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Chloes POV
12:21 p.m.

Today is my date with Cole. Zoey thinks I'll like him, something about both of our names starting with C makes us a "power couple". She knows me best but I'm pretty sure she was just talking out of her ass when she said that.

       Cole texted me a few times before the date. Nothing to serious, it was mainly to talk about the date. Like where we are going to go (a small cafe called Tiago), and what time to be there (12:30)

        I am currently sitting in my car. It is so hard to find a parking space in LA but I still managed to park pretty close, the cafe is about a 5 minute walk from here.

Hey let me know when you get here ❤️

You're already at the cafe?

What can I say? I like to be early 🙃

No way me too, I'll be there in 5!

See you then beautiful 😁


I walk to the cafe and I immediately see Cole, after bugging Zoey all day she finally agreed to show me a picture of him before the date, I know the whole point of a blind date is to be surprised but I hate surprises, plus he isn't bad looking at all. "Chloe?" He questions. "Yup, that's me. And you must be Cole?" I answer with a question. He doesn't reply to this, instead he just looks at me. I can't help but to laugh at his actions. "I'm sorry, but you're just even more beautiful then Zoey described," he explains. I can feel my checks heat up as we take our seats.

"So what do you do for work?" Cole asks after the waitress takes our drink order. "I work at a local bank. And yourself?" I ask. "I work part time at the Walmart distribution center. I'm in college studying to be a dentist, college is expensive as hell. Good thing I only have a couple more years, " he explains. "Are you doing good in school?" I say trying to make small talk. "I'm doing good enough," he chuckles, and I laugh as well.

"Are you guys ready to order?" the waitress asks coming back to our table with our waters. "Yes," I smile. "I'd like the vegan burger with a side of fries," I say. "Vegan?" Cole questions. I nod my head in response. "I'll take the same thing," he tells the waitress handing her our menus. "That will be out soon," she explains and walks away.

"You aren't one of those snotty vegans who don't like people who eat animals, right?" Cole asks with a concerned look on his face. "I'm not vegan," I laugh. "What? But you just ordered a vegan burger," he says obviously confused. "I like vegan burgers, but I'm not vegan. A few months back I spent a lot of time with people who were vegan, so I got to try a lot of vegan options. Trust me vegan burgers are so good," I explain. "It better be," he teases.

3:04 p.m.

I open the door to my apartment, I'm assuming sense it's unlocked Zoey was home. I was right, as soon as I got inside there she was waiting for me to tell her everything. "Sooooo," zoey trenches out the o as I make my way to the kitchen, Zoey of course follows. "So what?" I act dumb. I take a water bottle out of the fridge and open it. "The date! How was the date?" Zoey asks excited to hear how it went.

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