Chapter 28

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Newt, thomas, and Teresa all stood around me. Teresa looked to Thomas, I guess wanting him to explain. Thomas got the hint and clasped his hands,
"Okay well, uh, As you all know your Glade has been-"

"Destroyed because of Mack." Geo interrupted,
"Attacked by Greivers."
Thomas continued, giving GEO a dirty look.
"This was supposed to happen 2 weeks from now. But...WICKED found out about Mack."
Everyone looked at me except Thomas and Teresa,
"Found out what?" Ella asked,
"That she remembered things, and that she was getting help from me. It messed their variables, so they decided to go ahead and move you all onto the scorch trials."
Everyone looked at me this time, I knew Thomas, Teresa, Newt, and Minho wouldn't be against me...but the others
"But don't worry, we'll get you out. And we'll take you to our village, we escaped WICKED awhile ago, we'll take care of all of you. Just trust us."
GEO scoffed,
"Sure, let's trust some people who just waltz in here, and apparently are with Mack, who is the cause of all this."
I narrowed my eyebrows, why was he so hung up on that?

"Look, we're here to help. And if you all want to Bloody die, then stay here!" Newt said, his hand still gripping the pole, everyone glared at him.
"If we go out there were going to die!" Geo yelled,
"There's a way out! Yes a few will die, but the majority will live. If we stay here, all of us will die!"
Thomas said taking a machete out of his belt, my machete was knocked out of my hand when I got punched, so I reached down to grab it.

"They have a point Geo, they'll just keep coming back."
Drew said, I'm glad he was finally not being a shank, Ella walked near Geo.
"Okay. Let's go to the building and have a fair trial, a vote. Wether we stay or go." Ella said her hands on her hips, Geo growled,
"No, we don't play fair with WICKED. I know who Thomas and Teresa are, and Mack. They put us here."
Me and Thomas and Teresa all exchanged looks,
"Whatever happened is behind us, look, we want everyone to get out alive." Teresa said,

"I'd rather get fed to the Greivers. Whoever wants to go with them, fine! Kill yourselves." Everyone kinda looked around, it's time for me too step up.


I sighed,
"Okay, listen, I know it's crazy, but we have a better chance of surviving out there than in here. If we stay were gonna get ripped to shreds!"

"Please, your just trying to scare them into going."

"No, your already scared, petrified for that matter. Don't deny it Geo, if we don't leave we'll all be dead before the end of the week."
His eyes shot dagurs at me,
"Maybe, but Theres a chance they'll stop soon. Maybe the walls are just broken."

"They won't. They're going to keep coming back until they kill us all."
I said raising my voice,
"Okay, listen up Gladers! Anyone who wants to go with these shanks and get themselves killed, go on."
Everyone looked around, no one moved, they were afraid to pick.

"There's a way out guys. If you come with us, you'll get out of this place. Isn't that what you want?"
All the Gladers exchanged looks, when I saw a dark arm go up,
"I'm with YA Mack."
It was Val, she walked over too us, she put her hand on my shoulder.
"I trust them." She said to all the Gladers,
"I'll go, finally, a chance to get out of this death trap."
Anna said shoving a few Gladers out of the way. I smiled as a bunch more Gladers came to us, even Drew. All that were left were 6 boys, 2 girls, and Geo and Ella.

"You can come with us. Please."
I said kindly, Ella looked at Geo then sighed.
"Mack, I can't..." My heart sank, even though Ella has been a jerk, she was still my friend.
"No Mack. Good luck, I want to give you a few words of wisdom."
Thomas and Newt were at my sides, Teresa behind me, and Minho somewhere in the crowd.

"Just...don't die." I scoffed,
"Great now were inspired."
I said, but Newt said it too, at the same time. I looked at him, I kinda laughed.
"Last chance." Newt said,
"Hope you all get stung."
Geo said harshly, I sighed.
"Let's go." And I turned towards the gate, my head throbbed, we were leaving Ella behind, and gone. I felt like crying, but I had to be brave.
I heard everyone behind me, but I looked to my left and right. Thomas and Teresa to my left, and Newt and Minho too my right, Newt and Thomas were right next to me though, everyone else following us, picking up weapons as they go.

"Mack, are you okay?" I heard Teresa say on my far left. I sniffed,
"Yea, why wouldn't I be, we're gonna get everyone out."

"Well you look like a bloody waterfall of tears is going to burst out at any moment."
Newt remarked, kindly but sassily. I liked him, and Teresa too. They were both so considerate, selfless. Minho I'm not so sure about,
"So Mack, not the best time to ask but...Do you know where the Greiver hole is?"
Thomas asked, he always knew how to ruin the moment.
"Of course I do. Map remember?"
He nodded,
"Oh yeah. So, this is me, and you. In person." I nodded,
"Yep." Was all I could say, the opening was approaching,
"You like what you see?" I rolled my eyes and smiled,
"Oh shut up." I said punching his arm, I noticed Teresa's slight smile turn down, and I liked to Newt and Minho.

"Well isn't that cute. Dont you think they would make the cutest couple Newt?" Minho said sarcastically with his hand over his heart, Newt shrugged.
"Does it look like I Bloody care? Let's just stay focused on getting out of here."
Newt said with an irratated tone in his voice, my face turned red, even though I knew Minho was joking. Newt seemed almost...sad, but it's probably cause we're not going to be able to save everybody. We stopped when we approached the entrance to enter the maze. I sighed, we get out now. I was scared though, what if this way out didn't work? What if we all were killed? I grabbed Newt and Thomas's hands, I needed something to hold, or I would have a melt down. They didn't seem to mind, they just kept staring at the giant opening. I took a breath,

"Let's go." I released their hands and ran out into the metal walls.

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