCOLN: Teri, uh.... this wouldn't have anything to do with Darcy, would it?

TERI: (hesitantly) Eh... maybe?

The other girls turned to look at Teri.

TERI: O-okay!... Look. During our freshman year in high school, I was originally thinking about joining the school volleyball team. Honest. Ever since I was eleven, volleyball has always been my favorite sport. It's just that... well, when I found out that Darcy was gonna be born, I felt that my responsibility of being an older sibling to her was more important than becoming part of a sports team. So I just decided not to join and dedicated my time to raising my sister.

LORI: Teri, if you love volleyball so much, you didn't have to give up on it completely. I mean, I understand my own responsibility towards Lincoln and my other siblings, and I still give a lot of time to Bobby and playing golf.

TERI: I understand that. It's just that, well, you guys know how I get when it comes to my little sis.

LINCOLN: You're not still worried about what's gonna happen to Darcy after you leave for college, are you?

TERI: (turns to Lincoln and smiles) After that talk you had with me last weekend? (playfully ruffles Lincoln's hair) Not so much anymore. But there is something I have been meaning to ask you about.

Lincoln looked at her in interest.

TERI: I know you told me earlier that your sister Lisa said she would keep an eye on Darcy. But just in case, you think you could also look after my sister for me?

LINCOLN: (smiles) It would be an honor.

TERI: Thanks, Lincoln.

LORI: (to other girls, in a proud tone) That's my little bro for you.

LINCOLN: So... what do you want to do now?

DANA: I don't know, Linc. What do you want to do?

LORI: (gets up) Well, I don't know about you guys, but after a lunch like that, I'm up for a little more exercise. Anybody up for a little jog along the beach?

TERI: (springs to her feet) Count me in!

CAROL: Sure! (gets up)

LORI: How 'bout you, Linc? You wanna join?

LINCOLN: Nah, no thanks. I'm just gonna stay here and catch a little sun.

LORI: Alright then. Anybody else?

BECKY: Thanks, but I'm gonna go use the restroom.

DANA: I'll stay here and keep Lincoln company.

LORI: Alright. Be back in a few minutes.

She, Carol, and Teri then ran off in one direction while Becky walked off toward the bathroom, leaving Lincoln alone with Dana.

DANA: (sighs) Nothing like getting to relax after a full week of working hard. Don't you agree, Lincoln?

LINCOLN: You said it, Dana! I think nothing can go wrong by now.

Lincoln and Dana placed their sunglasses on, laid back on their towels, and closed their eyes, feeling relaxed beneath the sun's glow. But after a few seconds, Lincoln felt as if the sun was being blocked from him. He opened his eyes to see two hulking figures standing above him. To his misfortune, those figures turned out to be none other than Hank and Hawk, the Hazeltucky Hockers.

LINCOLN: Oh no...

HAWK: Well well well, Hank. Look at who we have here. It's one of our little friends from last Halloween.

HANK: Wait. Did we make friends last Halloween?

HAWK: No, you dope! Remember? The two dorks who tried to steal our candy and then tricked us into going to that scary corn maze! (in a sick tone) And got us covered in blood!

HANK: Aw man! Don't go and think about that night, bro! When you think about blood, you get sick! And if you get sick, I'm gonna be sick!

DANA: Lincoln, who are these two?

LINCOLN: Well... let's just say I did something last Halloween that really ticked them off.

Hank: Oh yes! And we're gonna make you pay, you little doofus!

Hawk: (cracking his knuckles) I will enjoy this.

Lincoln gulped in fear as the two jocks raised their fists in the air, ready to clobber him. But before they could make a move, Dana quickly stood up and stepped in front of Lincoln, glaring at the Hockers.

DANA: (tensely) I'm only gonna say this once: Back...away...now.

HAWK: Yeah yeah whatever. We've heard that all before, toots.

HANK: (glaring at Lincoln behind Dana) You're such a wimp, you know that? Hiding behind your sister and letting her be the one to protect you.


DANA: Excuse me, but I am NOT his sister!

Hank and Hawk's eyes widened in surprise upon hearing this. Then after a few seconds, they both burst out laughing.

DANA: What's so funny?!

HANK: You're seriously hanging out with an older girl, pipsqueak?

