A Minor Interference

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Just a reminder, play the intro when you get to that part.

Kiara, Tiffu, and Zuri were doing what they normally do every day, they would all hang out together and talk about stuff. But more recently, Zuri has been acting weird, and Kiara and Tiffu have noticed that,"Zuri, are you alright,"Kiara said, noticing Zuri daydreaming and not paying attention,"uh, um yeah what were you saying,"Kiara rolled her eyes,"you were distracted again, what is up with that, you have never done this before,"oh sorry, I was just thinking," Tiffu raised an eyebrow (or the closest thing to an eyebrow for lions),"what were you thinking about," Zuri slightly blushed,"uh no one, just a guy,"Kiara and Tiffu smirked,"and who is this guy,"Kiara asked, Zuri paused for a bit before answering,"uh, Kion,"she said,"WHAT,"both Kiara and Tiffu shouted."I know, but I can't stop thinking about him,"

"why do you even like my little brother,"Kiara asked."because, he is so handsome, brave and noble a-"Kiara interrupted,"alright we get it, but I don't think you have a chance with my brother," Zuri was suprised,"why exactly," Kiara continued to explain,"because he doesn't really like anyone, he is more focused on the Guard,"Zuri's ears flopped down out of disappointment,"oh, alright,"but she spotted Kion in the distance,"you will be mine Kion,"she whispered to herself.


"alright, whats the plan again,"Kion asked,"after patrol today, you ask to walk Fuli home and hang out with her, and try to get close to her,"Bunga explained, Kion nodded in agreement. For the past week him and Bunga have been trying ideas so Kion could get close to Fuli. But Bunga always forgot to plan for one thing, Kion being awkward around Fuli. But this time Bunga had to make sure Kion wouldn't screw this up again.

Patrol went on for the day and nothing out of the ordinary happened for a while. But that was until Ono spotted something,"HAPANA, GUYS, JANJA AND HIS CLAN ARE ATTACKING TIFFU, ZURI, AND KIARA,"Kion ordered everyone to go to where Janja was. When they arrived, Janja and his clan had Kiara, Tiffu, and Zuri cornered. They were about to strike when the Guard showed up and attacked the Hyenas. Janja tried to lunge at Zuri, but Kion pounced on him,"Kion, funny seeing you here,"Janja said, trying to come up with an excuse,"what are you doing in the Pridelands Janja,"Kion said, it was clear that he was not happy,"oh this is the Pridelands, I though this was still the Outlands,"Janja was slowly backing away,"Leave now Janja, before I make you,"Janja knew what he meant, so he told his clan to follow him back to the outlands."Thanks Kion,"Kiara said to her brother, Kion smiled at her,"no problem,"he said. Zuri on the other hand was looking at Kion in awe, he did just save her after all,"yeah thanks Kion,"she said while slightly rubbing against Kion. Fuli noticed what Zuri did and got mad, so she nudged Zuri away from Kion,"we should go Kion,"she said, but she just wanted to get Kion away from Zuri,"yeah, we have to finish patrol, c'mon everyone,"Kion said, and with that, the guard left.

The Guard went to the boarder of the Pridelands to get their report from Vitani about Zira and her plan. After they got the report, everyone began to head home, and Bunga signaled Kion to make his move. Kion nodded and walked next to Fuli,"uh hey Fuli,"Kion awkwardly said,"um, hey Kion,"she said. Kion took in a deep breath and made his move,"so do you want me to walk you home, t-thats if you want,"Fuli was suprised, but she did want to have some time with just Kion, so she agreed,"uh sure,"she said. Kion smiled and silently cheered before continuing to follow the cheetah. Kion and Fuli talked for a while, and both were enjoying the time they were spending together. They had so much fun, it took a while for them to notice that the sun was down,"hey Fuli, look,"Kion pointed his head in the air, and towards the stars. Fuli looked up and smiled,"they are nice,"she said as she admired the stars."they really are,"Fuli looked over at Kion, and she smiled at the sight of him happy,"thanks for walking home with me Kion,"she said. Kion blushed,"no problem, I enjoyed hanging out with you Fuli," Fuli also blushed and she smiled,"really,"

"yeah, you are a really good...friend,"he nervously said to her."you are also a good friend Kion,"she said. Kion and Fuli arrived at Fuli's den,"so uh, I'll see ya tomorrow Fuli,"Kion said. Fuli smiled at Kion,"yeah, goodnight,"Fuli walked in her den, and Kion walked back to Pride Rock while cheering to himself the whole time, he successfully had a "date" with Fuli."DID IT WORK,"Kion jumped out of surprise and looked to see Bunga standing there,"Bunga, how long were you there,"pff, I was following you the whole time,"

"why were you following me,"Kion asked,"to make sure you didn't do anything stupid silly,"Kion rolled his eyes,"whatever Bunga,"Bunga nudged Kion,"but you did do a good job Kion, now you just need to ask her on a date,"a look of surprise grew on Kion's face out of shock and fear,"what wrong Kion,"said Bunga, who noticed Kion's expression,"no no no, I can't do It,"he said. He began to curl up in fear and cover his face in his paws. It was the rare moments when Bunga had seen Kion truly scared, but the last time he was like this, he was 2 years old, which would explain the childish position Kion was in when he was afraid. Bunga tried to not laugh, and then he continued,"why can't you Kion,"he asked."Because I don't want to ruin anything, I don't even know how to go on a date," Bunga was still trying not to laugh at how much Kion looks like a small cub when he is afraid, in his defense Kion was used to making fun of romance, not being part of it,"Kion, it will be alright, if you really like Fuli, then you can do this,"Kion's head perked up and looked at Bunga,"I guess, maybe I can do this,"Bunga smiled at his friend,"great, well I have to go home, goodnight,"Bunga said as he ran off. Kion ran back to Pride Rock and went to sleep.

I DID IT, I finished the 3rd chapter. Sorry it took a while, but I finally did it. I hope you also like the theme song/ intro I made for this book. Also I want to clarify, in the MAIN Lion King universe, Fuli is 3 years older that Kion, but in my story, Fuli is 13, and Kion is 12,(unlike in the main universe where she was 15 in season 1). Also I know the Zuri jealousy thing is cliche, but this book is supposed to capture the feeling of the older KionxFuli stories before season 3. But this might not be the only romance in this book, I have something planned with Vitani. But remember to vote and comment.

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