Wingman In The Glade ~ Minho!

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A/N - Minho's 'Wingman In The Glade' is here! Hope you guys enjoy it!

[Y/bf] - Your best-friend. 


"Ohk ." [y/bf] took a deep breath, "I need to tell you something!"

"I figured that out since you basically dragged my ass to the deadheads when I was like halfway through dinner." I gave that idiot a questioning look, "So what is it?"

"I like someone." She mumbled.

"Holy shit, really? WHO? I WANT A NAME!" 

"Calm down dude. It's ..." I waited for her to complete but she didn't.

"Are you gonna answer or not?" 

"It's" she took a deep breath, "Newt."

I squealed, "YASSSSSSSSSSSS..... I SHIP IT!"

"Jeez woman, shout a little more. I think Winston can't hear you in the bloodhouse."

"Sorry BUT YOU LIKE Newt! That's shucking awesome!" I can't believe it! [y/bf] finally likes a guy!

"I shouldn't have told you." She shook her head as she laughed.

"Too late! Now I gotta come up with a master plan to get you guys together. It's basically the purpose of my life now."

"Dude, we literally live in a maze with no way out and that's your purpose?" She raised her eyebrows.

"What's your point shank?"

She laughed, "Alright, lets head back before people wonder where we went." 

"Aye aye captain."

*next morning, in the maze*

I was running my section with Minho when he suddenly stopped, "Wait [y/n]." He grabbed my arm.

"What is it, ya ugly shank?" I looked back at Minho- my crush. Yes I just called my crush an 'ugly shank'. Not my fault, I don't deal well with emotions.

I have had a crush on him ever since I became a runner but he is always rude to me. I know that is pathetic but the heart wants what it wants. So, I decided to keep this a little secret which is known by no one other than [y/bf].

"I need to tell you something." He looked at me.

"What? That your ego is bigger than the walls? I already know that."

"Could you just shut up and listen?" He gave me a glare.

"Fine." I sighed.

"Newt likes your best-friend. Like A LOT."

"NO WAY!" I yelled while smiling from ear to ear.

"Why are you yelling, you dumb shank?" He gave me a questioning look.

"CAUSE [y/bf] LIKES NEWT TOO!" I shouted once again.

"Wait, what?" The look of surprise on Minho's face was prominent but I said nothing and just nodded my head. I can't believe this is happening, that lucky shank!

"We gotta get them together!" I was basically jumping.

"Ok woman, hold your horses. We will come up with a plan while running."


***** In the map room*****

"So, it is clear, right? We get them both to come in the deadheads and let their love do the rest. Cool?" Minho inquired.

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