Wingman In The Glade ~ Newt!

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A/N - This topic is basically like a series, i would publish a part for Thomas, Minho and Gally with the same topic as well. Basically, it is about how your best friend would act as a wingman if she was in the glade.

[Y/bf] - Your best friend.


"That is not gonna work (y/bf)! Nuh-uh. " I shake my head at my best friend's idea.

"YES IT IS! JUST TRUST ME!!" She looked at me encouragingly.

"How am I supposed to trust you when your idea is probably gonna be the death of me!"

"Dude believe me. It is guys' weakness, okay? Newt is gonna be begging to date you."

OK so lemme back up here and explain what the shuck was going on. So, I have had a crush on Newt ever since that shank got me out of that box and the only person who knows about it in the entire glade is (y/bf).
Now, she calls herself an expert when it comes to dating but she herself can't keep her heart on one guy for more than 3 days.

Now she gave me an 'expert' advice which is that I should let go of my comfy over-sized t-shirts and messy bun and dress up cause that shit apparently, she said and I quote, "Make guys go crazy." and would make Newt wanna "hit me up."

"So you are telling me that changing how I look is gonna make Newt swoon for me?" She nodded her head vigorously and I sighed, "That's shucking stupid but it isn't going to make our situation worse, so, let's do it."

"Yay!" She said in a childish manner.

*** Time Skip Brought to you By Minho's Hair gel! (which I found hidden in the map room btw) ***

"UGHHH.. Are you done?!!" I whined as she applied some makeup stuff to my eyes. I still don't know how she convinced the creators to send make-up.

"(Y/n) hold still or you are gonna end up looking like a joker!" She gave me a glare.

"Assuming I don't look like one right now" I muttered under my breath.

"Shut up!" 

After adding a few details she said, "Aha! All done babe!"


"Yup, you look awesome! Wanna see?" She asked handing the mirror over to me.

"Yes?" I hoped to all the gods above that I still looked like a human and not an alien.

And then I saw my reflection, "Woah." I did look awesome.

"I know I am awesome." She gave me a smirk, "Now let's see. Crop top? Check. Jeans? Check. Makeup? On point, thanks to me. Hair? Not bad. Now all you need is some shucking heels and then you would be good to go."

"Oh no. Nuh-uh. Not in a thousand years! You invited Newt in the deadheads (y/bf). How am I supposed to walk in the deadheads with heels on?"

"Gracefully, duh!" I still had a non-convinced expression, "Oh come on (y/n)! Do you want Newt to swoon over you or not?!"

"I really don't think tripping in front of him is gonna make him wanna dat-"

"Shhhhhhhhh.... Just do it, okay?"

I can't with this woman, "FINE!" I huffed.

*** t i m e     s k i p ***

I was walking to the deadheads and it felt like a thousand needles were in my feet, "Ah! How does my shank of a best friend wear these?"

I made it there alive, hooray! I started walking inside and soon found Newt standing in a secluded area, looking at the stars.

I started walking towards him when - 'Thump'
I fell down in front of him! In front of my crush! I knew this was gonna happen. Oh my gawd, I am gonna kill (y/bf)!

I soon felt a pair of hands picking me up. He helped me stand up, "Hey... You alright love?"

"Yeah" I lied, How can anyone be ok after pulling a Thomas! (aka face-planting on the ground)

"Do you mind if I ask you something?"



I couldn't meet his eyes so I decided to turn around when - "Ahh!" I lost my balance, tripped over my own feet and fell on top of Newt. UGHH CURSE THESE SHOES!

I quickly got off him while constantly chanting 'I am sorry, I am sorry" and helped him up. I was just gonna turn around and leave when he grabbed my wrist and turned me around.

"You still haven' t answer my question." He looked directly in my eyes.

"It was (y/bf's) idea." I mumbled and started looking at the ground.

"What was?" He put two fingers under my chin and made me look him in the eyes.

I have lost everything anyways so I decided to say it. What more can I lose?
"I like you, a lot. Ever since you got me outta that box, I have liked you. I love the way you smile when Minho roasts someone or shake your head gently when Thomas does something stupid or the way you help everyone out. What I am saying is that I like you a lot but you took no notice of me, so, (y/bf) told me to dress up for you cause she believes that it will make you fall for me. I knew it was stupid but I was hopeless and her idea brought a little hope, do I decided to do it. Now I know it was extremely stupid, I am sorry." I couldn't meet his gaze.

"Your friend was wrong. That trick couldn't have made me love you."

"I know, I am sor-"

"No, let me complete. Your friend was wrong cause I don't like the dressed up you. I like the girl who wears her hair in a messy bun, who laughs at stupid things, who roasts people when they try to disrespect her. I like, no, I love that (y/n). Not this dressed up girl. I love you for you (y/n) and nobody else."

Before I could even process what was going on, his lips were on mine. I kissed him back slowly. It was like magi-

"AHA! MINHO YOU OWE ME A DAY OFF. I TOLD YA THIS TRICK WOULD WORK!" (Y/bf) walked out of her hiding space with an irritated Minho trailing behind.

"No u don't! Your trick didn't get them together. There love for each other did!" Minho protested.

"Shut up shank!" [y/bf] glared at him.

"No, you shut up!" Minho glared at her too.

I broke the kiss, "Oh my god, Both of you shut up!"

"Oh right, you guys were having a moment." (y/bf) rubbed the back of her neck.

"We are still having a moment, so, can you both drag your bloody ass out to the deadheads?" Newt was shooting daggers at them.

"Right, right!" (y/bf) exclaimed as she turned around to leave.

"Just don't make little Newts guys." Minho smirked and followed (y/bf) out of the deadheads.

Let's say I am kinda thankful for that idiot called (y/bf).



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