Chapter 2

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His smirk only grows wider at my flustered expression, making my body heat up under his intense gaze. His eyes drink my body in, a dark and hungry look in his eyes that make me suck in a quick and shaky breath.

As I continue to look at him, I allow myself to to take him in to the new lighting in the bathroom, compared to the dim one's from inside the club. He is beautiful, breathtaking even, his presence already intimidating me.

I swallow hard when he removes himself from the door, stepping closer to me. My palms begin to sweat and my cheeks are burning, like every other part of my body. He gets closer and I feel myself grip the edge of the sink, as if to support myself under his gaze. I straighten myself when the mysterious man stops in front of me, leaving little to no space between us.

His big hands are casually resting on my hips, pressing me against his chest violently. He just continues to smirk at me, his eyes getting darker while shamelessly staring down my cleavage as he licks his bottom lip.

"You're a feisty one, aren't you, love?", he asks, locking his eyes with mine. His deep and raspy voice mixed with his strong, british accent take ma aback again, taking me by surprise. But I don't have time to respond to him with any remark, my breathing rags when I feel one of his hands move up my waist, tracing his fingers on the side of my chest, only to cup the side of my neck and jawline.

Not feisty, just particularly dumb.

My mouth falls open as I try to find my words, but nothing comes out. He studies my face, chuckling to himself realising that he left me speechless. I just dart my eyes between his, not being able to make a sound.

"Quiet are we now, princess? Not gonna be so quiet anymore when I start with you.", he points out, his voice getting deeper and raspier all of a sudden. Can my brain work for once?

I chuckle nervously while looking at him, trying to make an excuse. "Uhm, you see...I have to go back to my friends. So sorry, should do this again sometime. The whole following me to the bathroom and stuff...It's nice, amazing really...", I say while pointing to the door and begin to walk backwards towards it, only making the guy chuckle and shake his head at me in amazement.

Before I can do anything else, my back is pressed against the door, his body pressing me harder against it, catching me off guard. He bents his head down a bit so he can be at my eye level, and I can see in his eyes how much he enjoys it.

He smirks at me one more time before darting his head town, taking me by surprise when his soft lips trace an invisible line down my neck to my collarbones and up again, then beginning to suck on the skin right under my ear. His other hand is on the outside of my thigh, moving up dangerously slow while I tilt my head to the side so he could have more access to my neck, a guttural groan echoing in the bathroom.

His lips leave my neck and I am about to stump my foot in frustration, like a little kid that isn't getting his favourite toy back. I think he sees the frustration in my eyes because he just chuckles to himself before pressing his lips together, trying to be serious. His eyes meet mine again and I am shocked by how big his pupils are, leaving little to no green in them.

"Is this okay? Do you like this? Still wanna get back to your friends?", he asks, and I can sense the seriousness in his voice, but his smirk appears again as he says the last part. He just called me out on my bluff, amazing. I just nod, not being able to form any words. "I want you to use your words, love".

Come on Gray, say something smart, but sexy. You can do this.

"I like your hand on my thigh...", I blurt out before I can stop myself, giving myself a mental face-palm after that. Really? He lifts his eyebrows, amused by my answer and flustered state. "Uhm...I mean, it's not that I like strangers hands up my thighs but your hand is big and..."

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