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Chloes POV
7:45 A.M.

        It's been about three week since me and Grayson had sex. Meaning it's been three weeks full of me trying to find a new job. I haven't quit yet, I keep telling myself it's because I want another job to fall back on when I do quit, but to be completely honest I think it's because I know I'm going to miss Grayson. I just can't keep working for them anymore, the more time I spend working for Grayson the more it hurts knowing that he will only ever be my boss. He doesn't want me the way I want him, he made that pretty clear.

Im obviously going to miss Ethan too. He has such a kind and funny personality. Two weeks ago he finally announced that he had a girlfriend to his fans. Everyone for the most part was so supportive. He constantly thanks me telling me that I'm the reason he can show of his beautiful girlfriend now. He brings her around the house sometimes now too. She's so pretty and sweet. It makes my heart warm knowing the amount of good people I've meet because of this job.

Sometimes I don't want to leave, but everytime I see or speak to Grayson and my heart breaks all over again and I know that I can't keep doing this, I can't keep working here if that's the feeling I get every time I see my boss. I shouldn't be this attached to a man I've only personally known for four months but I am.

        I spend my nights after work looking for places that are hiring. Then I drop off my resumes at those places when I'm running errands for the twins. If I get a call back, I request to be interviewed early in the morning. I do this because my mornings aren't very busy. Ethan doesn't wake up before 11 so normally I spend my mornings with Grayson, wether we are eating breakfast, or exercising in the gym, or just tanning by the pool. Grayson says that he doesn't like making decisions about sponsorships, video ideas, or big purchases without Ethan so we normally get to chill till he wakes up. I don't like spending my mornings alone with Grayson anymore, so if I don't have an interview that day I stay in my room editing their videos.

Today I have an interview at a bank. I never imagined myself working in a bank, but then again I never imagined myself working for two YouTubers and I loved that job. Plus they are offering a lot of benefits if I get the job, such as health insurance, a paid vacation, a retirement account, and $55,000 a year.

Grayson's POV
8:11 P.M.

I'm having breakfast alone yet again. I kinda got used to having breakfast with her, but ever since that night it's as if she's avoiding me. I wouldn't blame her if she was avoiding me. She doesn't have to spend her mornings with me. Her job doesn't consist of her keeping me company while Ethan's asleep.

        Her car was gone when I woke up this morning. Meaning she is out and about. I don't even understand what she does when she leaves, but she's gone like 4 mornings out of the 7 days a week. I don't  want to ask her either, that's her business. She's always here by the time Ethan wakes up, and she's always ready to work when we need her to.

        I know I see her everyday but I miss her. I miss the simple conversations that we would have that weren't about work. I miss when we would dance and sing to music in the car. I miss how she would laugh every time Ethan and I would fight over something stupid.

Chloe's POV
9:03 A.M.

         This women has been asking me questions for what felt like forever. I don't mind though, she seems really nice. She reminds me of a mom who's son plays baseball. Actually everyone here does, but in a welcoming way.

        "So when can you start?" The women asks. My eyes immediately go wide. "Are you saying I got the job?" I ask surprised as ever that she is offering me the job the same day we meet. "Yes Ms.Wilson, we would like to offer you the job. We are very low on staff and really need the workers," she says with a smile. "Okay well I can start as soon as next week," I say getting very excited at this point. "Great, we will give you a call, have a good rest of you day," I nod my head and walk out of the bank.

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