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Chloe's POV
Two months later

I love my new job at the bank. All the people I work with are so calm and welcoming. As weird as it may sound it's a relaxing job.

        Living with Zoey is alright. She's my best friend and I love her, but sometimes I get a little annoyed. Like yesterday she used all the hot water in the shower. And last Monday she eat my leftovers while I was at work, the left overs I had been looking forward to all day.

        Living with her isn't all bad. We have movie nights. Plus she does her fair share of cleaning. And I don't have to drive to her place when she has "an emergency," because I'm already at her place.

         I miss the twins. There is no point in lying. I miss them a lot. I know I only worked for them for 4 months, but that 4 months was full of me getting to know them. I guess I just got used to the idea of them being around. Ethan texted me a few times over the past two months. Asking why I quit, if I liked my new job, and if I'm having a good day. I always reply to him, considering we haven't hung out since I quit it's really my only way of talking to him. I haven't talked to Grayson, when I left we weren't really on good terms. I regret the way we ended things, but I don't regret telling him how I felt.

Grayson's POV

I wish Chloe didn't quit. I didn't know that she wanted to be with me as much as I wanted to be with her. If I would have known I would have said something, we could have talked it out. We'd be in a better situation then we are now. We haven't talked in two whole months. She's probably having fun with her friends, she's probably going on dates with new guys. Just the thought of her with someone else makes me mad. It shouldn't make me mad, she's an adult and her and I aren't together, she can be with who ever she wants, as long as the only person she wants is me...

Chloe's POV
7:32 A.M.

"Wake up!! Wake up!! Wake up!!" Zoey yells jumping up and down on my bed. I groan in response. I didn't mind waking up early, but 6:30 was too early. "You are gonna be late for work!" Zoey says shaking me. "No my alarm goes off at 6:30 on the dot. That gives me an hour to get ready, and 30 minutes to drive to work. I'm not gonna be late," I say turning on my side. "You slept through your alarm bitch, it's 7:30," My eyes shoot open. "What do you mean it's 7:30? I have to be at work by 8," I get up from my bed and run to my closest. "Your lucky I even bothered waking you up," zoey says while laughing and walks out of my room.

        I roll my eyes but quickly get back to getting ready. I slip a dress over my head and rush to the bathroom. There I put on deodorant and brush my hair. When I go to put lotion on my arms and legs I feel the stubble. "Shit," I mumble under my breath realizing that I was supposed to shave my legs yesterday but sense zoey used all the hot water I had to skip that. I finish putting my lotion on and walk back to my room. I change into some jeans and a tank top with a cardigan. A stubble shouldn't be that big of a deal but I'd just feel more comfortable knowing that the people I work with don't see my leg hair. I walk back to the bathroom to brush my teeth. While I brush my teeth I contemplate what to do with my hair. I didn't have enough time to straighten it, let alone curl it. I eventually decide on a high ponytail, pulling a few strands of hair out around my face.

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