Promise Ring

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Hero's pov

I woke up early quickly getting dressed and sneaking to Felix's room. I knock and enter not really looking forward to seeing them in bed together but desperate times and all. Thank God they are both covered up I nudge Mercy and say "wake up sis I need your help." Felix wakes up and says "what the fuck man it's too damn early." Mercy finally gets up and says "what's up bro?" "I need your help getting a promise ring for Jo" I tell her. She shrieks excitedly and says "oh my God yes let's go as she throws on a sweater and sneakers she already had a tank and sweats on. "And what am I supposed to say when miss Aussie asks me where you two are" Felix asks us. "Tell her we went to get stuff for brunch" I tell him. "Well then you owe me that brunch" he says laughing. "Yeah, sure bruv" I say and me and Mercy head out. As we take an Uber to the jewelry store Mercy says with tears in her eyes"I can't believe my big bro is giving a girl a ring." "Calm down Mercy it's only a promise ring not an engagement ring" I tell her. "Basically the same thing if you ask me" she says shrugging. We finally arrive at the jewelry store and my eyes draw automatically to a silver Irish Cladagh ring. "That's beautiful" Mercy says. I ask the jeweler "will this would make a good promise ring." And he says "oh most surely you see each symbol represents something. The heart for love, the crown for loyalty and the hands for friendship." "We'll take it in a size 5" I tell him knowing my girl has dainty fingers. He places it in a silver velvet box and ties a satin ribbon around it. I pay him quickly not caring how much the it cost anything for my sweet girl. "We still need to get stuff for brunch" Mercy reminds me so we head to the market before we get there I get a couple of text from Jo asking when I'll be back she's starving so I text a quick reply telling her it will be worth the wait. "Jo's hangry let's just grab something to go from the diner" I tell Mercy laughing.

Jo's pov

I woke up to Hero's side of the bed empty I feel the space beside me and it's cold so he must of been up for awhile now. I brush my teeth and head downstairs to see if Hero made any breakfast. When I notice the kitchen empty and the living room I yell out "Hero where are you?" Felix comes walking out his room saying "Oi Jo Hero and Mercy went to grab some stuff for brunch." "Ok great because I'm freaking starving" I say laughing. Me and Felix talk about random things passing the time I look at the clock and it's been over and hour since I woke up. "If they don't get here with food soon I'll kill him I swear" I say seriously. Felix busts out in laughter and I grab my phone texting Hero asking when he'll be here because I'm starving. He replies back quickly telling me it will be worth the wait. I huff throwing my phone and swear if they ain't here in 15 mins I'm making myself something to eat. After 10 mins and me getting more and more hungry and annoyed they finally walk in with the food. I jump up grabbing the bag and Hero laughs saying "impatient love." I throw him a glare as I dig out the plates of eggs, bacon, waffles, and home fries. My mouth waters and I immediately start to eat not caring to talk until my hunger pains are gone. Hero laughs and pulls his plate out joining me at the island while Mercy and Felix eat in the living room. "Good love" he asks me in between bites. "Yeah sorry I'm a bitch when I'm hungry like that" I admit. "I love how feisty you are Jo don't ever forget that" he says giving me a kiss. We finish eating and it is now 1pm and I'm dreading Sam coming over today at 3pm I just hope he doesn't say anything inappropriate and get Hero pissed off. "Hey love what you thinking about?" Hero asks me caressing my cheek and putting my hair behind my ear. "Truthfully I just want to get this improv bull shit with Sam over with so I can spend the night with you" I tell him giving him a kiss. "I have a little surprise for you" he says. "Seriously Hero you didn't have to do anything for me" I tell him. And then he pulls out a black box and my eyes bug out of my head. "Hero we're to young for marriage" I tell him. He chuckles and says "I knew you were going to say that and don't worry this isn't an engagement ring not yet anyways. It's a promise ring." He winks as he opens the box and my eyes land on a gorgeous silver Cladagh ring. I knew what each symbol represented since my best friend Mia had one when we were kids. I smile as Hero places it on my ring finger. "Do you know what the symbols mean?" He asks me with an excited look in his eyes like he's dying to tell me so I shake my head no and he smiles saying "this heart means I promise to always love you forever, this crown means I promise to be loyal to you forever and these hands mean I promise our friendship will last forever." I wrap my arms around him crying saying "I love you so much Hero I promise all those things to you too." He kisses me passionately and then I hear Mercy and Felix clapping and Felix says "we get dibs on best man and maid of honor init that right babe." He says looking at Mercy "damn right or should I pull a Hero and say 100%" she says laughing. She pulls me in for a hug and whispers "I'm so happy for you and my brother." "I'm happy too" I say smiling at her. We decide to watch a movie and then there is a knock on our door. Shit it's 3pm I forgot about Sam. I answer the door and Sam greets me saying "nice place you you got here so you live on your own?" Just then Hero comes over and puts his arms around me saying "she lives with me." "Oh cool man" Sam stutters. "We can go work in the kitchen" I tell Sam. We head to the kitchen and Hero grabs me a water "thanks babe can you get Sam one too please" I ask him. He rolls his eyes and grabs another bottle handing it to Sam. "Thanks dude" Sam says. "Yeah what ever" Hero says and I roll my eyes and mouth be nice. Hero walks into the living room and slumps back on the couch to finish the show with Felix and Mercy. "So I was thinking about a  rom com improv" Sam says. I love rom coms but the thought of acting one out with Sam was too weird. "How about a tragedy" I suggest. "I don't know I really feel like I can pull the romantic side off with you" he tries pressuring me. Ok this guy is getting on my nerves. "Look Sam I have a boyfriend I'm not comfortable doing romantic scenes with you" I tell him irratated. Just then Hero comes storming in and I can tell he his fuming as he yells at Sam "seriously wanker how pathetic can you be my girls turned you down each an every time and yet you keep trying to push her. And now your fucking pushing me because my girl said no and when any female says no it's fucking no you got it." Then Sam gets up and starts yelling at Hero "dude you don't own her this is for our class." Felix comes running in ready to stop anything from escalating and I silently thank him. Finally I get pissed at the audacity of this asshole thinking he can bully me into his sick improv when I know for a fact he's been interested in me since the first day of class. "He doesn't own me your right about that because we own each other" I yell at Sam. "That's right see this ring it's a promise of always and forever for us so get the fuck out of our house" I scream at him. Hero just pulls me closer as I reach up and kiss him. "That was so hot" he says kissing my neck.

