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I was sitting on the table alone, silently eating my dinner. This was until I heard an angelic voice," Newt, do you mind if I sit here? Everywhere else is full." I turned around to see her. y/n, The most beautiful girl in the entire world. I may not remember looking at any other girl, but I could still swear no one could look better than her.

"Umm. Okay, have a seat." I replied with as much confidence I could muster.

I may not know her properly because she doesn't talk much. But, as much as I've known her, she is kinda shy girl who minds her own business. But this doesn't mean that she can't stand up for herself. For an introvert like her, she is a pretty badass!

She took a seat next to me. It was quiet for a while as neither of us spoke, and just the time, I felt like breaking the silence, Minho, Alby and Chuck joined us at the table. We all started to talk except for y/n. I checked to see if she was okay, and I realized, she was actually lost in her own world.

Did I mention that she likes to read a lot? And by a lot I mean A LOT. Some days we even had to scold her for not getting enough sleep as she was up on night, reading. And when she is reading, no matter how much someone is shouting, she won't give a damn. She just gets lost in the fictional world away from reality that she sometimes forgets, she is stuck in between a maze full of monstrous creatures who want to eat us alive.

During the dinner, I sneak secret glances at her and notice a few little things. The way her eyebrows shoot up and her mouth opens wide agape. The way she secretly whispers ,"Ship"! Or "OTP" or something and dreamily reads with a wide smile across her face. The way she slams the book shut for a second, shuts her eyes, take a huge deep breath and starts reading again.

As I took one secret glance towards her, I realized this secret wasn't much of a secret. I saw Minho, Alby and Chuck looking at me with a knowing smirk. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked, even though I knew the answer. "Really shank? That's your comeback?" Minho rolled his eyes at me. "No siriusly, what?" Minho sighed sassily at me and pointed towards y/n through his eyes. "What are yo-" I was cut off with a loud gasp and plate clattering on the floor.

I was reading my book silently during dinner while having food. I was reading "The Fault in our stars" when I read the part where Augustus asks Hazel to write a eulogy for his pre- funeral. Shit! He is going to die! Thinking this, I subconsciously let out huge gasp and accidently my plate clattered on the floor. Good thing, the food was already finished, so I didn't have to clean anything. Unfortunately, due to the loud clatter, all heads turned towards my direction. Oh shuck! This is so embarrassing. I hate attention. I can't speak to so many people at once. My eyes immediately went to the ground as I picked up my plate. My mouth quietly chanting," I'm sorry." again and again. I could already feel tears wanting stream down my face, not because of my stupidity but because I know what's gonna happen next in the book. I immediately collected the plates, Newt next to me helping. I gave him a small smile, gave my plate to Fry and ran towards the deadheads with my book.

When I was far enough from the glade, I sat down and took out my torch which I always have cause I like to read in secret. I started reading again. Halfway through Isaac's speech, I let my tears flow freely through my face and by the end, I was laughing through the tears. Then came, Hazel's eulogy, written so beautifully and so heartfelt. As I read the last line of her eulogy, "You gave me a forever within a numbered days, and I'm grateful", I softly started sobbing. I wasn't exactly a person who has many friends, so books were mainly my best friends. So as I read about the death of Augustus Waters, I felt that I had lost a friend. I couldn't exactly describe my feelings. All I knew was, that if my any chance we get out and I meet the author of this book, I surely won't be able to figure out if I wanna punch him or hug him

My thoughts were cut off by a twig snapping. I looked up to see Newt standing there with a saddened expression, "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you" He said softy. "It's okay."

"Are you alright? Wait. Stupid question. Course you aren't" His face turned red due to embarrassment. I let out a soft giggle. He chuckled at my response.

"No, you know what? I'll be fine"

"Do you maybe wanna talk about it?" I remained silent for a moment and slowly started,

"You love watching stars don't you? You love how it makes you forget about the cruel reality of the world. The way they twinkle in the sky even when scientifically they don't, but it still brings a kind of warmth in us. This is what happens to me while reading. It makes me feel that even when I don't know about my real home, I have a special home that I can go to and escape reality. I never understood how a thing can make us laugh, cry, angry and everything at once. And being me, I feel at home with these fictional characters. " I looked at Newt again and realized he was already staring at me with that beautiful smile.

I realized I can't hold it in anymore so I said, "Can I also tell you a secret?" While staring intently in my eyes, he nodded. I took a deep breath and let it all out. " I believe that home is not a place. It's actually a person. And for me, it's you. What i mean to say is, every time, we talk, I get these weird butterflies in my stomach. Every time, we touch even accidently, I get this electricity kinda thing in my body. Sounds cliché, I know. So what I'm trying to say is, I'm in love with you and for me, you are home."

I never once broke eye contact while saying this, but as soon as I finished I set my eyes on the ground, afraid of his reaction. To my surprise, I feel him put 2 fingers under my chin, making me look at him. Without saying anything, he slammed his lips on mine. I was shocked at first, but quickly recovered and kissed back slowly. After a while, we pulled away for air, and he rested his forehead against mine, looking directly in my eyes. " In case, this wasn't clear, I'm in love with you too."

Now here I am, rereading "the fault in our stars" and silently shedding tears. He was my home, and still is. He was the Augustus Waters of my life and I was his Hazel Grace. Like Hazel, I lost my Augustus, Newt when he begged Thomas to put him out of his misery. Just like Hazel, I had to spend the rest of my life, without my love, my home and the person who was my life. But, I also knew that Newt wouldn't want me to grieve and not waste his sacrifice, so even though, he's gone, I'll forever cherish the moments of our little infinity and he'll forever and always be my home.

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