Mistakes were made: The next day

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Author: "Jaguer12" from DevianArt.

It was fairly late in the afternoon, and the school had long since ended. For the children and teens of the Loud family, this meant a chance to relax after a long day and maybe engage in their favorite activities. In Lori and Leni's case, Leni was painting her fingernails while Lori lounged on the couch, trying to read a magazine. The keyword being trying. She was having trouble focusing on her magazine. Her brother, Lincoln, hasn't returned home yet. He had sent her a text earlier saying he would be late getting out. This made the oldest sister worry: her brother wasn't exactly the extra-curricular activity sort. She also found it hard to believe Lincoln would get himself detention without them knowing about it. So what was he up to? She was about to voice her concern to her younger sister and roommate when the front door opened. Lincoln kinda staggered through the front door, looking a little odd. His shirt was disheveled and he was only wearing one shoe, the other shoe in his hand, with his missing sock in it. Lori would have assumed her little brother had been beaten up again if not for two little clues. The silly grin on his face and a few lipstick marks on his face. One look at him made Leni giggle and Lori grin a bit. "What happened to you, Lincoln?" The amused eldest sister asked. The one son snapped out of his daze to realize he had just arrived home. He looks toward his sisters and blushed.

"W...what makes you think something happened?" He asked nervously, the silly grin still plastered on his face. Lori chuckles, getting up from the couch, walking over and wiping off one of the lipstick marks to show him.

"Call it a hunch."

"Heh...ok, you win...but I don't think you'll believe me..."

"Try us."

"Well, it all started after Clyde and I got to school, and Chandler and his friends made fun of me..."

"Tsk tsk. Some meanies never learn..." Leni said in a disapproving tone.

"...anyway, I was approached by a group of girls, a few of which were from my class." This bit of information made his sisters grin broadly, making the one son worry. "A...anyway...."


"So, Lincoln...have any plans for Friday?" Tricia asked, leaning closer to him with a sly smile.

"Um...I haven't really made plans, no. Why do you ask?"

"Just...there's a dance being held here on Friday." One of the girls pointed up at a banner hanging over the lockers, advertising the 'Magic among the Stars' dance.

"Huh. When did this happen?"

"They set up the banners the other day, after school" Clyde explained.

"So, think you're going to go?" Girl Jordan asked, putting an arm around Lincoln.

"Um....I...well, I guess I..." he stammered.

"Oooh! Who are you gonna go with?" One of Jordan's friends asked eagerly. Lincoln's face was bright red as he spoke pure gibberish, a silly grin on his face.

"Hmmm. I think we can help you make up your mind." Girl Jordan said, Tricia gently taking Lincoln's other arm as they all started down the hall, leaving Chandler and his friends looking thunderstruck and Clyde smiling at his friend. Lincoln was uncertain what the girls had in mind, but by the sound of the late bell, he would have to wait to find out. Girl Jordan asked him to meet them in the old music classroom. This seemed odd to Lincoln since the classroom hadn't been used in years, but he was curious to see what she had in mind. As he went to class, a few of the boys that made fun of him stopped him from the hall to apologize. He wasn't sure if they were genuinely sorry or fearful of Jordan's wrath, but he appreciated the apology nonetheless. The class was a more peaceful event that day, with the only things bothering Lincoln being a fly and thoughts of what was going to happen later. Naturally, because it was making him anxious, the day seemed to drag on forever. Once the final bell had finally rung, Lincoln bid goodbye to his good friend (noticing he had a bit of a spring in his step), sent a text to his older sister, then made his way to the abandoned classroom. Said room used to be a music classroom, but with the recent influx of students wishing to join the school band or the orchestra, music classes needed to be moved to the auditorium. The only remaining hint that the room was for music was the instruments all over the place; the classroom being used for storage until it can be used again. Apart from the instruments, there were a few extra chairs in there. One of these chairs was set in the middle of the room when Lincoln arrived, the six girls standing around it, chatting quietly to one another. Their hushed conversations ceased the moment he stepped inside and shut the door.

