The Morning After

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Jo's pov

I wake up feeling a heavy weight on my chest as I open my eyes I see Hero's head on me with his arms wrapped around me. What the hell? How am I supposed to follow his rules if he's going to to break them? I look down at Hero and can't help but notice how handsome and peaceful he looks sleeping on me. I don't want to wake him up but I really need to pee. "Hero wake up" I say while stirring. He finally opens his eyes and just gives me a big smile. "You were supposed to sleep downstairs." I inform him. "I know but I didn't want to sleep on the floor when half of this big bed was empty." He says laughing. "Cuddling is not a friends with benefits arrangement and like I said last night neither is sleeping in the same bed. Can you please move so I can go to the bathroom?" I say to him. He looks pissed or sad I can't really tell. But he moves off of me and it's then that I realize I'm just in my thong.

Hero's pov

I don't know how I ended up wrapped around Jo but I haven't slept this good since I was a kid with no worries in the world. When she said that "cuddling and sleeping together wasn't part of a friends with benefits relationship. And that she wanted me to move off her so she could use the bathroom." At first I was mad because I didn't want to let her go yet then I got upset with myself because I'm the one who made these rules with her. But I can't break them. I need to focus on my career and Jo wants the same thing to be an actress and a model.  "You can't go out there like that" I tell Jo. "No shit I'm putting my dress back on dummy." She says laughing at me while slipping the black dress over her curvaceous body. I couldn't help but stare at her. She looked so sexy with her Lacy thong and her plump ass shimmying into the dress. "Can you zip this up for me?" She asks. I  get up and slowly slide the zipper up letting my fingers graze her ass and back all the way up. Damn I'm getting hard already. What is this girl doing to me? "Thanks" she says walking out of the room. My sister had told me Jo was in a few shows so I had looked them up and watched them she's so fucking talented. I also stalked her Instagram since the first day she came here. She doesn't post much but what she does post is beautiful. The pictures with her actually in them are especially beautiful she is so stunning in every picture. Whether it's just her standing in front a wall that say's I will not take anymore boring photos over and over again or her doing a photoshoot for a magazine in each picture she looks so fucking beautiful in. A beeping sound goes off checking my phone I realize it's not mines. Jo must of left her phone in the room. Without thinking I reach for it seeing a text message from someone name Jake. Who the fuck is Jake? Without thinking I read the message.
Jake the 🐍: Hey JoJo I'll be in London next weekend for a meeting. Let's meet up for old times sake. I miss you 😍😘
As she comes walking back in the room I can't help how pissed off I get. "Who the fuck is Jake?" I snap at her.

Jo's pov

"Who the fuck is Jake?" Hero yells at me. "Wha-tt" I mutter. "You heard me don't act dumb Jo" he spits back. Then I get pissed. "What the fuck are you doing going through my shit?" I say snatching the phone from his hands. "It's really none of your business who he is we are just friends Hero remember." I snap back. I know I'm being harsh on him but I need to put some boundaries up I'm not trying to get hurt again. "Please tell me who he is Jo and if you're going to see him or not because if you are then our arrangement is over because it works both ways if I can't fuck anyone else then neither can you." He says to me with hurt in his eyes. I can't stand to see the hurt on his face and the way his greenish blue eyes look so sad right now. "Fine he's my ex Jacob Elordi we're both from Australia and did acting classes together. He went and did a major Netflix movie and cheated on me with his co-star so we broke up. And no I don't plan on seeing him at all." I say to him. "Well he sure wants to see you with his little heart eye emoji and kissy face." He says sarcastically. "Look Hero your sounding jealous and that means we need to reevaluate our situation you wouldn't be jealous if you didn't care. And I can't have any of that because then I will start to care and when you eventually break my heart I won't be able to handle it again" I tell him. A light knock on the door breaks me from all the shit I just said to Hero. "Come in" I say not knowing or caring whose behind the door. Mercy walks in and just looks at me and then her brother not saying a word. "Let's go home Mercy." I tell her not looking back at Hero and just walking out the door with her.

Hero's pov

He cheated on her I don't know why any guy who had her would. When she started talking about reevaluating our relationship because I was getting jealous and how she couldn't handle the pain of being in a relationship again and getting hurt I was so upset. She wouldn't even look at me when there was a knock at the door. Go the fuck away. But then I hear Jo say "come in" and my sister walks in staring at Jo and then me. "Let's go home Mercy" Jo says and just walks out not even acknowledging or looking at me. Fuck I should of stopped her. Finally getting up the courage I head out to the living room. "There you are you horn dog." Felix says slapping me on the back. "Why didn't you say you an her where hooking up?" Jack asks me with an attitude. "Because we weren't til last night." I snap at him. "What the fuck dude you knew I liked her and your just gonna use her for a fuck every now and then?" He asks me with venom in his voice. "I fucking liked her first" I say realizing how childish I sound. "Yeah but the difference between me and you is that I would actually date her and not just use her." Jack yells. Before I know what I'm doing I'm in Jack's face and grabbing him by his shirt tossing him to the ground. He throws a punch but I block it and land a fist to his jaw. "What the fuck Hero." Felix and Valand say trying to get me off of Jack. "She is not just a fuck buddy" I yell at him. I fling my shoulders getting Felix and Valand off me. Alex walks in and asks "what the fuck did I just miss?"  "Ask Jack" I yell and storm out the door. Before I realize it I'm heading to the house where I know she will be.

Felix's pov

I've never seen Hero get that riled up over a girl. Shit we've all slept with the same girl a few times. Not at the same time or anything but you know what I mean. "Is anyone going to tell me what happened here?" Alex asks. Jack is still brooding and Valand had to leave so I answer Alex "Hero and Jack fought over Jo." "Why would Hero do that he's never cared about us swapping girls before?" Alex replies. "I don't know man him and Jack where going back and forth. And Jack said he actually likes her and that Hero is just using her so he got pissed I guess." I reply. "Well what did Hero say?" He asks me. "That she wasn't just a fuck buddy." I tell him. "Do you believe him?" He asks me. "Yeah man I do. I've never seen him act like this ever not once." I reply. Finally Jack says something "if he doesn't then I'll take her off his hands." Not wanting to start another fight I just let his comment go. But having known Hero longer and since he is like my brother I wouldn't bet on Jack taking anything that Hero wants.

Author's note
Hey guys thanks to all my voters I really appreciate it and please comment I love to hear you guys feedback on how the story is going. What do you think about me adding Felix's pov? Should I do more with him and some of Mercy or just keep it strictly Hero and Jo. Let me know and thanks again. Xoxo.

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