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Grayson's POV
8:45 A.M.

I wake up with a smile on my face. I slept so good last night, and I know why. It's because I fell asleep with Chloe in my arms. I sit up in her bed rubbing my eyes and look around. She wasn't in here. She must have woken up already.

As soon as I walk out of her room I can hear music blasting from the kitchen. She's in there. I make my way to the kitchen. The closer I get the more known the song becomes to me. In the night, by the weekend. There she was, cutting up strawberries and bananas. She turns the music off as soon as she sees me. "Good morning, I just finished making breakfast. How does pancakes and fruit sound?" She asks with a smile. "Amazing," I reply.

          She puts everything on the kitchen table. We always have breakfast with each other. Ethan is never awake to eat with us, so it is always just us. I liked it though. It was like our own special time together. She looked so happy this morning, and I'm definitely happy to see her in a better mood.

But what made her so sad?

We finally finished eating and I was helping Chloe wash the dishes. I decided not to ask her why she was so sad yesterday. I knew if she wanted to tell me she would, and not because I pressured her to do so. "It was two years ago yesterday," Chloe says drying the dishes. "What was?" I ask not understand what she is telling me. "My mom, she passed away two years ago yesterday. That's why I was so sad," she clarified. "Oh I'm so sorry for your loss," I say, I was very sorry that she had to feel that. I knew what it was like losing a parent and it wasn't fun. "It's okay, I've grieved. It doesn't hurt anymore when I think of her, but it still upset me yesterday knowing that if she would have just left her house a minute earlier she'd be with me," Chloe wipes a tear from her eye. I don't say anything, I instead pull her into a hug. "She didn't even see me graduate,....and she will never meet her grandchildren," Chloe's now crying onto my chest. "I know it hurts Clo, but she would be so proud of you," I say rubbing her back for comfort. She pushes me away sending me a smile. "What?" I ask.

How can she go from so sad to so happy so fast?

"You called me clo, my mom used to call me that," her smile grows even bigger. "Oh I didn't even realize I called you that, I'm sorry," I say. "No please don't be sorry, I love that nickname," she reassures me.

          "Anyway what do I have to do today," Chloe asks walking into the living room. "How about we go to the beach? I could use a day off myself, and I wouldn't mind spending it with you," I say with a cheeky smile following her. "Gray, I have already had two days off this weeks and it's only Wednesday, I can't take another day off," she says shaking her head. "I'm your boss Chloe and I say you can!" We both laugh. "Fine Dolan but you have to help me clean the house when we get home," Chloe finally agrees. "Deal, now go get ready we are leaving in 10!" I say walking to my room to get ready.

Chloe's POV
9:20 A.M.

          We finally made it to the beach, I was so excited.  I haven't been to the beach all summer, and it's already July. I was surprised Grayson invited me to the beach with him. It's a pretty public place. What if people see us together? I guess since it's Wednesday not to many people will be at the beach. Most people come on the weekends, but I know there will be a few people here because it is summer and people come to the beach during summer.

         A sigh of relief comes from my mouth the second my feet hit the sand. I love the beach, it's so peaceful. It's nothing but good vibes and tan lines. "Come on Clo," Grayson yells running to the water. I can't help but to laugh watching him. I sit all of my stuff down and take off my shorts and big t-shirt that was covering my bathing suit. I decided to wear a simple bathing suit that covered my self quite a bit. After all I was in public, no one needs to see all my bits and pieces.

                    Grayson was already in the water

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          Grayson was already in the water. The only thing popping out was his head as he stared at me waiting for me to join him. I'm running into the water at this point, and Grayson's the one laughing now.

The water feels so good.


          The sun was setting. I can't believe we spent all day at the beach. I put my shorts back on but before I can get my shirt on Grayson grabs ahold of my wrist dragging me towards the car. "Grayson calm down. What going on?" I ask and stop walking. "Come on chloe, lets go!" He says looking over my shoulder. I turn around to see a very pretty girl walking towards us. "Grayson! Wait!" She yells. Grayson's grip on my wrist gets tighter and he turns me around. "Come on," he says through his teeth.

What's going on?

"Hey," the girl says finally catching up to us. She was out of breath probably because she had to run in order to get to us. "Hey," Grayson says not making eye contact. "Grayson I just really wanted to apologize for a couple of weeks ago," she says playing with her feet. "It's okay, no worries," Grayson face is so red.

This is soooo awkward!

"No it isn't okay, I should have told you I had a boyfriend before anything happened between us. He feels really sorry for punching you by the way, he was just mad, we've been together for 2 years. Well we were together for two years, he broke up with me the night he walked in on us," she says with tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you find someone that makes you happy. But I really got to get going!" Grayson walks to his car. I decided it was best to follow him, he definitely didn't want to be there anymore.

That's how he really got the black eye?! He was with someone who had a boyfriend. Why wasn't he just honest with me?

I get in the car not saying a word. "I'm sorry you had to hear that," Grayson sighs. "It's okay Grayson, it isn't my business. You are a grown man and you can do what you want, with who you want." I put my hand on his. He looks down at our hands and smiles. "But why weren't you just honest with me?" I finally ask. He takes his hand away from mine and his smile fades.

I shouldn't have asked.

"I didn't want you to think bad of me Clo. I don't do that! Well I normally don't do that," I can see the sadness in his eyes. "Well I know the truth now, and I don't think badly of you," I smile. "How can you not think badly of me. They broke up, I broke a couple of two years up! It's my fault." He was so sad, I didn't want to see him sad. "You didn't break them up. This is not your fault. You didn't know she had a boyfriend. She was the one that cheated, not you. That was her fault, if she really loved him she wouldn't have cheated. If she really loved him they would still be together. Nothing about that situation was your fault," I believe every word I said. I could tell by the guilt in his eyes that he wouldn't have done anything with her if he had known that she had a boyfriend. "Thank you Chloe," Grayson's beautiful smile returns. "Please just next time tell the truth, honesty is an important part of a friendship," I say and Grayson nods while pulling out of the beaches parking lot.

Friendship, I like the word but saying it about Grayson makes me sad, knowing it will never be anything more than that.


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