He took a moment to look at each of them. Closest to him was the girl he knew best among them, Girl Jordan. She was wearing her usual yellow shirt and blue skirt, a little blue bow, and a look of confidence. She was twirling the end of her light brown ponytail as she waited for him. They weren't exactly friends, per se; more friendly rivals. That said, they did get along well enough, even if she liked targeting him during dodgeball. To her immediate left was the first of the two girls who Lincoln met in the hall the previous night. She was a little taller than Lincoln, and possibly a year older. She had short yellow hair with spiky bangs that hung just above her nose. She was wearing a red t-shirt, a denim skirt, and black tights underneath. She was leaning against the chair, looking rather chill about this. In contrast, opposite her, was a nervous, dark-haired girl who was blushing quite a lot. She was the shortest of the girls and wore a lavender blouse with black sweatpants. Standing beside her, one hand on her shoulder, was Tricia. She was a brunette, like Jordan, only a darker shade. She wore a white t-shirt and an ankle-length forest green skirt. She gave the smaller young lady a reassuring smile before looking back at the other girl Lincoln met in the hall; an African American girl with short dark hair. She was wearing a dark blue tank top, showing off her muscular arms, and denim shorts. She looked tough, but Lincoln could see a certain sweetness in her eyes. Finally, standing beside her, was a red-headed girl with hair hanging down to her waist. She had freckles on and around her nose, and she was wearing a black SMOOCH shirt and blue jeans. Her back was to him, seemingly fiddling with something out of his view.

"There you are. And right on time too. I like that." Girl Jordan commented with a smile. "Before we get started, some of us need to introduce ourselves. You already know me and Tricia. Ladies..." She turned to the girl to her left.

"Hey there, sugah. I'm Abigail, but my friends call me Abby." The girl with the short blonde hair said in a sweet southern accent that brought a blush to Lincoln's face. The redhead turned to face Lincoln, holding one hand behind her.

"Hello, Lincoln. I'm Pamela. Nice to meet you." She introduced herself.

"They call me Harriet." The muscle-bound girl said with a grin, pointing to herself.

"And...I'm Linda." The blushing young lady said quietly.

"Pleased to meet all of you, and see some of you again" Lincoln said politely, feeling a little nervous himself.

"Cute and has manners too" Harriet commented, making the one son blush again.

"With formalities out of the way, let's get down to business." Girl Jordan stepped to one side, motioning Lincoln to the chair. "Have a seat, Lincoln."

"Uh...ok." He replied, sitting down among all six girls.

"Now tell me, Lincoln...have you thought more about who you'd like to go to the dance with?"

"I have...but I haven't really made up my mind." He admitted.

"No worries, Lincoln" Abby said, patting him on the shoulder. "We think we have a lil ol' idea that could help you if you're interested."

"What kind of idea?"

"A little game" Harriet explained, leaning against the chair beside him. "To help you get to know us better and vice versa."

"It'll go like this, Lincoln. Each of us will take a turn with you, chatting it up with you. While we talk, we're going to tickle you on one of your tickle spots." Tricia added. Lincoln's face turned cherry red after he heard that.

"Don't worry...we'll be gentle" Linda said calmly, trying to put the young lad at ease. "We want this to be fun, not scary." He had a feeling that was a case, but he still couldn't help feel a little jittery.

"Our goal, along with learning more about you, is to find your most ticklish spot." Pamela continued. "The one who finds it wins."

"Wins what?" Lincoln had to ask.

"Just the game." Girl Jordan responded with a chuckle. "We aren't gonna go treating you like a trophy, Linc. The idea is to help you make up your mind, not force you into a date." Hearing that helped the snow haired boy feel better about this.

"So, what do y'all think, Lincoln?" Abby asked soothingly. "Wanna play?" The girls all gave the skittish young man a chance to think about their proposal. He looked at each of the girls in turn as he pondered this. The idea kind of worried him, but seeing the expressions on their faces had a calming effect on him. Not an ounce of malice or deceit could he see in their eyes; the worst he saw was a hint of mischief in Girl Jordan. Not only that, but they even sought him out to apologize and help him feel better about the previous day's events. Jordan even stood up for him after he nearly lost it in class. Clearly, these girls cared about him, even if some of them didn't even know him that well. The question now was: did he trust them enough to go through with this?

"...s...sure. Why not?" He finally answered.

"Thatta boy" Jordan said cheerily. "Now sit tight while we decide who goes first." The six of them got into a huddle, Pam holding a fist full of feathers of varying colors and sizes between them. Starting with Linda, they each drew a single feather, until all the feathers were drawn. Jordan grinned, as she had the longest feather, while Abby had the smallest feather. "Looks like it's me."

