68. Supernatural Man

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Rowena stopped at the bar, on the phone. "Hello boys. Hello, girls. I'm very sure I've done nothing that you know of to make you want to call, but how lovely to hear from you."


Sam, Dean, Natalia, Dylan, Azrael and Castiel were on speakerphone.

"Rowena, that's not... we, um..." Sam began.

"You'll have to speak up."

"We need your help," Dean told her.


"We must assemble our most powerful allies to rescue our family and confront the Archangel Michael. Now, he's in an alternate universe so-" Castiel was cut off.

"Ah, the handsome angel is there, isn't he? Hello tweety pie. Is the pretty angel there?"

"Um, hello," Castiel and Azrael greeted.

"Lads, ladies, obviously I'd love to help after what you... oh, Sam did for me, but I'm in the damp Pacific Northwest right now working on my own little project."

"Project?" Dean and Natalia repeated.

"What project?" Sam and Dylan asked.

"Oh, nothing for you to worry about. Just checking a few items off my little to-do list," Rowena replied.

"Sure, that didn't sound ominous," Dean muttered.

"Rowena, are you at a... party or something?" Sam questioned.

"I am, but I'm surprised you recognize the sounds of a party, seeing as how you're all work and no play."

"Look, we didn't call to talk. We... the world is in danger, Rowena," Natalia said.

"And I'm currently surrounded by art that makes me think the world should be in danger. Best of luck to you boys and girls. My six little musketeers. Mwah." She hung up.

"Damn it," Dean and Natalia muttered.

Castiel glanced at them. "You know, she's right. You never go to parties."

Sam, Natalia, Dylan and Dean exchange looks of disbelief and Dean and Natalia shook their heads.


Rowena approached one of the guests. "Good afternoon."

"Hello," Elizabeth greeted.

"You're Elizabeth Mahler, aren't you?."

"Yes. Do I know you?"

"No, but I know you. I saw you in the newspaper, didn't I? In the Oregon Tribune?"

"There's no need to bring up any of that unpleasantness."

"Of course not, my humblest apologies." Tango music started up. "Bernard, this is my song! Be a darling, will you?" She gave Elizabeth her handbag and said to her, "Glad you could make it too." Rowena danced the tango with Bernard and at the last move, he dipped her in front of Elizabeth and Rowena muttered, "Mors Lumena!"

Elizabeth screamed and spontaneously combusted. Rowena smiled at Bernard.


Dean made himself a cup of coffee, Natalia made herself a cup of tea, and spoke with Castiel and Azrael.

"You know what? Forget Rowena," Dean said. "There's gotta be some other way we can track down Gabriel and hijack his grace."

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