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Chloe's POV
8:00 A.M.

I can't help but to feel nervous walking up to the building where my next interview is. You'd think after 13 job interviews in the past 2 months I'd be a pro at this. But sadly that's just not true.

I was confident at my first interview, I thought that I'd definitely get the office job that I worked so hard for. I did not in fact get that job, or any other office job I applied for after that. They want someone with experience. What I don't understand is how am I supposed to get experience if no one will hire me? My confidence slowly plummeted more and more with each and every job that I was turned down from.

I had always imagined working in a huge building, having my own little office space, with a bunch of co-works, co-workers that I secretly hated. But maybe I just wasn't meant for that. The job That I'm about to be interviewed for is a little out of my comforts zone. It's an assistant job for two YouTubers.

Not just any YouTubers tho, The Dolan Twins. Only the two most sexiest twins on YouTube.

Both Ethan and Grayson had posted on Snapchat about how their recent assistant was going to be having a baby, explaining that she would be quitting after the baby was born in order to spend as much time as she could with her new precious child. Meaning they were in the market for a new assistant. I'm positive that with a fandom like theirs that they received a large amount of resumes from people dying to work for them, be near them, and even hear their voice up close. Which is why I was a little surprised to be getting a call back.

Walking into the building was a whole Different story. The waiting room was filled with other people who had also received call backs. I take a seat finally glancing at everyone around me. Everyone looked so smart, so well prepared, not a single person bouncing their leg up and down with nerves, no one but myself that is.

How is no one else nervous? Do they realize who they could be possibly working for?

I also can't help but to notice what every one is wearing. It was much more business like compared to what I had decided to wear.

 It was much more business like compared to what I had decided to wear

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I feel so out of place....
8:56 A.M.

I've been waiting in the waiting room for about an hour. Each interview lasts for about 20 minutes. A person will come out of a door labeled "meeting room," walk into the waiting room, and then leave the building completely. After a couple of seconds the same door would open revealing a very pregnant women that looked as tho she was about to bust. She would then proceeded to say a name, having the person whom the name belonged to stand up to follow her into the room. 20 minutes later the cycle would repeat.

If I would have known that it was going to take this long I would have gotten Starbucks before coming. I'm in desperate need for some coffee.

I'm quickly brought out of my train of thought by the pregnant woman saying yet another name. "Chloe Wilson," She repeats.

Wait a minute, that's my name.

I quickly stand up and walk over to her. She flashes me a soft smile before we walk in the room having her shut the door behind us.

I stop in my tracks seeing two intimidating men sitting in front of me. I gulp, they are even more attractive in person. Ethan stands up from his seat reaching out his hand gesturing for me to shake it. I look down at his hand debating whether or not I should except his offer and shake his hand. On one hand, if I don't shake it I look like a bitch. On the other hand, if I do then he will have to shake my sweaty hand. I reluctantly take his hand in mine. Ethan look at his hand in disgust before whipping it onto his shorts. FUCK!

"Please have a seat ms.Wilson," Ethan said, sitting back down in his seat. I nod before sitting down in the seat that has been placed in front of both Ethan and Grayson. I'm guessing Grayson could also tell how nervous I was. "We only have a few questions to ask you, there really is no need to be nervous," Grayson spoke.


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