"Lucky...." Harriet grumbled in a faux pout, inciting giggles from her friends. Girl Jordan moves around behind Lincoln, who tried to follow her with his eyes, but she gently made him turn back around.

"Ah ah ah. Eyes front, Loud." She said.

"And one last thing, sugah. Don't tell us if we got the spot till the end. That way, we all get a turn." Abby requested, grinning a bit.

"Let's see...I'd bet you're more of...." Jordan started to say, lifting one of his arms up. "..an underarm guy." She finished, lightly tickling his left armpit while firmly holding his arm.

"Gahahahahahahahahahahaha!" Lincoln burst out laughing right away, squirming around on the seat. This forced Harriet to reach around the chair to hold him in place.

"Hehe. We got a wiggler here." Harriet commented with a snicker.

"So, Lincoln, tell the girls a little about yourself. I know a bit about you already, but maybe you can still tell me something I don't know."

"Whahahahahahehehehehehell, I like video gahahahahahahames and comic books hahahahahaha! And I live with tehehehehehen sisters!" He said while laughing.

"Ten sisters!?" Pamela whistled softly. "I thought my house was crowded, what with my grandparents, aunt, and uncle living with us."

"I ahahahahahahahahahahahahalso like 'ARRGH!', 'Ace Sahahahahahahahahvvy', and 'Drehehehehehheheheam B-'" he started to say, but he immediately clammed up.

"What was that? You like 'Dream Boat'?" Tricia asked, a grin on her face. Lincoln felt himself blush deeply. He hadn't meant to say that.

"I'm surprised...I was always told it was more a girl's show." Linda said.

"I guess when you have a house of sisters, you end up watching shows aimed at them" Jordan said as she stopped tickling Lincoln. "And sometimes end up liking it too."

"You won't tell anyone, will you?" Lincoln asked nervously.

"Not if you don't want us to, but I don't see the big deal. You like what you like." Harriet said. "I mean, I love 'Combat Carl', and that's supposed to be for boys."

"But then again, any guy would poke fun at you for that would get chucked halfway to Albuquerque." Jordan joked. Harriet responded with a shrug and a smirk, neither confirming nor denying her words.

"My turn..." Linda said, cautiously approaching Lincoln from the front. "Hold him tight, Harriet..."

"He's not budging, Linda" Harriet replied confidently. The little meek girl took a deep breath before she lightly skittered her fingers along his rib cage.

"Eeeheheheheehehehehehehehehehehe." Lincoln squirmed a little as he giggled uncontrollably.

"I guess I should tell you about myself...I am a bit of an artist." Linda started to explain.

"A bit? Don't see yourself short, Linda." Girl Jordan faux scolded her. "You're a great artist."

"She's right, sugah." Abby agreed. "That picture y'all painted of the school was a thing of beauty." The soft-spoken girl blushed deeply, smiling at the compliments of her friends.

"I rehehehehehemember seeing that. That was you hehehehehehehe? It was ahahahahaha beautiful painting." Lincoln said through his non-stop giggles.

"Why thank you....I'm not just a painter, though. I've been dabbling in digital drawing and three-dimensional art as well....I'm still learning, but I think I'm coming along well enough..." Linda replied modestly, her fingers gently stroking along his rib cage.

"I've dahahahahahahone a few comics myself hehehehehehehehe." Lincoln said.

"Oh yeah. You had submitted a comic to that Ace Savvy contest, didn't you?" Tricia said chuckling as she remembered what she heard about that. "Is it true you and Principal Huggins got into a legit car chase over it?"

"Kahahahaahahahahahahahinda." He replied, his cheeks turning red. "My sisters and I heheheheheheehehe did have to chase him to gehehehehehehehehehet my comic back."

"Kinda makes you wish you were there to see it" Harriet said with a chuckle. "Some kids have all the fun."

"Ok. I think I'm done." Linda said, stepping back from Lincoln. "Pam, I think it's your turn."

"Great. Could you just get his shoe and sock there, Lin? Thanks." The redheaded gal asked, keeping a hand behind her back as she went around in front of Lincoln.

"Sure.." Linda knelt down, untied one of his shoes, and relieved him of both the shoe and sock.

"So, Lincoln, you part of any after school activities?" Pamela asked, kneeling by his foot, holding his ankle with one arm.

