85. Archangel Thunderbird

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"I can't get Michael out of my head if Michael gets out that's it for this world. Billie -- She said there's only one way that this ends right. Ma'lak box secured and warded. Once inside, nothing gets out, not even an archangel. Plan is charter a boat to take me out to the Pacific. Splash," Dean said.

"You and Michael, trapped together -- for eternity?" Sam asked.

"When Jack's grace was taken from him, his being fell to the chaos. The cells are gobbling each other up," Rowena explained.

"He's gone," Sam and Dylan said.

"My magic draws power from the soul. It could save him," Lily informed.

"How much of it?" Sam wondered.

"As long as he only using it to sustain his body it won't cost much. He'll never miss it."

"We're the guys and girl who saved the world," Sam said.

"Sam, Dylan, I have tried everything," Dean told them.

"Dylan and I believe in us. You know Nat does, too."

"Hey, hey, hey, hey!" Dean called.

Sam's voice strained. "Why don't you believe in us too?"

"Okay Sam, Dylan, maybe Billie was wrong, but I do believe in us. I'll keep believing til I can't But when that day comes. If that day comes, Sam, Dylan, you have to take it for what it is. The end."

"All right. All right."


7:15 PM

There were candles lit everywhere in the room. A man was chopping up cucumbers with a knife in the kitchen and cooking other food.

Another man laid dead with his body ripped open. The first man took out the guy's heart, cutting it as a snake crawled around in the room. The guy was eating body organs.

"Now, we keep getting interrupted don't we, Felix? So let's make sure we have enough time for a proper supper shall we?" Noah suggested.

Noah ate the eyeball and his own eyes turned green and snakelike as a vision of Sam, Natalia, Dylan and Dean coming through a door. He was seeing the future. "They're on their way again, Felix. Time to go. A snake for later."

Noah took the other eye, then his snake and jacket, and left before Dean, Natalia, Dylan and Sam arrived.

7:30 PM

Sam, Natalia, Dylan and Dean came through the doors just like in the vision Noah had earlier. Jack, Azrael and Castiel were with them.

"Oh no," Castiel and Azrael muttered.

They looked around the room at the cooked dinner that was being burnt as Castiel and Azrael were checking the body on the table.

"He was cooking body parts, again," Jack noted.

"I got nothing," Sam said.

"Aw, come on," Dean and Natalia muttered.

"Seriously? How does this keep happening? I thought we had him this time. Look at this, he's all cut up. No restraints, like the last time," Sam pointed out.

"He was killed recently too. I suspect he was very much alive when the cutting started," Castiel guessed.

"I don't understand. Why don't any of them fight back?" Jack wondered.

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