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Kovu walked out of Pride Rock, he had never stayed this long in the Pridelands before, so this was a new experience,both for him, and his sister. Although Vitani did have some experience being in the Pridelands when she was younger.

The brown coated cub explored the Pridelands for a bit, he liked how peaceful it was. Unlike the Outlands where it was a place where survival was top priority. Kovu sat down on top of a grassy hill and gazed apoun the stars,"It's beautiful isn't it,"a voice said. Kovu turned around to see who was talking to him,"Kiara."

"Kovu,"Kiara said. The lioness cub walked next to Kovu and sat down next to him."I heard that you came back to the Pridelands so...I wanted to see you,"Kiara looked away, to hide the fact that she was blushing,"oh...yeah so how have you been doing,"Kovu nervously asked,"I'm alright...I was mostly training to be Queen.....I'm kinda suprised that you remembered me."

"Of course I remembered you, I would think about you every day....n-not in a weird way of course,"Kiara chuckled at the cub,"right,"both cubs glazed their eyes apoun the stars above them,"It's so peaceful,"Kovu said,"is it anything like the Outlands,"Kiara asked,"not at all."

"what is life like in the Outlands,"Kovu turned and looked at Kiara once again,"My mom mostly had me train, she wanted me to kill your dad once I was old enough.......but I don't want to, I just want to live out my life without having to be forced into a destiny I never asked for,"Kiara understood how Kovu felt, she sometimes wished that she was the leader of the Lion Guard instead of Kion and have him be the king, the responsibility of being in charge of the Pridelands sometimes made her worry if she would be a good Queen in general,"I understand, I just sometimes want to live a life free of any responsibility."Kiara and Kovu leaned against each other and fell asleep together, but both cubs were so tired, they didn't notice.

"They remind me of us when we were younger,"Nala said to her mate,"there is something special between them,"Simba said nuzzling his mate,"and one day, Kion will find someone,"Simba turned to his mate,"actually, he already found someone,"Nala was suprised by what her mate said,"really, who is she."

"Fuli,"Nala was in shock, not only did her son fall for someone already, but it was a cheetah,"how did you know this,"Nala questioned,"I saw how much he cared for her, and he told me,"Simba took notice of Nala's concerned expression, and he didn't blame her,"Cheetah or not, Kion loves her, and I'm happy that he did,"Nala nodded at her mate,"I'm happy that he found someone, I'm just worried about how others would view him,"Simba nuzzled his mate to confort her.

It was almost morning, Kion's eyes slowly opened, the cub felt something soft, he turned his head and saw Fuli, he remembered that he fell asleep next to her. Kion stood up on his four paws and walked to the entrance of the Lion Guard lair and looked out at the stars, which would soon disappear in a few hours once the sun rises."Kion,"Kion's ears perked up when he heard her voice, he turned around and saw Fuli, whom had just woken up,"Fuli, are you alright,"Kion asked,"I'm fine, but last thing I remembered was being pinned down by Zira, what happened,"

"My dad and the pride showed up to rescue us, along with Kovu and Vitani,"Fuli nodded. The young cheetah wanted to stand up, but she felt a jolt of pain in her legs, so she stayed down. Kion walked next to her and sat down,"I'm sorry."Fuli heard the pain and regret in the cub's voice when he said that to her,"sorry for what, you had no choice."

"I know, but I still feel guilty for getting you hurt."Fuli felt something. something different from the way Kion apologized to her, it felt like there was more meaning behind his words,"Kion, why do you care so much, I understand that we are friends, but I feel like there is something more that is going on,"Kion was internally freaking out when she said that to him, he didn't expect to tell her right now, but he couldn't lie to his friend, the one that he loves so much and is more than just a friend to him. It would be unfair if he lied to her, especially since she stayed loyal to him and stuck by his side for so long,"It's because I-I..I.......ILIKEYOU,"Kion said those last words as fast as he could so he could get it over with. Fuli's face displayed an expression of shock,"d-do you mean like or like-like,"Fuli asked Kion,"um, like-like,"Kion nervously said to her, his ears were flopped down and he looked down at the floor, afraid of what was going to happen next. But instead of yelling or even a calm rejection, he felt something soft rub against him. Kion raised his head and saw Fuli nuzzling him,"y-your not mad,"Kion asked, suprised that the cheetah returned his love,"oh course not, I actually wanted to tell you how much you meant to me, but I was too afraid to tell you,"Fuli said blushing, Kion smiled at her and nuzzled her back," does this mean we're a couple,"Fuli laughed at him,"what do you think genius,"Fuli said while playfully shoving Kion. Kion blushed, he didn't really mind Fuli's strong personality, he in fact enjoyed it,"sorry, I'm new to this romance thing."

Kion walked around the Pridelands, he was looking for someone. He made his way over to Hakunah Matatta falls and found him,"Bunga,"the Honey Badger looked and saw the 12 year old cub approach him,"what do you want,"he said annoyed,"I just want to say, thank you,"Bunga was confused,"thank you, for what."

"For helping me be with Fuli, I'm sorry I said what I said, but earlier....I told Fuli about my feelings for her, so I just wanted to say thanks, and I'm sorry,"Kion turned around and began to walk back to Pride Rock, when he felt something jump on his back,"well what are you waiting for, ONWARD,"Bunga said while raising his paw. Kion laughed and they both ran off, Kion not only gained a girlfriend, but his best friend also.

Yeah finally I have Kion confess to Fuli after 7 chapters. Thank you guys for the support and this book is not going to be over yet, I plan on writing a long and EPIC finale, so just wait here soon, and also check out some of my other books, and don't forget to vote and comment.

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