HAWK: What a sissy! I bet he's talking with her about feelings and precious ponies!


Lincoln began to blush in embarrassment upon hearing the Hockers' comments. At that point, Becky had just returned from the restroom and approached the commotion.

BECKY: Uh, is there a problem going on here?

Hank and Hawk just took one look at the redheaded teenager before they began to laugh even harder. Their laughter had gotten Lori's attention and when she turned to see that the bullies who had ruined Halloween for her and her sisters last year were laughing at her little brother and friends, her face began to harden.

LORI: (to Teri and Carol) Okay, girls. Back to the group.

She immediately stormed off towards the Hockers with Carol and Teri behind her. Once they reached the group, Lori folded her arms in a threatening manner.

LORI: Okay. WHAT is going on here?

Hank and Hawk just looked at the large number of teenage girls that were defending Lincoln and they roared with laughter.

HAWK: Oh man! This is just rich!

HANK: What a wuss! Hanging out with girls twice his age! Doing who knows what sort of prissy princess things he's doing with them!

LORI: I suggest you two to get out of here. Or else there will be some serious consequences.

HAWK: Yeah yeah whatever. The swimsuit contest is in the other direction, ladies. Now, why don't you move along and go talk about your boyfriends somewhere else? This is men's business.

Hank grabbed Lincoln from behind Dana and dragged him over to Hawk, tossing him at the Hocker's feet. Hank then placed his foot on Lincoln's back, pressing him down to keep him from escaping. The two football players then raised their fists up, ready to strike. But just as they began to bring their hands down upon Lincoln, they were quickly stopped. Becky grabbed Hank's wrist and Teri grabbed Hawk's; both girls squeezed the boys' wrists tightly.

HANK: Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow OW!

HAWK: Too tight too tight too tight!

LORI: (really angry) We warned you. Now you're gonna regret what you said!

Lori then started to beat up the Hockers to a pulp. Lincoln couldn't help but enjoy seeing his own sister pulverizing the two stinkers. By the time she was finished, Hank and Hawk were turned into human pretzels, groaning in pain.

BECKY: You turned them into human pretzels?! (becomes scared) I always thought that was an empty threat.

LINCOLN: Oh, trust me. That's a real thing. (shudders) And I had to learn that the hard way.

LORI: You okay, little bro?

LINCOLN: Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks to you guys.

HANK: (groans) This is so humiliating.

HAWK: Beaten by a bunch of girly girls. All because some dork who's much younger than them likes to hang out with them!

The girls began to grow tense again. Carol and Dana started to advance towards the Hockers, but Lincoln held up his hand signaling them to stop.

LINCOLN: It's okay, girls. I got this one.

He then walked up to Hank and Hawk to confront them with a calm yet brave look on his face.

LINCOLN: Yeah. Maybe I am only eleven years old and maybe I am choosing to hang out with a bunch of high school seniors who are also girls. And true, only one of them is my sister. But you know what? If I was given the choice to spend time between them and a few boys like you two dopes, I'd gladly choose them any day. (turns and looks at Lori's friends) These girls are some of the most selfless, caring, fun, responsible people I have ever gotten the pleasure to know.

Dana, Teri, Becky, and Carol smiled with affection upon hearing Lincoln's words.

LINCOLN: (turns back to the Hockers) Now do us all a favor, you two. Get lost.

Hank and Hawk's bodies twisted back into their normal shapes and the two of them ran off with looks of fear and humiliation across their faces.

LORI: That was really brave, Lincoln.

LINCOLN: (relieved) Thanks! I actually thought they were gonna pummel me and turn me into a human pretzel... again.

LORI: Well, you don't have to worry about those idiots anymore.

LINCOLN: Trust me, sis. After what you just did to them, I think those two will know better than to come near me or my family again. (turns and looks the other girls; smiles) Or my friends. (winks)

The girls just smiled back. For the next hour, the friends continued their day at the beach. They returned to the water they had another splash fight and also played catch with a beach ball. They later took a walk along the shore, and afterward, they spent the remainder of their trip sunbathing. At one point, Lincoln feel asleep and the girls buried him up to his neck in the sand as a playful joke. Eventually, by the late afternoon, the gang had packed up all their beach gear and changed back into their clothes and were in the parking lot, ready to leave.

