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Chloe's POV
12:03 P.M.

Right now I'm sitting at the table with Advil in one hand and a glass of water in the other. My head is killing me. Somethings are a little fuzzy from last night, but I remember everything for the most part. I know I was mean to Grayson and I shouldn't have been, he was just trying to help.

        "Good morning!" Ethan yells walking into the kitchen. I grab my head in pain. "Ethan please a little quieter," I whisper. "What's wrong, is everything okay?" Ethan asks taking a seat next to me. Before I could answer Grayson comes into the kitchen and answers for me, "yeah man she's good, she's just hungover," he says loudly. "Grayson please my head hurts," I wine. Ethan and Grayson laugh, but only for a split second. It's as though the mood immediately changed.

    "Well I'm gonna gooo," Ethan drags out the o until he is all the way out of the kitchen. I watch Ethan leave and once he's all the way gone my eyes shift to Grayson who's already looking at me. "I'm disappointed in you," Grayson says giving me a stern look. "seriously?" I lightly laugh. "Yes! You know how I feel about drinking, and I don't appreciate having to pick my assistant up at 2 in the morning because she is too drunk to drive," Grayson replies. "I didn't ask you to.." I mumble. "What was that?" Grayson asks. "I said I didn't ask you to pick me up! I can handle myself. You aren't my father and I'd appreciate it if you didn't treat me like a child," I say a little louder than I expected. "Whatever don't let it fucking happen again," Grayson stands up from the table. "Well good news, You don't have to worry about that anymore," I stand up from the table as well. "What are you going on about?" Grayson says sending me a confused look. "I mean I quit!" I yell. Grayson's eyes go wide. "I don't want you to quit. Honestly it's okay, I'm not mad anymore," Grayson's voice is filled with worry. "I got a new job. I start next week, and I'm moving in with zoey," I shrug my shoulders. "W-w-what?" Grayson stutters trying to take in all my words. "I. Got. A. New. Job." I slow down my words.

I know I'm acting like a bitch, but what can I say, I'm a bitch.

"I understand, but why?" Grayson questions. "I don't want to work for you anymore, that's why," I say as though it's obvious. "Why don't you want to work for me?" He asks.

Should I tell him? Fuck it, I'm not gonna be working for him after today anyway.

"I can't work for someone that I have feelings for," I say looking at the ground. "It hurts being around you, knowing you will never see me as anything other than your assistant, and the night that we had sex I thought.... i don't know, that it might have meant something to you. But when you said it was a mistake, you made yourself very clear that it didn't mean no where near as much to you as it did to me," I can feel my eyes start to water but I quickly blink them away. I look at Grayson seeing him staring at me. He said nothing, he had nothing to say at all. I roll my eyes, i don't know what kind of reaction I was trying to get from him but it wasn't this one.

Grayson's POV
three weeks earlier

        I lay there admiring every feature on Chloes face while she slept. This was going to be the last time that I wake up with her face cuddled up to my chest. She's so pretty, so sweet, so perfect.

        I stay like this for a while, not wanting to leave nor move from my comfortable spot. That is until Chloe wakes up. Her eyes barley open as she buries her head deeper into my chest. I smile to myself before speaking, "good morning," I finally say. her head shoots up, almost as if she was startled that I was awake. "good morning," she replies with a smile.

        I wanted us to be like this everyday. I want to wake up with her in my arms. I want to be happy, she makes me happy. But we can't be together. A relationship would get in the way of work. I also didn't want Chloe to get hate for being with me. I can already see the drama now.

'Grayson Dolan only hired her as his assistant to get in her pants. looks like it's worked too, they are together!' 
'Wow good to know Grayson Dolan picks his workers based on how they look, rather than what they've accomplished.'
'Grayson Dolan is dating his assistant, REAL classy.'

        I still wouldn't mind being with her. Even with all the hate I'm sure we will get.  Maybe we could keep our relationship a secret, like Ethan and his girlfriend. They seem happy, and none of the fandom knows about them.

But what if she doesn't feel the same way?

         "Last night was-" she begins. "Last night was a mistake?" I question her sentence.

Please say no! Say it was amazing, that you want me as much as I want you.

        "Yeah, last night should not have happened. We should just forget about it," she answers. I felt my heart burst into a million pieces. I was stupid to think that we could work.

        I nod my head and make my way to the door. I needed to get out of here. I wasn't going to let her know how hurt I was. I sigh and stick my head back into the room. "Chloe," I say. "What?" she asks as though she doesn't really know what I have to say.

Just tell her, tell her that you want to be with her!

        I shake my head not listening to my thoughts. There was no point in trying, she doesn't want me. "I'm really busy today," I lie. "But don't worry Ethan will give you a list of things for you to do," I finish and fully leave Chloe's room.

        I need to do something. Go for a walk, go to the beach, hang out with a friend. Anything other than stay here, in this house, with her. I shoot Ethan a quick text explaining that I'll be out all day and I walk out the house.

12:11 P.M.

       I can't even comprehend what she just said. She's telling me that this whole time, for 3 fucking weeks she's felt the same way I've felt. It doesn't make sense. She thought I didn't want her? Why on earth would she think that?

"But when you said it was a mistake, you made yourself very clear," I finally process what she said.

        I look at her seeing her rolling her eyes. I know she was waiting for me to say something but I just didn't know what to say, "I-" I begin but she cuts me off. "It's fine," she says obviously annoyed. "You don't understand I thou-" I try to say once more but she cuts me off yet again. "I don't want to talk about this anymore," she says.

For fucks sake let me fucking speak!

        She turns around and walks out of the kitchen before I can get another word in.



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