69. Demigods

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[Unfinished Business]


A man staggered along, finishing a bottle of liquor when strange music began playing. He stopped and looked around for the source.

"Fenrir Odensbane!" Gabriel stepped out from behind a dumpster and played the tune again on a kazoo.

"Gabriel. I assume you're not here to apologize," Fenrir said as he tossed his bottle away and they faced off.

"Ya think?" Gabriel opened his coat to reveal a wooden sword, and Fenrir's face flashed with a glowing yellow wolf face and snarled. "I vowed to do this honorably. No gimmicks. No tricks. Just mano... a-mano."

Gabriel swung the sword around and Fenrir's hands extended into claws as funky music played and they prepared to fight. "Here, boy."

Fenrir made wolf growling noises, as he cut Gabriel's hand.

"Ha!" Gabriel cried.

"Never known an archangel to bleed," Fenrir said.

Gabriel sighed. "Ya got me."

They continued to fight and Gabriel was wounded in the side but vanquished Fenrir with his wooden sword. He pulled out a slip of paper with a list of names on it and crossed out Fenrir's with a bloody finger, and walked away.


Sam and Dylan were unpacking and Dean was on the phone with Castiel and Azrael. Natalia was sitting on the bed.

"Yeah. No, we just got in. Mm-hmm," Dean said.

Dean looked to Sam and Dylan. "What are you two doing? Don't unpack."

"Dude, we could be here for days," Sam replied.

"No. No. Hey, hell, no."

Natalia took Dylan's hands, stopping him from unpacking.

Dean spoke again to Castiel and Azrael over the phone. "Hey -- No, not you two. That's... Just call us when you two get to Amarillo, all right?" He disconnected the call.

"All right, look, Rowena's spell said that Gabriel would be here."

"Yeah, here or in Texas," Dylan reminded him.

"Yeah, she tracked his essence-- which, gross-- to both places. So Cas and Rae are gonna hit up the Lone Star State in a few hours, and we will check this place out."

"Okay. And that could take some time," Sam noted.

"Which we don't have. Look, Nat and I know you both know that we've been following leads for the past two weeks. We have nothing to show for it. Meanwhile, Mom, Jack, they could be hurt. Or worse. And we're stuck here in this stupid motel room... doing..." Dean kicked the bed Sam was sitting on, activating the magic fingers vibration, and Sam jumped to his feet. Dean kicked the bed again and the vibration stopped, and Dean pointed at the bed. "Bonus."

Sam and Dylan gave Dean a get-on-with-it look.

"...looking for some runaway, dumbass archangel who doesn't wanna be found."

There was a knock at the door and they armed themselves and opened the door to find Gabriel, injured and bleeding.

"Hey, fellas, lady," Gabriel greeted. "Looking for me?"


Jack and Mary walked through the forest together.

"Balthazar's army attacked, but we were ready. And then I... I killed him," Jack said.

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