LORI: (gives a relaxed sigh) Well, girls. Another successfully fun trip to the beach is complete.

CAROL: Yep. And as far as my first beach trip with you guys goes, this was really great!

TERI: You bet! In fact, if I'm gonna be really honest, this might be the best beach trip we've had so far!

BECKY: Same here. And I think I know the reason why.

All of the girls turned looked at Lincoln, who blushed as he realized they were talking about him.

DANA: (smiles and puts a hand on Lincoln's shoulder) Because we got to share the day with the kindest boy in town. (beeps Lincoln on the nose)

LINCOLN: (embarrassingly) You girls...

The girls giggled with amusement.

LINCOLN: Thanks for inviting me to come. I had a really fun time with you all.

CAROL: No, Lincoln. Thank you for being our friend.

Lincoln just smiled. He then hugged Dana, who wrapped her arms around him in response. After she let him go, he then walked to the other three girls, sharing an individual hug with each of them.

LINCOLN: (while hugging Teri) See you all again sometime?
TERI: (gently rubs Lincoln's head) Definitely.

BECKY: If something ever comes up, we'll let you know. (winks)

LINCOLN: Can't wait. Oh! And if it's alright with you guys, could I perhaps bring the rest of my sisters along?

DANA: No problem. The more the merrier.

Lincoln smiled one last time before he got into the passenger seat of Vanzilla. Lori then followed and got into the driver seat. She turned the key, ignited the engine, and pulled the van out of the parking space. The two Loud siblings waved to their friends from the van windows.

LORI: See you guys on Monday at school!

LINCOLN: Bye guys!

GIRLS: (waving back) Bye Lincoln! Bye Lori!

Lori then proceeded to drive Vanzilla out of the parking lot and headed off home.

LORI: So it seems you certainly had a fun time today, didn't you Linc?

LINCOLN: Without a doubt! I always enjoy trips to the beach. And it was definitely great being able to spend time with your friends again.

LORI: I'm glad to hear you like them so much. I know they really like you too.

Lincoln just blushed upon hearing that comment. Soon enough, the two siblings arrived back home at the Loud House. After parking, they stepped out of Vanzilla and headed into the house. Rita and Lynn Sr. were still reading in the living room. Lily was also there, sitting in Rita's lap.

LORI: We're back!

RITA: Hi kids. How was your day at the beach?

LINCOLN: Oh, we had such a fun time! What we did was—

He was immediately cut off as the rest of his sisters suddenly came running downstairs and began to crowd around him and Lori, asking them so many questions at once.

LYNN: You're back!

LANA: How was it?
LENI: Did you have fun?

LUNA: Rad swim trunks, little bro! Where'd you get them?

LISA: Did you make any interesting discoveries of aquatic life that you wish to share with me?

LOLA: Can I come next time?

LYNN SR: Girls! GIRLS!!!

(The sisters immediately stopped talking and looked towards their father.)

LYNN SR: I know you're all curious about what happened. But I'm sure Lincoln and Lori have had a long day. Why don't you let them go rest for a while?

LORI (sighs) Thanks, Dad.

LINCOLN: Wait! Before anything else (reaches into his trunk pockets and pulls out the shells he collected) I got these for you girls.

He handed each sister a shell and they all looked at theirs in admiration.

LANA: Wow! Thanks, Lincoln!

LISA: Quite a fascinating discovery. I look forward to studying it further. Thank you, elder brother.

LINCOLN: No problem. I'll tell you more about where I got it tonight at dinner.

RITA: Okay, sweetie. Why don't you get some rest until then?

LINCOLN: Thanks, Mom!

He and Lori walked upstairs together. As they turned to head towards their respective rooms, they looked at each other. Lori smiled at her brother before she disappeared into her bedroom. Lincoln then turned to the readers with a smile.

LINCOLN: Well, this has certainly been quite a fun, eventful day! There might have been a few issues, sure. But in the end, I definitely had a lot of fun at the beach! And I'm glad I got to share it all with four great new friends. Can't wait to see them again! Until then, see you next time!

Lincoln winked, then turned around and headed into his bedroom, shutting the door behind him.


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