Not really. I....hey! No one said anything about feathers!" He cried as he said Pamela revealed one from behind her back. His cheeks turned bright red at his outburst and the giggling of the girls.

"What's the matter, Loud? Scared of a little feather?" Girl Jordan teased, making him blush even more. He really wasn't. It wasn't even that he was any more vulnerable to feathers than anything else. He just found it pretty embarrassing.

"Well, don't worry, Lincoln. I'll be nice and gentle." Pam said, brushing the feather softly along his foot.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!" Once more, Lincoln fell into uncontrollable laughter.

"Tee hee. Adorable. Anyway, you really should, Lincoln. There are a lot of fun clubs. Photography, chess, drama..." she started.

"...or maybe the track team. I hear you can run like the wind when you want to." Harriet interrupted.

"Thank you Harriet...as I was saying, I'm part of a lot of the clubs around here. I even almost started a robot fighting club, but I couldn't get the ok to do so. Too expensive."

"Robahahahahahahahahahot fighting club!? Ahahaahahahahawesome!"

"I know, right? I still work on it as a hobby, but only the radio control aspect. I'm not too good with metalworking or working with pneumatics and whatnot, so I just have a basic frame to work with. But getting it to go and controlling it: that I can do."

"If yohohohohohohohou need hehehehehehehehehehelp, I hahahahahahahahahahahave a few sisters whohohohohohohohoho could help!" Lincoln offered amidst his hysterics, his mind jumping to Lisa and Lana right off the bat.

"If they're willing, sure. Maybe you can drop by and lend a hand too." Pamela said, gliding her feather slowly along his sole. "But I digress. You really should join a few clubs. You'll have fun and it looks good on your record."

"I'll cahahahahahahahahahahahahonsider it!"

"Thatta boy. Tickle tickle!" She teased, continuing her feathery attack on his foot.

"What kind of music do you listen to, Lincoln?" Harriet asked as she continued to hold the wiggling young lad still.

"Nahahahahahahot a lot of music hahahahahaha! I dohohohohohohohohohoho like 'SMOOCH' and hahahahahahahahahahaha I like the rahahahahahahahock music my sister Luna plahahahahahahahahahays!"

"Me too. I love SMOOCH." Pam said, pointing to her shirt.

"And I'm a hard rock kinda gal myself" Abby commented.

"I'm more of a pop fan." Girl Jordan said.

"I prefer the sounds of nature. It helps me relax while I draw." Linda interjected.

"Give me some techno and I'm happy" Tricia said.

"Reheheheheheheheheheally? I never pehehehehehehegged you as a fan of tehehehehehechno!"

"Well, I never thought you liked rock and roll. Looks like we're all learning something new." Tricia retorted with a giggle.

"Ok. I'm done." Pam said, flicking her feather across his toes and getting one last big laugh from him before she stopped.

"Now it's my turn now, finally!" Harriet cheered. "Think you girls can hold him?"

"No sweat." Jordan and Abby both wrapped their arms around his chest and the chair.

"Not a bad way ta be held captive, is it, sugah?" Abby teased Lincoln with a wink, making him turn red along with putting a silly grin on his face. Harriet pulled his shirt up, exposing his midsection, making Lincoln a little nervous. Thinking she was close to a sensitive spot, she struck, running her fingers along his stomach, quick, but gentle.

"Wahahahahhahhahahahahahahahahahaha!" The middle son started squirming more than before, but Girl Jordan and Abby together kept him in his seat.

"So, what're your plans for the future?" Harriet asked.

"I'm nahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahot sure!" he admitted through his hysterics.

"No big surprise, and no big deal" Tricia said with a giggle.

"Yeah. Not many of us know what we're gonna do at this age." Pam said, leaning over the chair beside the left side of his head. "Well, Linda has a pretty good idea. Something in graphics design I imagine."

"Well...I haven't fully made up my mind yet...I know I want to do something related to art, but what, I'm still deciding..." Linda admitted.

"Thahahahahahat's fine! We still hahahahahahahave plenty of time to figure it hahahahahahout!" Lincoln said, still laughing uncontrollably as Harriet kept tickling his midsection. "What ahahhabout you, Harriet?"

"I'm going to be a dancer." She answered.

"A dahahahahahahancer!?" Lincoln asked in surprise.

"Didn't expect that, eh?" Harriet smirked, amused at his surprise. "Well, it's true. I was built to bruise, but born to dance. So far, I mastered tap dancing, waltzes, a few different folk dances, and break dancing."

