Chapter 1

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My eyes shot open, My lungs hurt, they felt like they haven't had air in days! I gasped for Oxygen, the cold air felt good in my lungs, I breathed hard, so hard I almost passed out again. I looked around, I was in some sort of metal container. Where am I? Who am I...? The only thing I can remember about myself is my name...Mack. I don't remember what I look like, or my hair color, eye color, or even skin color. I looked around desperaly for something to look into, but there was nothing but a few barrels, with the letters W.I.C.K.E.D....Wicked? I started to panick, anything with the word Wicked on it can't be pleasant. I stood up, I could barely feel my legs, I was shaking as I slammed my hands on the top of the metal box, I couldn't see well, it was dark. I shouted as loud as my vocal cords would allow,

"Help! Help me! Get me out! Help!"

It echoed around the box, there wasn't a way out that I could see, but I hated this feeling...the feeling of being trapped. I screamed a shouted, pounding my fists against the floorboard, kicked the walls, I was already tired. I was stomping the floor with all my might when the box stopped moving, I fell hard on my butt, pain shot all through my back and my legs. The lights around me glew red, there was a loud sound, an alarm. I stared up at the ceiling, bad idea. The top of the box lifted and the light was blinding! I covered my eyes, I heard a thump, somthing grabbed my wrist and pulled my hand away from my eyes, I squinted, It was a girl.

"Hey Greenie, welcome to paradise." She said with a hint of sarcasm in her voice, she practically yanked me out of the box, she dropped me on my back. I stared up, faces, faces of boys and girl, teenage boys and girls. They hovered over me, I couldn't move, trapped, not again. I crawled under some guys legs and ran.

"Greenie come back!" I heard a deep voice shout, but I kept running, there was an opening, a wide one at that, I ran straight for it. My legs ached but I kept going, I was almost there, only 20 more feet, when I was tackled, I fell over on my side, that's gonna leave a mark. I stared up, some tall guy was standing over me, he helped me up.

"What were you thinking? You haven't been here 10 minutes and I can already tell your a Shank." I raised an eyebrow
What the heck does that even mean?

"Shank? What's a shank?" he chuckled, an ugly chuckle. I started to turn the other way when the same girl who got me out of the box blocked my path. She had shoulder length blonde hair, blue eyes, and had pale skin. She wasn't ugly, but she wasn't drop dead gorgeous either.

"I think we got off on the wrong foot Greenie." I folded my arms. Thanks for stating the obvious.

"Ya think? Who stands over someone and traps them, when they just came out a a box, which they were also just trapped in?!" She laughed. Sounded menacing...creepy.

"You hate being trapped? Take a look around." I had been so distracted I forgot to actually see where I was. I looked around...4 gigantic metal walls, ivy creeping up them, each had a wide entrance, I was heading for one of them.

"Why can't you just leave? There's 4 good openings right there." She chuckled, and pointed, I heard I massive shriek, a deafing shriek, I turned, the entrance was closing.

"What? How is that even possible?" How could walls this massive even move? Incredible in a way.

"You don't want to go out there Greenie, trust me. It's awful out there." She put a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear.

"What is out there?" My curiousity was probably going to kill me.
"None of your concern at the moment." She extended her hand. None of my concern? If I was gonna stay here it is my concern. But I didn't want to start an argument

"Names Ella. Can you remember your name?" I had almost forgotten...I don't remember anything, ironic huh. I shook her hand.

"'s Mack...but..." She didn't seem curious, like forgetting everything was normal.
"I can't remember anything else. Why can't i-" she put her hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay, we all go through this. I'm surprised your so calm Greenie. Most girls like you would be having a heart attack by now, aren't you scared?"
I was alittle nervous but I didn't want them to think I'm weak. And so this forgetting thing was normal.

"Not really." She snorted,
"YA sure about that? Your telling me your not scared?" I nodded, what was so scary about this place?

"Why is this so looks safe." Yet again, who wakes up forgetting everything and put inside a Metal corridor? She and a couple others around me chuckled.

"Listen..." Ella said not taking her eyes off me. I heard a loud moan mixed with a shriek. It wasn't a pretty sound.

"What was that? What's out there?" What sort of horrible thing could make such a sound? Couldn't be a good thing. She smiled
"Greivers. Now come on, time for dinner." That didn't help much. She acted like I already knew all this.

"Greivers? What's that? And-" she signaled for me to shush,

"Now Greenie we don't want to have to put the silence tape on you do we?" I scratched my neck.

"What's that?" She laughed
"It's tape, we keep it for greenies. They always ask too many questions so we put some on their mouth so they'll shut it." I nodded, she started to walk away again, but I had one more question that I had to have answered now...

"Ella...what do I look like?" She turned around and smiled,

"I'll show you." She walked to the right towards the buildings, we walked into one and there was a square peice of glass on the wall, she gestered to it.

"It's called a Mirror, you can see yourself in it...go ahead." I walked hesitatly in front of it...I closed my eyes and put my head down...what if I was some sort of mutant freak?

"Sometime tonight Greenie." I took a breath and looked up.
I had long light brown hair, almost to my stomach, I had bluish green eyes, mostly blue though. I was tan, and I had thick eyelashes. I was pretty.

"Wow." Was All I could muster. Ella chuckled a bit.
"Interesting seeing yourself isn't it?" I nodded
"Well come on, let's go, dinners almost ready, and you don't want to be the stupid shuck face that keeps me from eating."

"Shuck face? What's with all these random names?" She didn't turn around.
I followed her out. I honestly wasn't hungry but I took some bread and a glass of water. I sat down on the ground and stared at the stars. I had so many questions. But I could answer them tomorrow. Hopefully.

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