Hero's pov

I decide after Sam came to put my trust in my girl and give her some space to work on her improv assignment. But I couldn't help over hear him trying to push her to do a romantic improv with her when I heard her suggest how about a tragedy I chuckled. But he kept insisting and I could tell Jo was getting annoyed after she said she had a boyfriend and wasn't comfortable doing a romantic scene with him. I jumped up and told him how pathetic he was to keep attempting to try and get my girl when she's turned him down ever time and then she said no and when a girl says no then that is final. Then the douche has the balls to yell in my face in my own damn flat saying I don't own her and that this was for her class. I was about to pummel his head in when Felix ran in and shook his head pointing to Jo. And then my feisty ass girl starts screaming at Sam how he's right that I don't own her because we own each other and she throws her left hand up shoving her ring in his face yelling "that's right see this ring it's a promise of always and forever for us so get the fuck out of our house." Sam stalks off and I hear Felix mumble "see ya never wanker" causing me to laugh. I pull Jo closer and I kiss her saying "that was so hot." She blushes saying "let's eat dinner and go to bed I'm exhausted." I make us all some pasta and then me and Jo head to bed. After brushing our teeth I go to snuggle Jo and she sighs snuggling into me. "What's wrong love" I say holding her cheek. "Nothing I'm just so tired tonight but I don't want you to get bored with me so we can have sex if you want too" she says struggling to hide a yawn. "My sweetlangford baby I am not some horny teenager although sometimes I am for you" I say chuckling and she giggles. "But seriously babe I'm more than happy just holding you tonight or any night that your not in the mood" I tell her. "Oh I'm always in the mood for you babe I'm just so beat" she says. "And I can't resist you either love but don't worry about it let's go to sleep now" I say kissing her hair. Her head is on my chest and I could feel her playing with her ring. "Do you really like it?" I ask her. "No I really love it and you" she says kissing me good night. "I love you Jo" I say as we both drift off to sleep holding each other tight.

Author's note.
Sorry it's a little shorter than my usual chapters but I wanted to publish something for you guys. Don't forget to hit that ⭐ thanks love you all Tina 😘

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