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"Ian, you need to belive me!" I shouted. "Yeah okay, buT ATLEAST SAY what it is." Ian retorded.
So i tell him how the girl in the cafe ended up as my sister's teacher.
"Thats so cool bro! Anyway what is her name?" He asked.
"I dont know"
"You. Dont. Know. Her. Name!?"
"Holy smokes! I DONT KNOW HER NAME!" I screamed back with horror creeping in my mind.
Ian facepalmed.
"You should atleast know what her name is."
I scratched the back of my head, realising how stupid i am.

As i head back home after part time job, i make a mental note on asking my sister what her teacher's name was.

"Sof, i will give you a big bar of chocolate if you answer my question."
"You're bribing me, Vern. What is it?"
Even kids are smarter than us.
"I-I wanted to know what was the name of your teacher i met the o-other day." I ask fidgeting with the helm of my shirt.
"Ms. Reynah Clark, she's really pretty, isnt she!?!?" She answered.

Reynah; thats such a beautiful name.
A beautiful name for a beautiful person. Thats how it works.

"Thanks, Sof." I say while partly zoning out.
"My chocolate." She said with her hands stretched and palm open towards me.
"Uh? Right! Here you go" i gave her her favourite toblerone.
She pecked my cheek, kept the chocolate in the fridge and nudged my arm.
"Will you please put me to sleep?"
"Yeah sure, bub. C'mon." I say as i pick her up in my arms and sing her a lullaby while walking towards her room. My thoughts were completely filled with Reynah, as it should be.

Sof's asleep, finally. I guess i can finish the chores now.


"No way, sis". Mel screamed at my face. "He's your students' brother!? And his naME IS VERNON!?" i admit its a swoonworthy name but you dont have to scream at my face.
"Can you tone it down a bit? My head will start to hurt if you keep screaming at me like this".
"Oh shoot. I am so sorry. Anyway, what did the doctor say?" She asked.
"She gave me a mild painkiller, asked me to get a CT done and also visit her after a month".
"Okay. Sounds pretty normal right?"
"Yeah i guess so." I say. "Listen Mel, i gotta sleep. My classes with the kids tomorrow is early morning. Okay?"
"Yep. C'mon lie down."
I lie down and she tucks me and sings me a lullaby.
"What are you doing?" I laugh and ask her. "I was screaming at your face despite knowing about your headaches. Just trying to make up for it." She looks guilty.
"Hey hey its alright."
"Take care..." Mel kissed my forehead and left the room.

I quickly put myselft to sleep so that i am able to wake up in time tomorrow.


Why is it that i want to doll myself up? Not like he likes me or anything but..
Suddenly my trail of thoughts was broken because my sister was asking me to come out and eat breakfast.
I finish dressing up and head out towards the dining space.
"Mmmmm, smells good. What did you make?" I asked.
"I literally just fried some frozen chicken and some bread." She said giving me a blank look.
How dumb of me. She is not gonna waste her energy and cook me something.
She serves me the food and i eat heartily. Wow i was REALLY hungry i guess.
"Thank you for your kindwork, Ms. Melina." She chuckles at my statement. "Travel safe sis." She says and gives me a tight back hug. "I love you".
She is definitely annoying but she is MY little sister.
"I Love you too, bub. Take care. Call me if you need anything." I say as i kiss her on her forehead.

I sprint towards the bus stop. Why? Because i was late. LMAO.

Somehow, i managed to reach the school 10 minutes before the class started.
I headed straight towards the class.

"GOOD MORNING, MISS" i was greeted by my students.
"Good morning, angels".

My working hours passed by fast. I went back to my class to check if i left anything and then i headed straight towards the parking lot. Wait, where is my car?
I took the bus here which means my car broke down last night. I facepalmed as i remembered.

"Sofia!? Its already been an hour since school got over." I see the little girl sitting on the bench right outside the school.
"I think my brother is really busy, so i will have to wait for a bit more".
Alone? No way. "I will give you company till the time he comes.
Why dont you call him and remind him. Also tell him that you'll be in the cafe right infront." I said as i handed my phone to her.

"What would you like to order, Sofia?"
"One vanilla bean milkshake." She says, while tightly gripping my finger.
"Excuse me, one vanilla bean milkshake and one mocha frappicino."
"Two minutes ma'am. Please be seated, we'll send your order to your table."
I thanked her and took Sofia to the table in the corner.

The door of the cafe opens with a loud noise. Someone fell down, i am sure.

"Vern!? OMG you need to stop falling here and there". Sofia screams at the one who fell down.
Okay her brother is here. Do i look good? I dont look weird, right? My makeup isn't smudged, right?
Wait. What am i doing? He doesn't even know my name.

I help him up from the ground. He looks.... embarrassed.
Shut up, Rey. Snap out of it.

"Please have a seat." i say
"Uh.. thanks". He says.
"Is everything alright, Mr Lee? Sofia said that you probably forgot about picking her up from school."
"Uhh yeah. A family matter, nothing else."
"Okay okay."
I take another sip of my mocha and ask him to order something for himself.
His order, an Americano arrives in a minute.
He takes a sip and says, "i hope Sof didn't annoy you."
"She one of my best students. She would never annoy me." I smile as i speak.
"Vernnnnnnnnnn~~~~" Sofia suddenly whines.
"I called you from her phone." She says.
Why would she say that?
"Oh. Do you want me to delete your number?" He asks me out of the blue.
"It depends on you." I say.
"Okay then. I'll save it, Ms. Clark."
I smile.
No wait.


Sofia told him.
"I should save it as Ms. Clark or as Reynah?"
I am not supposed to be nervous but I have TO ADMIT, MY NAME SOUNDS GOOD OMGGG
"I'd like Reynah."

He saves it accordingly and orders me to save his number as well.
I do as he says.
He bids adieu and leaves the cafe with Sofia.

Holy cow!!!
what a day!

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