"Hahahahahahahahave you ever danced behehehehehefore an audience hahahahahahahahaha!?"

"Not on stage or anything, if that's what you mean" Harriet admitted. "Just a few public breakdance showdowns. Had a really intense one with this rapping little girl a few days back. She had some moves..." Harriet paused in her ticklish assault, but she wasn't done yet. Time for a big finish. She took a deep breath, making the white-haired Loud shiver a bit. He knew what was coming and sure enough, here it came: Harriet blew a big raspberry on his belly, throwing Lincoln into absolute hysterics.


"Ha. Gotcha good."

"Nice one, Harriet" Tricia said with a grin. "Now it's my turn. Pam, mind if I borrow a feather?"

"Sure thing, Trish." Pamela grinned as she handed over a long, thin feather. "Will this do?"

"Perfect. Thanks." She took the feather in hand and knelt down beside Lincoln. "Let's see what happens when I do this." She said as she flicked the feather around inside his belly button. Lincoln's eyes widened, his pupils shrank, and an eruption of guffaws escaped from his mouth.


"Whoa! Easy there!" Jordan said as she and Abby tried to hold the frantically wiggling young man still but to no avail. It took the powerful Harriet's help to keep him from squirming free. "I think we found a big one." Tricia grinned, continuing to tease his navel with the feather. She knew he wouldn't be able to take this for long, with how hard he was laughing and how long they had been at this, but she was determined to have a little fun with it.

"No way Lil' Linc is gonna talk through that, so I guess we gotta keep this conversation moving" Abby said.

"Ok by me" Tricia said. "Well, I'm more into computers than the others." She explained as her feather continued to bring loud, hysterical laughter to Lincoln. "And not just for social media. I mean playing games on it, blogging, programming, the whole nine yards. I'm still a beginner with the programming element, but I'm learning."

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHHEEHEHEHEHEHAAHAHAHAHAHAH!" Was all Lincoln could manage, though he was trying to ask her what kind of games she liked to play.

"I think he's trying to say something" Pam commented.

"Ask more like." Girl Jordan corrected her. "Kinda hard to make out...but if I had to hazard a guess with Lincoln, he wants to know what games you play." Lincoln hastily nodded, his face turning red from all the laughing. Tricia took this as a sign to stop and let him breathe.

"Depends on what I'm in the mood for" Tricia answered as Lincoln took several deep breaths. "If I just need to kill a little time, I'll play Farmland or something like that on HeadSpace. If I feel like playing with others, I'll play an MMO, like Warchant, or something like that."

"W...Warchant?" Lincoln gasped out with a weak smile. "My friends...and I play that...."

"Really? What a small world. Maybe we can quest together sometime." Trish offered, smiling in return. "Anyway, if I'm in a bad mood, I'll usually pop open Squad Fort 2, and take it out on my opponents for a few hours."

"She's not kidding." Girl Jordan said, smirking at her friend. "That girl is utterly ruthless in Squad Fort." The girls all laughed, while Lincoln only chuckled a bit.

"I'm not really THAT big a gamer..." Tricia said as soon as the laughter eased up.

"Like fun, you're not" Pam said with an impish grin. "Why, I recall when the new Legends of Zanda game came out, you nearly tore down the door to the game store just to get it at the midnight release."

"....I like the hero..." Tricia said quietly, blushing deeply.

"You hear that, Lincoln?" Harriet whispered to Lincoln, trying not to let her friend hear. "Next Halloween, dress up as Lark. She'll love it." The middle son's cheeks flared as he heard this.

"What are you telling him....?" Tricia asked suspiciously.

"Nothing!" Harriet replied, playing innocent. The brunette clearly didn't buy it, instead of looking to Lincoln.

"Lincoln...what did she say?" She asked, leaning in close to him.

"She...was just giving me some advice" Lincoln admitted. Vague, but truthful.

"Oh? What about?" The white-haired boy gulped.

"Just what he should wear to the dance." Harriet lied outright, covering for him.

"Really? Then why was he blushing?"

"She was whispering a little too close and it kinda tickled." Lincoln fibbed, praying beyond all hope she would buy it. "...and I wasn't expecting it to..." Tricia just looked at him for a moment before chortling a bit.

