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Drenched in cold sweat, Vernon wakes up in the middle of the night. He would not usually have nightmares but when he did it meant something bad will happen to him in real life.
He checks the time. 5 am.


"what did i see?" I feel extremely weird as i wake up. Wow i am covered in sweat. I dont even remember what I saw, but I felt lonely, as if I lost someone very close to me.

Its 5am. Should i go back to sleep or should i make something to eat? Bleh. Lets check if anyone dropped any text.
I swipe through my chat list. And then suddenly a text pops up;

~"you up?"

Who on earth is up at this time!?


Calm down CALM DOWN

~"yeah why are you up at this time?"
~"i am having a terrible headache, so i couldn't sleep"
~"nevermind, its alright. Do you want chocolates? I can get you some"
~"at this time? N-no. Thanks"


Why on earth would you text him?
I wanted to talk to someone, have a normal casual conversation but he literally OFFERED TO BRING ME CHOCOLATES!? He's sweet.
What if he comes?
He knows my address. He dropped me home last night as a way of paying back for taking care of his sister.

Nah! He ain't coming.

What if he does?

*Buzzz buzzzz*

Vernon calling

..i..h-he came!?

~"listen come to the door and take the chocolates. I also have some coffee milk for you."
~"i told you to not come"
~"sorry couldn't help myself."


Looking down you stare at your penguin pyjama set that youre wearing. Wow great.


I can't believe i did this. I can't believe i am standing outside her house.
The door opens to reveal a VERY cute Reynah. She's wearing penguin pjyamas...awww.

"Here, your chocolates and coffee milk. Please take care and try to rest after eating this." I order. Who am i to order though.
"Thank you so much. You really didn't have to do this." She says and takes the packet from me.
"Go back in. I need to go home too. Sof is alone." I say and then head straight back home.

                                          *NEXT DAY*


Sofia hasn't come today. Why do I feel this way, she is just a student or maybe she has grown in on me; I don't know but I know that I definitely miss her a lot.
School's over and it was a hectic day to begin with. I suddenly remember that Sofia was absent today. I decided to call her brother.

~"hello vernon, sofia didnt come to school. Is she okay?"
~"yeah she is alright. She actually overslept. I am sorry."

I felt a wave of relief spread over my chest.

~"okay. Thank you so much"

I was about to hang up when he suddenly speaks up from the other side.
~"are you free right now? Sofia wants to meet you. Do you mind coming over for a bit? I will drop you home after that. I'll even pick you up as. Just tell me where you are." He says sheepishly.
I didn't even give it a thought.
~"yes why not. also I am standing outside the school right now."
He hangs up.


A black SUV pulls up in front on me. I obviously recognise that car.
Vernon comes out of it and opens my door for me. Worth swooing over, right?
He looks at the bag that i have in my bag.
"Whats that?" He asks.
"You'll know soon." I say.

We reach his home. Its a beautiful villa.

He opens the door and guides me in. Sofia comes running towards me. "Miss! You're finally here. Good evening!" Sofia exclaims.
"Hello, Sofia, good evening to you as well." I say as i hand over the bags to her.
Me and Vernon laugh at her fondly.


She bought macaroons for Sof. She's thoughtful.

She has the prettiest laugh.

"Vern, you know you are staring at her?" Sof snaps me out of my daydream.
I had to embarass myself. Amazing, isn't it?
"Uh sorry." I scratch the back of my neck. "Its alright" she says.


"Miss, do you know my brother sings?" Sofia pulls my coat and says.
I look at Vernon and he keeps on looking at the ground. Probably feeling shy.
"Why dont you sing her a song, please?" Sofia requests her brother.
"Yes please I'd love that." I join in. Oh my god he's literally blushing.
"Uhh s-sure." He stutters.

I feel like i am in some kind of dreamland. He has the most beautiful voice ever. So pretty, smooth and stable. I close my eyes and sway myself along with his notes.
He is singing. What is he singing? Its an Elvis Presley track.

He is singing Can't help falling in love with you. I dont know why but i just looked at him once..and there he was singing this song with his gaze fixed on me.
I feel something.

I feel butterflies.

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