1: Monsters VS Aliens

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Song: Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus

"Are you absolutely insane or just incredibly stupid?!" Ellie raised her voice when Chris lifted a bag of white powder from a small, hidden bag. "You don't even know what is that!"

"C'mon, darling, it'll be fun!" he replied, already hyped about the idea of drugs. "We never get to do this," he tried to persuade her, although we all knew how stubborn Ellie was.

"You're sixteen!" she shot back, to which he just laughed. "You're too young for drugs!"

"I do drugs," Owen raised his hand, blankly staring at El.

"You only live once, darling," he smirked, looking around the trashed room for someone's approval. "And I don't plan to waste my youth."

"If you don't do what I said, I will flippin' handcuff you," she threatened him, her face getting red from anger.

"Ooh, that's what she said," Owen sang, clearly not aware of the seriousness of this situation.

After all, he never has been able to separate those two apart.

"Dee, won't you do something?" El looked at me terrified, probably because Chris meant too much to her.

I just shook my head and observed the situation, not giving a fuck. I mean, we have bigger problems to worry about, like someone calling the cops for breaking in and trashing Mike's apartment.

It's only a matter of time before we start hearing police sirens.

"Chris, that's fucking cocaine," Ellis, Ellie's twin brother, meddled in from the other side of the room, busy doing his part of the job.

The tone of his voice was serious and dismissive. He knew they were going to listen to him.

And without further stalling, Chris knelt on the floor and created three white lines on the coffee table. He looked at Ellie with an apologetic look before he lowered his head and sniffed almost all of it.

Axl Jack screamed with excitement and appeared behind Chris, grabbing his shoulder and slapping his back. "That's what I'm talking about, pussies!" he screamed right before he finished the rest of the cocaine, leaving the table completely clean.

I stared at them with eyes wide open as Ellie covered her face with hands, mumbling something against them.

Ellis cursed under his breath, aggressively slamming his heels as he marched around.

Okay, let's back up a little bit...

It all started yesterday when the seven of us were supposed to meet at Chris' place for a movie. His dad is always out of the town and during the Summer we have no smarter things to do, so we usually hang out at his house.

Florida weather makes you incredibly tired if you're not on the beach, where we spend almost all of our time anyway, even during the school year.

"What are we watching?" Owen asked as he laid across the floor in front of the couch with a joint hanging from his mouth.

"Please anything except a horror movie. Last time we watched it, Owen started tripping and I almost pissed my pants," Ellie shivered at the thought of it as the rest of us chuckled. 

She brought her knees to her chest and reached towards her leg, playing with her turtle anklet, which she usually does when upset.

Curtis pulled out a Jigsaw CD, slightly smirking at Ellie. "I just bought this yesterday and I'm not wasting my money."

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