"That is so cute." She commented. Lincoln sighed with relief, glad they dodged that bullet. "And speaking of something that tickled...." She flicks her feather about a little before returning it to his navel.

"Here we go aAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAGAIN!" Tricia snickers a bit, only tickling him for a few more seconds before she stopped for good. After all, she didn't want to overdo it.

"I think y'all chose wisely, Trish" Abby said with a smile. "But I still a turn coming. Maybe the little guy still has a really ticklish spot left."

"Well, you're welcome to try, Abby." The darker haired brunette said as she stepped aside to let the blonde belle take him place.

"Now let's see.." Abigail knelt in front of Lincoln, looking him over with a cute smile. "...what'll really make ya laugh, sugah?" She was more pondering aloud rather than asking him. Naturally, he didn't answer, but his cheeks turned kinda red when she called him sugar again. "Ah. I know. How about....here!?" Her fingers suddenly started to dance along his sides. He was kind of distracted, so he didn't see it come.

"Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!" The ticklish young man was once more thrown into hysterics. Abigail's smile only grew when she heard him laugh. It clearly didn't beat his belly button in terms of sensitivity, but she was just enjoying making him laugh nevertheless.

"Y'all have any pets, Lincoln?" She asked, her fingers lightly poking and squeezing his sides.

"Yehehehehahahahahaahahahah! A cat, dahahahahahahog, bird, and a geheheheheheherbil! And those are just the family pehehehehehehets!"

"You have more than that?" Linda asked in amazement.

"Mahahahahahy sister Lana has ahahahahahaha frog, a few snakes, a turtle, a gehehehehehehehehehehehecko and a monkey hahahahahahahahahahaha and my sister Lucy hahahahahahahahahahahahas a pet bat" Lincoln explained through his laughter. He decided not to tell them about Lisa's lab rats, just in case there were animal lovers among them.

"That is so cool. I love animals." Abigail told him, making the one son glad he kept quiet about the rats. "I've bred and raised rabbits, hamsters, and even hedgehogs."

"Ahahahaahahahahahahawwwww. That's cute. I reheheheheheheheeheally like rabbits myself." Lincoln said. "Eheheheheheheheeheheehehehespecially Bun Buahahahahahahahahahun."

"Oh! Who's Bun Bun?" Pam asked, making Lincoln realize what he had just admitted. His face turns bright red, but there was no escaping now. He opened his mouth and not he had to pay the consequences, or so he thought.

"My stahahahahahahahahuffed bunny....." He confessed. This brought a fresh wave of giggles and awwwwwwws from the girls, further embarrassing the white-haired lad. "I hahahahahahahd him since I wahahahahahahahahas a baby hahahahahahaha...."

"Oh, don't think we're picking on you, Lincoln." Girl Jordan said, releasing her grip on him to pat him on the shoulder. "We all have toys from way back we love too much to get rid of. I still have my Patchety Patty from when I was two."

"And my first Combat Carl action figure still has a special place in front of the platoon," Harriet added.

"...I didn't really have a special toy..." Linda interjected. "...but my granny did stitch my favorite blanket into a quilt so I could always have it..."

"Hahahahahahahahaahawwwww, that is Lily levels of prehehehehehehehehecious." Lincoln commented, bringing a deep blush and a soft giggle from Linda.

"Back on topic though, as I learn more, I plan to try my hand at raising cats or dogs, or maybe even farm animals." Abby continued, as her fingers travel up and down his sides, keeping Lincoln in stitches.

"Lahahahahahahahahahahahiam could proahahahahahahahahabably offer a few pointers there hahahahahahahahaha."

"Thanks for the tip, sugah. I'm thinking I'm gonna be a vet or something in the future." Abby added, finally bringing an end to the ticklish game.

"Looks like we're done" Jordan said with a big grin. "So, who found your most ticklish spot, Linc?"

"It..." Lincoln started to say, while he tried to regain his breath. "...was Tricia."

"Yes!" Trish cheered, raising her arms in celebration.

"We're all gonna remember that" Harriet commented with a grin. "Lincoln's got a REALLY ticklish belly button." The one son gulped a bit, which made the tough girl behind him laugh and rub his hair gently. "Oh, don't get all nervous. We're all done playing for now. And you took it like a champ too."

"You sure did." Pan agreed. "Loads better than my older brother would. He woulda been crying like a little baby by Jordan's turn.

