Chapter 13

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"ANNA! Get off! What's wrong with you?!" I tried pushing her off but she wouldn't budge, Rosie and the other Med-Jacks ran to my side, they tried prying her off,

"Anna! Let go! Your breaking a rule!" Rosie shouted!
"I don't CARE!" And she elbowed Rosie hard in the head, and knocked her out! The other Med-Jacks got their weapons and started to walk towards us, Anna turned her head,
"Come near me with those and I'll STAB her in the head! YA HEAR THAT?! GET BACK!" The Med-Jacks didn't move, and the knife was inching towards my face, I grabbed her wrist so I could resist her!

"Anna stop! Why are you doing this?!"
She heavely breathed like a maniac!
"Because! Because...Y-your Evil! Y-Your WICKED! Is WICKED is good Mack! Huh?! Is it?! LOOK AROUND! They did this too us! YOU did this too us!"
She was still trying to stab my face, I knew she would kill me if I didn't get her off! I grabbed her wrist and threw her off me! I stumbled to get to my feet for Anna was trying to bring me back down too the floor! I ran out the door as fast as I could! I knew Anna would follow!

"Help! Someone Help!" I screamed running out of the building, I didn't know where I was going, I just had to get away from there! I couldn't fight Anna! I don't want to hurt her, even if she is going whack! I looked around and saw Ella near a group of Gladers! I ran for there, I looked behind me and saw Anna close behind, still faster than her!

"Ella! Help!" Ella turned her head and saw me being Chased, I finally got to her and stood next to her,
"What did you do YA shank?!" Anna then stopped right in front of us, she narrowed her eyes,
"Need Ella for protection HUH?" I growled,
"No! I just don't want to hurt you Anna, your not thinking straight!"
She chuckled it was so creepy,
"Anna what's this all about, just calm down." Ella said trying too put her hand on her shoulder. She swatted it away,
"She's Evil! She this too is! Her! All her!" Anna snapped pointing at me,
"Okay, before me start making accusations what exactly did she do?" Anna breathed heavily,
"She's the reason we're here. Her! They couldn't have done it without her! They said so!" I backed up, what could I have done that's making Her go bonkers?

"Who said what? Anna your not making sense." Ella said calmly, Anna scowled,
"Lock her up! Kill her! As long as she's being tortured! She's tortured us, now it's our turn!" What the heck was she even talking about?!
"Anna look we all don't understand what your saying, just go back too bed." She growled,
"No! Not until she's locked up! She's evil! She'll get us all killed!" She snapped,
"Drew, take her back too the medical building." He nodded,
"Come on, let's not have any trouble." She frowned then reluctantly went along, my heart was about to pop out of my chest,
"Everyone else leave, I need a word with Mack alone." The rest of them cleared out, she just stared at me,
"I swear I have no idea what she's saying!" She nodded,
"I know. I know. I just wish we knew what she was talking did you do this too us?"
I wish I knew but sadly I didn't know slot of things.
"I have no idea. All I know is I hope Liz isn't that way when she wakes up." She nodded, and then had a serious look on her face,
"Did she hurt you?" I shook my head,
"No...but she tried to stab me with a knife. Now I won't get any sleep tonight." She didn't say anything,
"Don't worry, we'll have her locked up. With no weapons." I sighed,
"I don't think that'll stop her."
"Ella, well you've had a long day and night, I say you go too bed early."
I nodded,
"Um could someone stay near me...I don't want to get murdered in the middle of the night." She laughed,
"Sure, I'll stay near YA, make sure no one tried too kill you."


I couldn't sleep, it was too early. I glanced everywhere, no one close. I had some questions...okay a lot of questions so I tried to contact Thomas, what else was I supposed to do?
'Thomas, I have some questions for you! So get here now!'
'I mean please.'

'That's what I thought Mr.Bossy'
I chuckled,
'That's Mrs.Bossy, I'm a girl. Obviously'

'Sorry I'm used to talking to guys.' I laughed,

'Why? Do you not talk to girls or something?'

'Pretty much. The only girls I really talk too are you, Teresa, and Brenda. But it's weird talking to you.'

'Okay I have no idea who those people are. And why...?'
My heart was pounding...Why?!
'Because I talking to you in your head.'

'Oh right.' Whew, I was afraid he wouldn't talk to me again,

'YA know. Your the only girl I talk to trough their head.' I laughed and put my hands over my heart, he couldn't see that though.

'Well don't you know how to make a girl feel special.' He laughed in my head. Literally.

'It's a gift. Now you said you have some questions.' I almost forgot, it was getting easier to talk to him,

'Oh right. I want to know...Why I'm different?'

'In what way?' I sighed,

'Well one your contacting me. Two I wasn't effected by the Griever sting. And attacked me.'

'Oh I see. Whose Anna?' I chuckled, the thought of Anna's unstable personality is hilarious.
'Long story. Unstable personality. Keeper of the Runners. Got stung. Yeahhhhh. She said that...well while she was attacking me...'

'Oh got it. And...she said what too you?'
I too a breath,
'That I did this too them. That its my fault.'
We both said nothing for alittle bit.
'Well...She's not entirely wrong.' My ears...well mind perked up,

'W-what? Are you not telling me something?' I heard a sigh,

'Yes, but it's better you not find out. At least not right now. You just need to focus on finding a way out.'
I couldn't believe my ears...i mean mind, YA know what I give up on the whole concept.

'Thomas, I want too know. But if you think that's what's best then...I trust you.' I couldn't believe I thought that.

'Really? Your gonna listen to me? Not argue?' I shrugged

'No, I don't remember a lot so...I don't know what's best for me.'

'Understood.' One question popped into my mind,
'Thomas...Will I ever see you? In person.'

'Contact me as soon as you get out of the maze. I'll direct you. But yes, and I'm looking forward to it.' I think my cheeks were hot,

'Do you even know what I look like? And how do you know that we'll get out...'

'Yes. You have light brown long hair, blushish green eyes, and tan skin. And I know you all will, they have you. You'll figure it out. I know it.'

'Correct. And you have black hair and brown eyes right? My memories aren't clear. And I'm not so sure Thomas.'

'Yep, and I'm amazingly attractive.' I snorted,
'Oh shut up'
we were both laughing in my head...which was weird

'I know you'll make it out. Just have some confidence.'

'Maybe. *yawns* oh lord I'm tired. I need some sleep.'

'Same here. Goodnight Mack.' I laid down on the grass, the ground was cold, but soft, I slowly closed my eyes.
'Goodnight Thomas.' Then I let myself fall asleep.

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