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Chloe's POV
2:21 P.M.

I look around my new room, the closest alone was the size of my room at my old apartment. Everything happened so fast. One minute I'm eating Chinese with zoey, the next minute the twins are having a moving truck get all my stuff, and now I'm living here in this beautiful house with these beautiful twins. I can't even wrap my head around it. It seems so unreal.

"You ready to get started?" Ethan asks coming into my room. "Yup!" I pop the P.

We walk to the purple couch, Grayson was already waiting there. They are making a video today, but Ethan wanted to teach me how to film first. "Okay so we use all these cameras," Ethan points to a wall filled with cameras. Small cameras, big cameras, and tripods. "Trust me it looks harder than it actually is," Ethan says grabbing a very nice and expensive looking camera. He walks over to me and pops the camera on the stand in front the purple couch. He shows me how to focus, how to zoom, how to start the camera, and how to stop the camera.


7:32 P.M.

We were finally done filming. After 5 hours. I didn't mind though, the twins are very funny. They were constantly cracking jokes just to make each other laugh. Or they would start wrestling when one would say something the other person didn't like. I also didn't have to do much, I only had to check the camera every once and awhile to make sure it was still focused.

          "Hey Chloe, you want to go get vegan burgers with us?" Grayson asks standing up from the couch. "Sure," I say putting my phone in my pocket. "E, you coming?" Grayson looks at Ethan. "Nah man I've got a date in 30 minutes!" He says with a huge smile. "I guess it's just us then," Grayson grabs his keys. We walk to his car and pull out of the drive way.

          It was a little weird, I've only been working for them for a few days, and if I'm with them it's always with both of them. So being alone with Grayson I didn't know what to do or say.


          The burger place was only 10 minutes away so it didn't take long for us to get back to the house. Grayson explained that we couldn't go in together or else people would assume we are on a date. I understood completely, being such a popular influencer like himself must be hard when you can't  even be seen with a girl without people talking.

          I won't lie, the way there was a little awkward, but when Grayson when came back to the car with the food it definitely lightened the mood. The whole way back to the house we sang along to songs and danced in our seats.

          "Here you go," Grayson hands me my burger and fries. "Thank you," I smile. Food always put me in a good mood. "You know I've never had a vegan burger before," I say looking at the food. "WHAT!?" Grayson yells. I laugh, "yeah, if I want meat I'm going to eat real meat. I've never been interested in eating a vegan burger," I shrug my shoulders. Grayson watches me while I pick up my burger. "Stop looking at me!" I roll my eyes. "I have to watch you reaction when you take a bite out of your first vegan burger," Grayson says with a cheesy smile. We both laugh before I take my first bite.

Fuck this is good!

          "WOW!" I say my mouth full of food. "Right!?" Grayson chuckles.

His laugh was so sexy.

          The rest of the night we just talked. I don't even understand how we always came up with something to talk about, but we did.


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