"Y'all have fun there, Lincoln?" Abigail asked sweetly.

"Hehehehe....yeah...I kinda did." He admitted.

"Only kinda?" Tricia smirked a bit.

"Ok...more than just kinda."

"I hope our time together helped you make up your mind" Linda said, shuffling her foot a bit.

"Actually....I think it has." Lincoln said, a smile slowly crossing his face.

End Flashback

".....and?" Lori asked eagerly, on the edge of her seat, so to speak.

"And what?" A smirking Lincoln replied.

"Who did you ask? Like, who did you pick?" An equally excited Leni asked, hardly able to contain herself. Their little brother was kinda enjoying watching them squirm, but he decided he better tell them soon, lest a new sister-nado spring to life.

"Ok. Ok. I picked...Abby."

"Knew it!" Lori cheered, pumping her fist in victory.

"Awwww. I thought Linda was a shoe-in...she sounded so cute, and the two of you have a lot in common." Leni said, somewhat sadly.

"Trust me, it was a pretty close race, but Abigail won out." Lincoln explained, before thinking to himself 'Partially because of that adorable accent.'

"But now I gotta ask...how did you end up in that state? Why didn't you fix yourself up before heading home?" Lori inquired.

"Ah...well....after I announced my decision and congratulations were exchanged...."

"Well, it's been a lot of fun, girls" Lincoln said as he stood up from his seat. "And thank you for everything."

"Where do you think you're going?" Tricia asked him, catching him off guard.


"Not just yet. We aren't quite done yet." Pam said as the six girls started to converge on Lincoln again. This made the one son very nervous for a moment...until each girl gave him a kiss on his face; Linda and Harriet kissing each cheek, Girl Jordan kissing him on the chin, Pam and Tricia kissing his forehead, and Abigail giving him a big kiss on the end of his nose. All the affection caused the poor boy's brain to crash, a goofy grin appearing on his face. They all giggled as Jordan gave him back his shoe and sock and sent him staggering on his way.

"See you tomorrow, Lincoln." She called to him before she turned to help her friends clean the room up.

Lincoln's face was glowing a deep, scarlet hue as Leni and Lori were tittering away upon hearing the rest of his story. "That is totes adorbs." The gold-hearted blonde commented.

"Literally." Lori agreed. "Sounds like our little brother had quite a day."

"Yeah....and could I ask you two to keep it quiet from the others?"

"You can count on us, Lincoln" Lori said, patting him on the head.

"Our lips are, like, sealed" Leni told him, miming the act of zipping her lips.

"Thanks guys." Lincoln smiled as he gave his older sisters a big hug.

"Don't sweat it, little bro. Now, how about you get upstairs and straighten yourself up?" Lori suggested, gently nudging him in the direction of the stairs. "Our sisters will get suspicious if they see you like that." The middle Loud nodded as he quietly ascended the stairs with the intent of getting to his room without detection. As soon as the oldest sister was sure he was upstairs, she tapped her foot on the floor three times.

"Is he gone?" Lana asked in a hushed voice, peeking in from the passage to the dining room, along with Lola, both grinning.

"He's gone" Leni replied. It was like a game of hide and seek had ended. Lucy peeked out from the fireplace, Luna rounded the corner from the kitchen, Lynn Jr rolled out from under the couch, Lisa and Lily leaned aside to look from behind the tv, and Luan hopped down from the ceiling, little suction cups on her hands and feet.

"Our little bro's becoming a regular casanova," Luna commented with a soft giggle as she walked over behind the couch.

"He certainly has a par-tickle-lar charm about him. Hahaha!" Luan jested, getting groans from most of her sisters.

"Linky's got a new girlfriend..." Lola chanted happily, doing a little dance to match.

"A whole bunch of new girlfriends" Leni added, about to squee from happiness.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, elder sisters," Lisa interjected. "After all, they still need to participate in the social experiment of determining true romantic compatibility, commonly referred to as dating."

"Ah, you killjoy..." The prissy twin grumbled, her good mood soured.

"Well, even if it doesn't work out, it sounds like they'd make rocking friends." Luna pointed out.

"And Linc can try his luck with one of the other girls." Lynn Jr added.

"Regardless, I am happy for our brother," Lucy said, her expression as stone-faced as ever.

"We can tell" Luan replied sarcastically, this time getting a laugh from most of her sisters.

The Loud House: Oneshots (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now