Messing Up

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Kion, Kovu, and Vitani talked about what they are going to do to escape Zira. But the main obstacle was of course the fact that Zira was holding Fuli hostage. If any of them tried to do anything, Zira would straight up try to kill Fuli, which was why she had power over Kion in the first place. 

All three cubs went back to get some rest, when they walked back, they saw Zira standing there waiting for them, she looked angry,"Kion, I'm disappointed,"

"what are you talking about Zira,"Zira shook her head,"Nuka told me about what you have been planning,"Vitani and Kovu saw Nuka with a smug look on his face,"Nuka you JERK,"Vitani shouted."Nuka was just being loyal, as for you two, I'm afraid you will suffer the same fate as Kion and his friend,"Kovu and Vitani gave angry looks at their "brother" but Kion was more worried about something else,"BRING HER OUT HERE,"two lionesses nodded and walked off.

Fuli was laying on her side in the den, she hasn't eaten much in a while. She was more worried about Kion though, being forced to do Zira's bidding. She didn't want Kion to get hurt, or have something worse happen to him. Fuli opened her green eyes when she heard footsteps approach him, she lifted her head and saw two lionesses approach her and remove the bones that blocked the entrance to the den. One of the lionesses grabbed her by her scruff and began to drag her to Zira.

The lionesses placed Fuli down in front of Zira, the lioness smiled when she noticed her physical state, she was covered in bruises and scratches, which made Kion feel even worse,"Mother, please don't do this,"Vitani pleaded, but it had no use, Zira just ignored her daughter,"such a shame that I have to do this again,"

"so it was you,"Vitani whispered to herself. Kion and Kovu looked and saw the tears on her face. Kion angrily turned to Zira and snarled at her,"Leave her alone Zira, or else,"Zira pressed one paw on Fuli's back to hold her down,"Or else what Kion, use you'r roar, if you do you will kill her also,"Kion gritted his teeth and jumped at Zira, letting Fuli go. Zira regained her strength and looked to see Kion's angry expression which amused her,"why would you care for this pathetic cheetah, lions were meant to be superior,"

"that is where you are wrong, my job is to defend the circle of life, which means protecting every  animal in the Pridelands,"Zira wasn't convinced, she knew there was more than just defending the circle of life,"but why do you care about her, I saw you cuddling with her, the bond you share with her is special to you,"Kion gulped,'she knows, she knows about my feelings to her,' Kion decided it was time for a new plan. Kion took in a deep breath and focused. He concentrated and used his roar to send Zira flying away. Kion turned his head to his left and looked at Kovu and Vitani, who placed Fuli on her back,"RUN,"Kion said. All four felines made their way towards the Pridelands,"AFTER THEM,"Nuka shouted. Kion turned around and saw Nuka, along with other outlander lionesses, chasing after them,"mother is going to be proud once I kill the son of Simba,"Nuka jumped in the air after Kion, and was immediately knocked to the ground,"what the,"Nuka said to himself whale trying to stand up,"leave my son alone,"Nuka looked up and saw Simba standing over him,"S-S-S-SIMBA,"Nuka said in fear, and he immediately ran back to the outlands. The Lionesses soon followed when they noticed the other lion's standing by Simba."DAD,"Kion shouted, he ran over and hugged his father,"are you alright,"Simba said, hugging his son,"I am, but Fuli is injured,"Simba looked at Fuli, who was being held on Vitani's back, he also noticed Kovu standing beside her,"what are they doing here,"

"Kovu and Vitani helped me escape and bring Fuli back to the Pridelands, they don't want anything to do with Zira, please, can you let them stay here,"Simba thought about it, he did recognize Kovu, he was the one that was playing with Kiara a few years before Kion was born, and as far as he was concerned,he saved her,"alright, they can stay,"Kion smiled at his father,"thanks dad,"

Fuli was placed to rest inside the Lion Guard lair, Rafiki came in and treated her wounds, but she needed to rest. Kion sat beside her, he felt bad for her, he felt like he was the one who dragged her into this situation. Simba noticed Kion's behavior, but there was something off about Kion,"Kion, are you alright,"Kion turned his head and looked at his father before turning back to look at Fuli,"no, it was my fault that Zira captured her,"

"Kion, it is not your fault,"Kion sighed,"I did what she asked yesterday because she would have hurt her if I didn't obey her, and she almost died because of me,"Kion's eyes were watering up and small tear drops flowed down the cub's face. Simba saw how much he cared for Fuli, sure Kion cared about his family and friends, but Simba noticed how his relationship with Fuli was more special,"Kion, do you love her,"Kion's eyes widened in shock,"Um, nO wHy wouLd YoU saY thAt,"a small grin grew on Simba's face and he chuckled to himself,"It's alright Kion, you don't need to hide it."

"so you are not mad,"Kion said. Simba's approval of his feelings towards Fuli did come as a shock, given that he was a Lion and she was a Cheetah,"of course not Kion, im happy that you found a girl that makes you happy,"Kion hugged his father,"thanks dad,"Simba looked down at his son, seeing Kion happy brought a smile on his face,"have you told her yet,"

"well uh, no, I didn't, I am not good when it comes to romance,"Simba ruffled his mane,"just be yourself, then it would work out fine,"Kion nodded and Simba walked out of the lair. Kion's focus once again shifted to Fuli, he sighed to himself, he nuzzled Fuli and laid down next to her, and he fell asleep,

Love Across The Stars:A KionxFuli StoryWhere stories live. Discover now