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I was sitting on the lookout tower. The weather was the same as always.The sky was man-made by the creators, I could tell. It was pretty obvious. It was always the same, bright unlike our moods. The lookout tower was a gigantic place, you could see the whole glade from the top. I watched the glade with a solemn look.

I could see Zart and the other track hoes joking around by the gardens, working side by side. The builders were muscular, lanky guys, the ones who could take down any one in the glade. Gally was towering over a builder as though warning him against him. The bricknicks were mending the showers near the homstead. They had a similar job to the builders, while the builders created things, they mended the broken ones. Frypan and the rest of the cooks were bringing fresh vegetables from the gardens to the kitchens to get a head-start on preparing dinner. The blood house area consisted of boys taking care of the animals stuck in the bullpens which were soon to be slaughtered with Winston as their keeper. Jeff, Clint and the other med-jacks were sitting outside the homstead rather than the med-jack hut, chatting their lives away happily. From the long extent of the tower to the walls, I could see three silhouettes making their way towards the entrance of the maze walls.

Chuck, Newt and Alby.

The lookout tower was not that far from north doors where they were currently standing. I could see them properly and so could they. Feelings eyes on him, Chuck turned around and his eyes met mine. He smiled and waved though his eyes held sadness. I waved back with a sad smile. He poked Newt and Alby who too turned and waved me. I waved back, my smile widening.

The runners had started arriving. I could see Thomas and Minho greeting Newt, Alby and Chuck , who were emerging from the north doors where the latter stood waiting for the former. They too cheerfully waved me, to which I just smiled back politely, my mood getting darker every second. I sulked back in the wall as I saw them retreat back to their work.

The sun had now set. The stars were sprawled across the fake sky. I was laying down on the ground watching the stars, when I felt someone come up the stairs. I looked up and sat up.

It was them.

Chuck, Gally, Newt, Minho, Thomas, Teresa and Alby.

I smiled as they sat down. My eyes teared up as I took a glance around the place.

"You're so strong love." Newt said. "You can do this."

"We love you okay? Don't forget that." Thomas reminded me. I nodded and looked everyone in the eye.

"I know you hated me, but, I'll miss you calling me a bitch." I huffed a laugh at Teresa's words.

"We are here for you." Gally said.

"Yeah, you are not getting rid of our asses anytime soon." Minho sassed. I laughed heartily at the comment and they smiled at my reaction.

"I'll miss you." Chuck. Somehow a tear managed to escape my eye.

"I'll miss you too." I replied. "Say good bye to others for me, yeah?" They nodded.

"It's time." Alby announced. I nodded and looked at the people in front of me for the last time. They were smiling encouragingly at me. I smiled back at them through my tears, and asked,

"Group hug?" They nodded and wrapped their arms around me, but all I felt was cold air.

I opened my eyes to see I was back in my room. The last chapter of 'the crank palace' ready to be played on my phone. I didn't want to end it so fast. It wasn't that long since I joined the fandom, since I became a glader. But, I knew I couldn't escape this now. I closed my eyes imagining them smiling at me. I felt the warmth return to my chest and I clicked on the play button, ending the book not knowing when or if we'll ever get a new book in the maze runner series.

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A/n - Hope you guys liked it! Also people we won't be writing until the end of September or so as our exams are approaching and we are having a major writers block but we would be using the app, so don't hesitate to msg us! Thanks for bearing with us!

Peace out chickalitas!
Xoxo - the awesomest people you have ever met!

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