Chapter 7

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I kept running, Anna was close behind, I could tell because she was yelling at me,
"Wait up! You don't even know where your going idiot!" She was wrong, I felt it, I knew where we were going, I knew every turn, every path, every section, I knew The Maze. It felt like it was implanted in my brain, like it was a part of me...But how is that even possible? I've barely even looked at a map of the maze, let alone run it...At night! It wasn't important at the moment, I would figure it out later,

"Anna were heading towards section 4!" I slowed down a pace and she caught up to me, why was she having so much trouble catching up too me? She is runner after all, she looked shocked, I had the look on my face like, What are you looking at?

"H-how'd you know that?" I shrugged, there was a tight turn up ahead, so I needed to slow down or we would slide right into the wall, the

"Anna, tight left turn up ahead, slow down." We slowed to a fast walk, her eyes were still wide, like a giant plate with a big spot of brown in the center.
We rounded the corner,
"How do you know this? You've never been in the maze! Or observed maps carefully, and why do you want to go to section 4?" We were still fast walking, I wanted to pick up the pace, but it would be hard to talk and run. I didn't know how to explain how I knew, so I did the best I could.

"I just feel it in my gut, I know the paths, the turns, I know the maze Anna. I don't know how but I do. We're going to section 4 cause there was a long pathway at the end of it on your map, we're gonna check it out." She rolled her eyes,

"The end of section 4 is a dead end Mack, just like all the others." We didn't have much of a choice, anything abnormal needed to be observed.
"We have to try, what other options do we have?" She looked over like I was insane,
"I don't know! What's so special about this dead end, what stood out to you?" For once a question I surely know the answer too.

"It was abnormally long, anything different must be observed! After all you've been here a year and you still haven't gotten anywhere!" She looked like she was going to smack me across the face,
"Are you kidding me?! Your really critiquing me?! You've been here 2 shuck days, you don't know how hard we've worked to get where we are!" Why was she getting so mad, obviously the method they were using wasn't helping.

"Well clearly that's gotten you nowhere! Look around! Your still here!" I probably shouldn't of said that, after all, she's unpredictable. She grinded her teeth so hard I swore I could hear it! She narrowed her eyebrows, this can't be good. I glanced at her, and through her clenched teeth she mumbled,
"Run." From what...
"Run from w-" she snarled
"Run!" I didn't hesitate, I turned the corner and took off, i ran as fast as I could, I didn't hear anything for awhile but after a few minutes...I could swear I heard her scream, that girl must be part wildcat. I turned corners, went down long straight paths, I could still hear her behind me, I was definitely faster than her. Way faster. I got a pretty good distance and sat down to drink some water, was I running from her? Even if she caught me, what would she do to me, attempt to punch me? I figured I'd just wait till she caught up, I needed a break.


I waited around 10 minutes I believe...She never came. I was starting to get worried, she could've slipped and broke something, I went back the way I came, a right turn, long pathway, left turn, right, right turn, I was just waiting for the long pathway and the right right turn.
I was going down the long pathway, go straight I thought, but there was a possible left turn option. There the left turn was, right in the middle of the long pathway...but something was different.
I went down the path, there wasn't anything for alittle while until about halfway down the path I noticed, there was some blood drops, and bloody handprints...odd. I went further, I turned right, following the blood drops and handprints on the walls, I started noticing some yellowish stuff near the blood, what was that? I stepped in it, it was sticky. Gross. What could've made this stuff? I kept going straight, the further I got, the more blood floor, blood handprints and that goop there was. The path had 3 options now, straight, left, and right. The blood trail and goop went straight, that's where I needed to go. The blood amout on the floor got bigger,Whoever was behind this blood was injured greatly. I was getting nervous, what wouldve caused someone to bleed this much? More importantly, what was this gross goo? I kept walking straight when the path spilt, I could go straight or left.
The straight path I noticed continued with the blood trail, but the left path had some of that goo in it. Which path? I thought. Some one is obviously injured, but they could be dead by now! And I would miss out on finding out what was behind that sticky stuff. But yet again they may not be dead...I looked back and forth. Then I glanced straight...And turned Left.

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