Chapter 63

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And if there was a precise moment when Spring began to decorate new life upon the empty arms of winter, it was at about that very same time that hope was delivered to those closest to Maya Alexander. Her friends, family and the professional care-givers all spoke about how pleased they were that she had settled into her new surroundings without any apparent decline. In fact, they all agreed that she seemed to be spending longer moments of wakefulness showing some response to her environment and the people around her.

The time she spent gazing into the distance was still vast, yet Maya's gaze no longer appeared to be one of eternal bliss. Instead, a weary palpitation would sometimes spread across her brow followed by a sharp intake of breath. Tears would fall as she closed her eyes tight, wrapped her arms around herself and stroked her rounded tummy. It was the same ritual every time.

Alice had been the first to notice this new pattern. and eagerly shared her discovery with her mother. After observing it on exactly three occasions during a Saturday afternoon visit in late February, they decided to inform Maya's key worker. She told them it could be a sign that Maya was more aware of what was happening around her than they knew. Hope jumped up and down in their stomachs as they began to anticipate change.

Indeed a physical examination also confirmed the imminence of a new chapter. When the new doctor explained her medical estimates, Jackie's doubts about the last few months resurfaced. Had they all really done the right thing by allowing Maya to linger in a semi-conscious state since her fall during the depth of winter? Jackie understood the harm any further distress might have caused, but she remained uncertain that the direct approach they all feared would have caused the distress that they were so concerned about. Could they really be so certain that this waiting game they were all playing was not equally as dangerous?

There had been a certain degree of hesitation for Jackie as she cleared her diary of work commitments for the next few weeks and made arrangements to obtain the keys to Maya's home. Her occasional pieces of consultancy had been a welcome and needed distraction in between her visits to Wales. They were like small paragraphs of light relief  in some tragic prose when for just a moment she was no longer cast as the pitied mother who should be falling apart.

Alice refused to leave her mum to deal with things on her own, and that included the impending lengthier stay. She could sense her mother's fragility, despite Jackie's relentless efforts to show everyone else that she was fully engaged in the act of optimism.

It was Alice who had been tasked with a final attempt to persuade Stephen to visit Maya, or to at least be more available when things began to change. Both Jackie and June had already been on the receiving end of Stephen's sharp tongue when they had each tried to encourage him to look at things from a perspective other than his own. They had all agreed that Alice had a gentle manner which no one could take offence to.

Alice and Stephen had not interacted significantly in the time that he had been married to her sister. They were always polite to each other. And Alice had always seemed curious and full of positive regard whenever Stephen talked about his hopes for promotion, or desire to work for himself one day. She was certainly not a member of his own or of Maya's family, who he felt any significant level of dread around.

Stephen had been aware that he would get another call at some point and was unsurprised of the timing of it. Alice had suggested meeting for coffee. She had told Stephen it would be good to see him. That it must have been hard for him with everything going on, and had anybody been looking after him? His initial response had been defensive and to the point, informing her that he did not need anyone looking after him. But then he had paused as he thought to himself that it was actually very perceptive of Alice to notice that Maya was not the only person impacted by her most recent drama. He could not recall that anyone had gone to any lengths to ask him about how he was coping.

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