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There she was, sitting in the corner of the small cafe. She was reading a book, dont ask me which one, because i didnt pay attention to that. That one strand of her hair that fell on her hair, made her look like a princess. Oh how i had the urge to push it back with my own hands~

"Dude, stop, its like you're burning a hole in her head." Damian snapped me out of it. "Ian, i swear to God i havent seen anyone prettier than her!!!!!!" Ian laughed and looked at me fondly. "why dont you take her number??"
Thats it. I froze. Approaching someone was the toughest thing for me in this world.
"Come on bud, we're getting late". Ian dragged me out of the shop after realizing that i wouldn't go to her.

Ugh! I wish i could approach her.


All i wanted to do was read a book and have some nicely brewed coffee, but why do i feel like someone is burning a hole in my head with his gaze!?
*strand of hair falls on face*
Wow this is getting uncomfortable. Can he just stop?
Please leave, PLEASE LEAVE!!!!

Omg thank god he's leaving.
I can look at him right? Whats the problem with that?

Chocolate colored hair, pretty eyes, adorable smile, "wow he looks like a real life Prince."
I was suddenly taken aback by the sound of my sister, Mel squealing. Why did i say that out loud?
"No one, NO ONE. Anyway, when did you arrive here? You done with your classes today?"
"Ugh Rey, dont be such a buzzkill. Yeah done with all the classes. Lets go home, i am hungry", she whined.


"Good morning class!!! How was your weekend?" I ask my 10-11 year old students.
"Miss, i went to the amusement park" "Miss i went to eat dinner outside with my family" "Miss i went to my grandmother's place".
"Okay okay, calm down all of you." I laugh at their excitement and ask them to answer me one by one.
"Miss, you should smile more. You look really pretty". I felt myself smile even wider without even realising.
"Lets start from where we left on Friday". All the students took sometime to open the page; however this one student was all ready with the correct page open.

As I started teaching, i noticed that the same one student, sitting on the first bench of the middle row was the most active out of all of them.
Once class got over, i called her over to my desk.
"Are you new? I saw you for the first time today. What is your name?" I ask her.
"Hello, Miss. I joined the school today and my name is Sofia." She said bowing 90° in front of me.

She surely knows how to respect someone.

"Hello Sofia. Who will pick you up today?" I enquired.
"My brother will pick me up today." She responded.
"Stay inside the class till your brother comes, so dont go outside, okay?"
"Yes miss, i will stay inside. Thank you." She said smiling ear to ear.

Its been 15 minutes already since the school got over. Her brother hadn't arrived yet. She was unfazed. Wow. What a strong kid.
I suddenly hear squeaky noises coming from outside the class.
A disheveled man opens the door.
I stand up to greet him, WAIT, HIM!?

The one you called Prince the other day was standing infront of you, and he was a mess.

"Miss, this is my brother, Vernon." Sofia's shrill voice brought me back to reality.
"Oh hello sir." I greeted.
He's equally awkward. Okay. This is weird.


I forgot i had to pick Sof from school. I suddenly realised that she wasn't home and knew that she's probably waiting for me at her school.
I grab my coat and run through the rain to get my sister.
I ask the school guard where class 2A is. He guides me and i manage to find her somehow, but wait, i-isnt she the one from t-the cafe-e the other day?

"Vern, this is my teacher, Miss Reynah." Sof's voice brought me back to the real-world.

She still looks beautiful. No wait. I am supposed to greet her.

She greets me first, "oh hello sir" and those were her first words for me. Oh how i was smitten. She had the prettiest voice.
"Hello ma'am, my name is Vernon and i am Sofia's brother".
I say.
She gives me a smile.

"Ma'am im afraid i have to leave, thank you for taking care of my sister" i thank her.
"Oh no, its just a part of my job, sir".


Wow both the siblings are so pretty.
He has AN AMAZING VOICE (omg Reynah chill)
He says that its late and that he has to leave, thats when i realise i have a doctor's appointment at 6.
I grab my bag and immediately head towards to the parking lot.
I reach the hospital 5 minutes before my appointment.

I see Dr. Patricia, a neurologist because i was referred to her by my physician. I had been having this throbbing pain in the back of my head for a month now and it was getting unbearable.
I finally gave and went to the doctor. Since she happens to be a big shot in this industry, she asks me to come again after a month after checking. She also tells me that i must have a CT Scan asap. She prescibes me a mild painkiller.

I head back home after that with Vernon on my mind. Crazy right? :)

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