55. Nothing Else Matters

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Season Thirteen

[Lost and Found]

Sam and Dylan entered the bedroom to find Jack, fully grown, eyes glowing gold.

"Father?" Jack asked.

They stared at one another. Jack stood and Sam and Dylan took a step back.


Dean and Natalia knelt beside Castiel and Azrael. Dean and Natalia stood and ran toward the house.


"No, no no. No. He and I aren't your father, Jack. It is Jack, right?" Sam told him.

Jack's eyes were still glowing. "Father."

A door opened and there were footsteps.

"Sam? Sammy? Dylan? Dyl?" Dean and Natalia called.

"We're in here," Sam answered.

Dean and Natalia came in, guns drawn, behind Sam and Dylan. They saw Jack, and immediately fired at him.

"No!" Sam and Dylan cried.

Jack began screaming, and waves of light came off of him. It blasted the windows out of the upper floor of the cabin. Dean, Natalia, Dylan and Sam moved in slow motion throughout; and once Jack stopped screaming, they were thrown against the wall. All were knocked out.

Dean, Natalia, Dylan and Sam were standing outside the cabin. Mary entered from behind.

"Get away from them," Mary ordered.

"Mary, right?" Lucifer asked. "Look, seriously, I just wanted to say thank for everything. I owe you, kid."

Mary had the Enochian-warded brass knuckles behind her back.

"Mom, mom, mom," Sam repeated.

Mary looked at Sam, Dean and Natalia. "I love you."

She walked toward Lucifer. Flames crackled and she stopped and looked down. She was engulfed in flames. She screamed.

"Mom!" Dean and Natalia cried.

Mary rose into the air and was burning on the bedroom ceiling. Flames erupted.

Dean and Natalia's eyes shot open. He, Natalia, Dylan and Sam woke.

"Wait, was that-" Dean began.

"Lucifer's son," Sam and Dylan informed.

Dean and Natalia grabbed their guns and they exited the cabin.

"Can he teleport?" Natalia wondered.

Dylan looked at her, confused. "Huh?"

"The kid. Does he have wings?"

"I don't know."

They looked around the empty cabin yard.


Jack was walking barefoot down a path through the woods. Bare everything. He saw Pirate Pete's Jolly Treats in the distance through the trees, and stared.

The Pirate Pete jingled as a young man dropped hash browns into a fryer. "First batch is down."

Clark was changing the menu so that various item names read "BUTT" instead. "Dude. Check it."

"Check what?"

"This! Can I interest you in a Cheesebutt? Or maybe a Salty Butt Combo? Or perhaps my favorite - the Buttshake."

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