Chapter 13

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"Are you drunk yet?", I ask Harry through my wave of giggles, earning an amused grin from him. His eyes are as green as ever, a slight sparkle to them that I didn't seem to notice before. He moves his hand from my inner thigh to my lower back, bringing me closer to him, our knees touching in the process, sending a shiver through my whole body. 

It took us a pretty long time to find that unopened bottle of whiskey that I could swear was on the kitchen counter, hidden behind some bread so Sarah couldn't find it and call me an alcoholic. But after me and Harry searched for it for half and hour, I managed to find it under Sarah's bed, still unopened, with a sticky-note on it that said: "Next time I'm hiding it up your ass."

Harry laughed at me for a good hour or so and wouldn't stop teasing me about it. "Aw, are you an alcoholic, Gray?", he would ask me and I would find the courage to flip him off, something that would make him laugh even harder, only to give me a hard look shortly after, a warning for me to behave myself.

"I think I should be asking that question, love.", he answers back in an amused tone, his grin only growing. His lips are slightly parted as his eyes travel from my confused gaze to my lips, making me subconsciously take my bottom lip in between my teeth, an act that seems to catch Harry's attention. He leans forward, his breath fanning against my lips making me feel dizzy, and this time it wasn't only from the booze I consumed earlier.

For some reason, I thought that competing against Harry in a drinking game would be a good idea. But now, seeing that we're sitting crossed-legged in the middle of my living room with an opened whiskey bottle between us, I start to think that it wasn't my brightest idea yet.

Harry's sweet scent invades my senses and I can't seem to manage to avert my gaze from his, seeing that his irises have a tint of gold in them from the lamp besides us, being the only light in the room, making everything seem more sexual than it is. That seems to catch  my attention instantly. I move my hands from besides me to his cheekbones in a drunkly manner, Harry jumping slightly at the not-so-gentle contact.

"You have golden eyes, Harry.", I slur out and slap my mouth quickly after, a giggle leaving my lips. Harry's face changes instantly, a big grin spreading across his face and looks at something behind me, his head dropping for a second, a huff coming out of him before he decides to look me in the eyes again.

"You think my eyes are golden, huh?", he whispers in a teasing tone, looking me straight in the eyes and now I feel embarrassed about what I said. I avert my eyes from his gaze, looking at one of Sarah's colourful paintings from behind his head. 

Very interesting colours, yup.

"Oh come on, don't get all shy on me now, darling.", he says putting his hand on my thigh and I could feel his cold rings against my hot skin. Harry lifts his hands and grabs my chin between his thumb and index finger, turning my head to look him in the eyes. "Your eyes are a beautiful shade of grey...Gray.", he whispers, a giggle leaving his lips after that.

"Yeah, make fun of my name, why don't you.", I joke so I can cover up the way his words made me feel. No one has complimented my eyes like this before. For some odd reason, every time Harry gives me a compliment I attach myself to what he says as if I would never hear those words coming from him ever again. He makes me feel...giddy.

I always hated that word. Giddy. I feel like I'm spiralling down a very dangerous and exciting path with him. There's something about this man that makes everything so exciting and makes you even feel special that he takes time out of his day to spend time with you.

Every time he speaks to me his eyes are always on me, like I am the most interesting person to look at. He makes me feel heard and listened to in a manner that I've never felt before. Everything feels so exciting and important when I'm with him. I feel important.

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