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Grayson's POV
9:23 A.M.

        "Have an amazing rest of your day Mr. and Mr.Dolan," Adam says handing us a big orange envelope with our money in it. After 20 questions and signing what felt like 100 papers we finally had our money. I didn't mind being here for so long because I got to see her.

I smiled and thanked him before standing up with Ethan and the money and walking out of the room. I wanted to ask Chloe to hang out sometime but I didn't want to over step, we only just patched things up today, after not talking for two months. What if she was okay with me but didn't want to hang out, that would be embarrassing. Or what if she already has plans with someone that she is seeing, I'd rather not know if she was seeing someone or not.

"Wait," Chloe says while running up to me and Ethan. I instantly turn around with a smile on my face. "Ummm," Chloe freezes for a second. "You dropped this," she finally says holding a pen in her hand. "I'm pretty sure that's the banks," I say pointing out the side of the pen that states, property of Wells Fargo Banks. "Right," Chloe's face turns red and she put the pen back into her pocket.

She turns around but before she can take a step I grab on to her arm. She turns around and I quickly take my hand away from her arm. She looks at me but I'm at a lost for words. "So.. I.. ummm. Do you maybe wa- ummm," I try to get out a sentence but I don't even know how to ask, when's the next time I'm going to see you, with out sounding desperate.

"Do you want to hang out tomorrow afternoon?" Ethan says with a cheeky smile. I let out a deep breath. Ethan was my life saver. She turns her head to Ethan giving him a confused look. "It's just that I'd really like to catch up. Grayson and I really have missed you so much. We could do something simple, like go pumpkin picking," Ethan offers. The corner of her lips tilt up showing her dimples, "I'd love t-" her smile fade, "I can't, I'm working tomorrow," she says.

       "What about the next day?" I ask not caring if I sound desperate at this point. "Im sorry, I'm having lunch with,..." Chloe trails off looking at the ground. "A friend," she says not making eye contact. I knew what that meant, a date. I roll my eyes, she must have looked up just at the right time to see me in the act because she gave me a mean look before diverting her attention to Ethan. "My days are pretty busy but I'm always free at night," she says with a smile. "Great how about tonight? You can come over and the four of us can watch scary movies and get take out," Ethan sounded more enthusiastic as ever. "Four?" Chloe repeats. "Yes you, me, Grayson, and my girl," Ethan explains. "Oh! That sounds amazing I'll be there around..." Chloe tails off from the fact she doesn't know what time to be at our place. "8?" Ethan asks. "8," she repeats letting him know the time works for her. "Oh and wear something comfy, you don't want to watch movies in jeans," Ethan says. Chloe nods in response.

8:00 p.m.

          I was rushing around the house making sure everything looked clean and nice for when Chloe showed up. Fixing the pillows, cleaning all the dishes in the sink, sweeping the floors, I even washed all the blankets to make sure they smelt fresh and clean if she got cold during the movie. I cleaned all on my own, Ethan was to busy doing his own thing to worry about helping me pick up the house.

          "Dude, she used to clean the house. I'm pretty sure she's seen it dirty," Ethan says coming into the living room while I was folding the newly washed blankets. "I know b- what are you wearing? That's a little much for a movies and take out, don't you think?" I say confuse as to why he would choose to wear jeans and a button up when I choose to wear sweats and a T-shirt. "Oh I forgot to tell you! Yeah, I'm not staying. It's just gonna be you and chloe tonight," Ethan smirk is bigger than ever. "Dude, you set this up. You invited her over and you aren't even staying?" I question his actions. "I only invited her over because you were to pussy to do it yourself," he explains. "Why would y-" before I could finish my sentence a knock on the door echos through the whole house. I knew it was her from the fact that everyone but her uses the doorbell.

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