27. Changing Tracks

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[The Devil in the Details]

Sam was in the cell. It was dark; lighting flashed cast an eerie glow as Sam turned to look tentatively at Lucifer.

"You? The visions... everything... it was all you?" Sam asked.

"Impressive, right?" Lucifer grinned.

"And Rowena?"

"Did as she was told. Groupies... they're always so eager."

Sam frowned. "So you did all of that just to... to what... jump my bones?"


"Well, you wasted your time then. You see I know how this ends."

"Oh, do you now?"

"Yeah. You'll taunt me and you'll, ah, torture me, and I'll say no. And eventually, sooner than you think, my brother and sister are gonna walk through that door and kick your ass."

Lucifer laughed. "Dean and Natalia? You're betting on Dean and Natalia?"

"I always have."

"Oh Sam. You got me all wrong."

"Ha, I doubt that."

"No. No. I'm not here to torture ya. I mean I could."

Lucifer walked closer to Sam, who backed away until he felt the bars of the cell behind him. "I could inflict pain like you can't even imagine. I could inflict such delicious perfect pain."

He paused to stare sadistically at Sam's fearful face.

"But that was so five years ago. No. I'm not going to harm a glorious little hair on that glorious little head."

"Then what do you want?" Sam demanded.

"To make an offer you can't refuse. You see Sam, you need me, and I'm gonna prove it to you." Lucifer put his hand on Sam's forehead, there was a flash of light, and they were outside, in a park, in bright sunshine. Sam looked around, confused. "Recognize it?"


"We're in a memory, Sam, one of the few good ones from your childhood. By the way, I thought I had Daddy issues, but you, wow! Anyway, I think you recognize the dashing young bean-pole over there."

Lucifer pointed to younger Sam sitting at a park bench with a young girl. They were doing homework and laughing, enjoying each other's company.

"That's me," Sam realized.

Lucifer smiled, while Sam was stunned.


Dean drove the Impala down a road. He tried to call Sam.

Dean got Sam's voicemail. "Hey, Sam can't talk right now because he's waxing... like everything. But leave a message."

Sam, on his voicemail, said, "Dean, what are you doing with my phone? Dean, come on."

"Call me or Nat! Now!"

Natalia glanced at him. "Sammy didn't answer, huh?"

He shook his head. "No. I swear, if he's dead-"

Dean hung up and tried to call Crowley at 666.

Crowley, on his voicemail, said, "Thank you for phoning Crowley, King of Hell. For demon deals press one. To report a sighting of that ginger whore Rowena, press two."

Dean hung up because he was experiencing blurred vision. Natalia was also experiencing blurred vision. They started to gag and he pulled the car to the side of the road, barely getting out of the car in time to throw up. They fell, leaned against the Impala, and was sick again. They heard two voices.

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