Chapter 33

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I turned around, not again. There was a shadowy corner in the metal room, moans came from it. I grabbed Newt's wrist to come over there with me, what if it was some sort of Greiver child?! We slowly walked over, I reached my hand into the shadow...another hand grabbed mine. I pulled it out, they were facedown and they had red hair, no...ip that was blood, I saw the top of their head...blonde, bright blonde! I flipped them over, green eyes, tan face, Liz! She was staring up at me,
"M-Mack? Is that you?" She asked her voice trembling, I couldn't belive it! She's alive!
"Newt, help me get her up!" He nodded and we grabbed under her arms, we pulled her too her feet. She had a cut on her neck, in her stomach, her arm, and her face. But she didn't seem to be stung.
"Liz, how are you alive?" She shrugged, her face was tan, but paler around the cut, probably from blood loss.
"I think I was too weak for them to sting me."
I honestly didn't care, I was just happy she was alive! Me and newt supported her weight.
"Let's go guys." And we all walked down the hallway.


At the end of the hall there was a door, it said exit. Thomas and Teresa and Minho were at the front, Teresa still being supported by Thomas and Minho. Thomas twisted the knob and opened it. There was a giant white room, there were a few glass panels in the walls...people with white suits were staring at us.
"Mack we have to get out of here before-"
Thomas started to say then the doors flew open, a woman in white came through the door. She had a blonde bun and thin red lips, she carried a clip board.
"Hello, my name is Chancellar Paige. And...Thomas welcome back." Thomas narrowed his eye brows. Me and Newt released Liz, she could hold herself up.
"Congratulations on completing the maze trials. I just want you to know everything that's happened, everything we've done to you, was for a purpose. The sun has scorched our world, billions of lives lost to fire. After that was much worse, a deadly virus was introduced, we called it the flare. I know your sad, angry, frightened. Your more important than you realize. Now unfortunately your trials have just begun, and there are a few more variables that have to be solved."

I was having trouble comprehending what she was saying to us, the scorch must be the second trial. And what other variables? Then the doors sung open again, but this time. Ella walked through, she had a gun.
"Ella what are you doing here?" Anna asked, Ella hand was shaking her eyes teary,
"I'm sorry, I can't...I can't control myself."
She aimed the gun at Us,
"Ella just put the gun down, we'll get out of here well-"
she pulled the trigger. The bullet went straight towards Newt until, Val pushed him out of the way! Ella dropped the gun as Val and Newt hit the floor! I ran over to them, the Bullet hit Val in the neck, her eyes were teary blood pouring from the wound! Everyone crowded around her,
"Val it's okay your gonna be okay." Me and Anna mumbled, she was our friend. She was crying but smiling at the same time,
"It's okay. I'm even now." Val said through her shakey voice, my tears were flowing,
"W-what?" I asked,
"That boy, he died for me. Now it's my turn." She wanted to get even, she took one last breath as her eyes closed, no! I shook her frantically
"Val get up! Please you have too! Please!" Her body was cold and limp, Teresa looked at me, her eyes wet, Anna's tears hitting the floor, Newt's look of shock. Everything was too much me to handle.


I sprung up and saw Ella on the floor crying, Paige grabbed the gun Ella dropped and put it too her temple.
"Remember, WICKED is good." I looked away as I heard the gunshot. An alarm went off and some people burst through the doors! They were wearing black,
"Mack we have to go!" Teresa yelled, there was no where to go! The black men and women grabbed us all and pulled us out the door, I punched and kicked with all my might!
"Let go! We can't leave her there! Get off me!" I screamed, I saw Newt and Teresa being dragged away close by,
The black suited man said, "we're trying to help you kid!"
I saw Ella in the arms of someone, they were taking her too. The person who killed my friend was coming with us. I looked back as we slowly moved away from that place, it was sandy out here. They were taking us too the scorch. The out us in a helicopter, Newt and Thomas were by my sides, Anna and Teresa across from me, and the rest were piled in. Then the copter left the ground.

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