Chapter One: He is Muscular and Tall and Scary and Goodbye

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HEY! I wanted to add a disclaimer before you read. This book is every old!! If you are re reading or happen to find it- let me know if you'd like a revamped version~ definitely with better plot, and more characters to interact with the Three Musketeers.


Ruby knocked on the door as she put an arm around my shoulder "You're going to enjoy it here. They already adopted a lovely boy" She whispered. I hugged my teddy bear before the door opened to a pregnant woman. The only thing I could think about were the butterflies that needed to escape

"Hello, you must be Ruby" She smiled

"Yes I am and you must be Janet?"

"Yes. Please come in" She said as she stepped aside to let us in. She had a darker complexion and when she lead us to the kitchen where her husband was I noticed that he also had a dark complexion and their eyes were different shades of brown.

"Hello I'm Henry, lovely to meet you" he stated holding out his hand to shake Ruby's. He cleared his throat and someone stepped into view.

He is muscular and tall and scary and goodbye. I started to walk back to the door but sadly the arm in my way didn't get me so far. "I know that you still don't trust men but if you give someone a chance maybe It'll all be worth it"

I sighed as she grabbed the teddy bear " Plus, your mama will always be watching you" she said as she poked my nose with the teddy bear

"Stop treating me like a kid and maybe I'll behave" I snickered taking my bear back "The bear is the only thing she has of her mother" She sighed

"What's your name sweetie?" Mrs. Lynch asked with a soft smile

"Mia" I answered

"Well, Mia this is my son Declan. Declan dear show her to her room while we talk"

I nodded as Declan started heading upstairs and I tried to follow but the suitcase is heavier than me and once he noticed he mumbled a curse word before silently asking to grab the bag which I nodded in return

He opened a door to a half-empty place while the other half had his stuff "If you're not comfortable with me-"

"It's fine"

"So. Do you need anything? Food? Water?"

"If I'm being honest a shower and good nights sleep but I'm going to wait for Ruby to leave" I mumbled

"Long flight?"

"The shades and hoodie don't answer your question?" I asked as Ruby popped in. She sighed and kneeled down in front of me. "I'm going to check in next week and if you don't remotely like it here then you tell me. I know you wanted a house with more females but can you stay strong?"

"I have been since I was born"

"But it is okay to be vulnerable with people. You have to believe things will change"

"Why believe in a world that already stopped believing in me"

"Well. Declan can I speak to you?" Ruby asked awkwardly as they both stepped out of the room and Mrs. Lynch and Mr. Lynch stepped in. "We want you to be as comfortable as possible and I'm sorry you have to share a room with one of the messiest people in the world" Mrs. Lynch chuckled as she sat down next to me

"I heard that," Declan said as he stepped in the room

"Alright. Mia my love, you know where I'll be" She winked as she left the room

"Alright" Mr. Lynch sighed as he scratches the back of his neck

"Why don't you take a shower while we make dinner" He smiled as I nodded.


After a nice hot shower, I changed in the bathroom and blow-dried my black curly hair in the room.

I threw on a Mustangs jersey along with sweatpants, a black cardigan, and black shoes. I grabbed my glasses and head down the stairs with my head down. If you hadn't noticed, I hate eye contact

"She's already part of the family. She's wearing a Mustangs jersey" Mr. Lynch chuckled from the couch with a smile

"Yeah" I chuckled nervously as I walked towards the Kitchen. I sat down gently as Declan was talking to Mrs. Lynch. Her eyes landed to me with a soft smile "I would've mistaken you for Bennett's sister if I didn't know who you were" She chuckled as I raised an eyebrow which she quickly realized I have no clue who this Bennett is.

"Sorry. Bennett is one of Declan's best friends" She answered as I nodded my head

"I can introduce you if you'd like"

"Oh, Uh, Sure" I nodded when Mrs. Lynch gasped "Why don't you invite them over! And your father and I could have a date night before the baby arrives" She smiles. Declan's eyes widen as I looked down

"Yeah. Why don't you give them a call? Which reminds me, here is a phone and laptop. I heard you liked photography"

She passed me a gray laptop and a black phone as I mumbled my thanks. I quickly logged into my old accounts and I checked my text messages from a few of my friends. All this is very overwhelming but I've been through it and at the end of this week I'll be going back.

After I checked my messages I looked at my last picture that I took of a few things I made and sighed. I didn't notice that Declan was behind me until I felt him breathing down my neck that caused me to shiver and stiffen

"Those are amazing. Did you take them your self?" He asked as he walked over to the fridge and took out a bowl of grapes. "Um yeah. Did your parents leave?"

"A few seconds ago"

"I'm going to go change" I gulped, closing my computer and took it upstairs. I just changed my shirt into a black plain shirt and still used my cardigan. I took a deep breath when I heard the front door open and then close.

After today these four changed my life. For the better or for the worst.

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