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Chloe's POV
Two years later
7:16 p.m.

"Hurry up! We are going to be late," I say, slipping my shoes on. "trust me, we aren't going to be late," Grayson replies, sticking his head out of our shared bathroom for a split second before continuing to get ready.

I make my way to the bathroom door, taking my time to admire my handsome fiancé before speaking, "I'm not quite sure what it is that take you so long to get ready," I tease him. "I gotta look good for my soon to be wife," Grayson walks closer to me and peaks my lips. "All done," he says. "Finally," I wine.

We make our way out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. "Fuck!" Grayson practically yells. "What!?" I panic. "You are just so perfect," he explains. Even after two years this man can still get me to blush like crazy. "Let's get going loser," I laugh and Grayson laughs as well. We walk to the bedroom door but before I can get all the way out I remember my purse. "Oh wait my purse," I say. "Don't worry I got it," Grayson offers. "Oh no it's fine I can get it," I try to get to my purse first but Grayson beats me to it.

Grayson grabs my purse not bothering to look at what's in it.

Thank god.

        I go to grab it from his hands but accidentally drop it. Everything in the purse falls out.


        I bend down to pick up everything that was dropped. Grayson being the gentleman he is tries to help as well. "Here let me help you," Grayson offers getting down on one knee. "No really I got it," I try and put everything back into my purse quickly. I reach for the last item but Grayson gets to it first. I can see the confused look in his eyes as he holds the picture in the air taking a closer look. His eyes widen and meet mine. I try to take the picture from him but he's quick to pull it back.

          "Clo?" Grayson swallows, his eyes don't leave mine as he waits for a response. I don't speak, that was the whole point of this dinner. I was going to take him on a fancy date and tell him. "Are... are you- ummm " Grayson is obviously having trouble finding the right words. "Surprise," I simply say unsure as to how else to say it.

          Grayson jumps up from the ground. "I'm going to be a dad?" His eyes fill with tears. "Are you upset? I, I though you were going to be excited," my voice cracks because of the reaction of the man in front of me. "Excited? Of course I'm excited! I'm going to be a dad! Your pregnant! We are going to have a baby," Grayson says, tears slipping from his eyes at this point. I sigh of relief comes from me, "yes Grayson! Your going to be a dad, we are going to be parents!"I say now crying as well.

         Grayson picks me up and spins me around in the air. "I can't wait to tell the whole world," he exclaims. He places me back done having my feet now in the ground. "You ruined the surprise," I stomp my foot pretending to be mad.

          "How far along are you?" Grayson changes the subject and starts rubbing my stomach. "12 weeks," I answer, I can't help but to smile at how cute Grayson is. "12 weeks!? You've been pregnant for 12 whole weeks, and didn't tell me?" now Grayson is the one pretending to be mad. "I had to wait till I was 12 weeks to get the ultrasound pictures," I explain taking the ultrasound picture out of his hand. "I could have went with you," he says. "I just wanted to make sure the baby was healthy before I got your hopes up," I desperately try to cheer him up, "and you can't come to the next appointment," I finish with a smile. Grayson eyes light up, "okay," he gives in with a smile.

        "Now lets go, I gotta keep my two favorite girls fed," Grayson's smile is as big as ever. "How do you know if it's a girl?" I question his choice of words considering I don't even know if it's a girl or not. "I just know," he shrugs.



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