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Chloe's POV
9:05 A.M.

"You have nothing to be afraid of, you've been working for them for two and a half months and haven't asked for a certain day off, ever! They won't tell you no! Just ask them," Zoey reassures me.

I've already had a day off this week so I was nervous to ask the twins if I could have tomorrow off as well. It was just so last minute. I would have ask off sooner but the twins keep me so busy that I almost forgot what day tomorrow was.


Zoey always knows what to say to help me feel better.

She was right, they wouldn't say no. Or I hope at least!


I knock on Grayson's door before walking in. I knew he would be awake, he's an early riser. I decided it was best to ask Grayson. For one Ethan was most definitely still asleep and two Grayson was a lot more easy going on me. I was right, he was awake. He was laying on his bed playing on his phone. That was until he saw me at least, he put his phone down and set up on his bed. "Good morning Chloe, here come sit down," he said making room for me on the bed. "No it's fine, this will be quick, I just need to ask you something," I say very nervous at this point.

What if he says no?

I knew Grayson was confused. He stood up from his bed walking towards me. "You can ask me anything," he spoke softly. I take a moment examining his face. He's black eye was completely healed


Two weeks earlier~

"Grayson stop moving," I laugh trying to cover his face up with makeup. "I can't help it, my eye hurts and you keep touching it with that makeup egg," Grayson's says moving once again. I laugh even harder at the fact that he called my makeup blender a "makeup egg."

"So how'd you get that black eye again gray?" Ethan asks from the door frame of the bathroom. "I told you E, I fell off my bed!" Grayson says giving Ethan a side eye. "Right," Ethan says clearly not buying it. To be completely honest neither did I, but Grayson obviously didn't want to tell me what actually happened and I'm not one to pry.

The twins had to film today, but they couldn't do it if Grayson had a black eye. So he asked me to cover it up. I of course said yes knowing it Consists of me putting makeup on Grayson.


"Chloe?" Grayson says waving his hand in front of my face, snapping me out of thought. "Huh?" I ask. "You okay there? You completely zoned out for a second." He laughs. "Oh yeah, my bad, I was just thinking," I say. "You sure, cause it looked like you were admiring me," Grayson says cockily. He wasn't wrong. How could I not admire his face? I could look at it for hours. There wasn't one person quite as perfect. There was Ethan, but the more time I spend with them the less they look alike. Grayson being the superior one of the two. I open my mouth to say something but nothing came out. I wasn't going to lie and say I wasn't staring at him, because I was.

Grayson's POV

Chloe came into my room saying she had something to ask me. The more time that went by the more anxious I got. I don't understand why I was so nervous to hear her question, but I was.

"What was it you had to ask me?" I question her. "Oh right, I just wanted to ask you if... I could umm have tomorrow off?" She asks. An instant sigh of relief comes from me.

Was that really what she wanted to ask me? Why was she so nervous to ask for a day off?

"Of course you can have tomorrow off," I say with a smile on my face. Her face instantly lights up and she wraps her arms around me in a huge hug. I was a little caught if guard by her sudden actions but don't hesitate to hug her back. She so much smaller than me but for some reason I felt safe in her arms. Not to mention she smelt amazing too! "Thank you so much Grayson! I promise to work extra hard today." She says letting go of me. I could have stayed hugging her for hours. "You better," I tease her.


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